Аудиторное занятие «Военная тема в живописи первой половины XX века» посвящается столетию Первой мировой войны

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Классы: 9, 10, 11

Ключевые слова: живопись, военная тема

Ход занятия

I. Приветствие. Проверка домашнего задания по теме “История английского пейзажа” – игра “Да и Нет не говорите”. “Don’t say Yes or No” game.

T: Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you today as the lesson is special. It is devoted to the First World War. (Презентация учителя. Слайд 1)

Let’s fist check what you remember from the previous lesson on the topic of History of Landscape Painting in England and play “Don’t say Yes or No” game. (Презентация учителя. Слайд2)

  1. Did ‘harmless and honest Recreation’ which ‘diverts and lightens the mind’ emerge as a genre in the 17th century? (Landscape painting appeared as a genre in the 17th century and it helped (to) escape from political and other troubles.) Yes
  2. Was landscape painting divided into 3 main branches in the 18th century? (One branch, the topographical, included the real estates, country houses and the like; while the other, the ideal, tended to be purely decorative.) No
  3. Can Gainsborough be called a landscape painter? (He showed people with landscape background. He loved painting the nature more than people.) Yes
  4. Were Constable’s landscapes extremely naturalistic? (He painted from nature, staying outside, and used realistic colours.) Yes
  5. Was Turner’s landscape traditional? (He employed new technique and introduced new technology into the landscape.) No

T: Well done!

II. Постановка темы урока.

T: New technology admired by Turner meant the beginning of Modern Times. The events of the 20th century changed the world forever. The bloodshed of two world wars forced people to rethink everything that was important to them. At today’s lesson we are going to trace war theme in art of the beginning of the 20th century. (Презентация учителя. Слайд 3)

III. Фонетическая и речевая зарядка.

T: Let’s do some phonetic drills and remember words and phrases about war. Try to pronounce the words and the sounds correctly. Listen to me and repeat:

(w): World War I, War theme;

(a:) art, artist, camouflage, Nose Art, encourage, avant-garde;

T: Read and explain the meaning of the following words:

Estimated death, dead, wounded, recruiting campaign, allow, power, alliances, horror, bloody, won a victory, trenches, soldiers and ordinary men, peace treaty, Allies, Axis

(Презентация учителя. Слайд 4)

IV. Слушание с заданием определить истинность высказываний.

(Приложения 1 – для учителя;

Приложение 2 – для учащихся и учителя)

T: Listen to the disk and decide if each statement is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a plus; if it is not correct, put a minus.

  1. At the beginning of the twentieth century the population of Great Britain was about 40 million. (+)
  2. The first cars, telephones and electric lighting appeared in the homes of all social classes. (-)
  3. Although Emmeline Pankhurst fought for women’s suffrage, British women were not allowed to vote until 1938. (-)
  4. At the beginning of the 1900s Germany was a strong industrial and economic power, which was building a huge navy. (+)
  5. At the beginning of World War I the European powers split into two alliances: Britain, France and Russia; Germany and Austria-Hungary. (+)
  6. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo started World War I. (+)

(Презентация учителя. Слайды: 5 - задание и 6 - проверка)

V. Просмотр видео “Как началась первая мировая” с заданием воспроизвести последовательность стран, вступающих в войну.

Перед просмотром видео:

T: - Split the countries into two alliances.

Allies: Axis:
1) Austria Russia Germany
2) Russia England Austria
3) Germany France Bosnia
4) Belgium Serbia
5) England Belgium
6) Bosnia
7) France
8) Serbia

(Презентация учителя. Слайд 7)

T: - Form adjectives from the nouns given on the screen (click to check after every answer): (Презентация учителя. Слайд 8)

T: Put the numbers of the sentences in the correct order. (Презентация учителя. Слайд 9)

  1. Austria attacks Serbia.
  2. Bosnia - ?
  3. Belgium is under the threat.
  4. Germany attacks Russia and France.
  5. England enters the war.
  6. Russia attacks Austria.

ПРОСМОТР ВИДЕО: (Презентация учителя. Слайд 10)

После просмотра:

T: CHECK: 1,6,4,3,5,2 (Презентация учителя. Слайд 11)

T: Reproduce the consequence of the events mentioned in the film. Use the words:

First, then, after that, as a result, so, Where is ..?

First, Austria attacks Serbia.

Then, Russia attacks Austria.

After that, Germany attacks Russia and France.

As a result, Belgium is under the threat.

So, England enters the war.

Where is Bosnia? (Презентация учителя. Слайд 12)

После проверки выполнения задания ещё один просмотр с целью и обсуждения фрагментов, иллюстрирующих культурные традиции Англии и Германии.

T: Comment the following:

T: Did you pay attention to what a little boy (Children were allowed to work!) was crying at the beginning of the film?

(‘England Enters War,’ runs The Times. (артикль перед названием газеты, отсутствие артиклей и служебных частей речи в заголовках, газета как традиционно английский источник информации);

T: ‘Tea or coffee?’ at the beginning of the conversation is a formula of politeness.;

T: ‘I support Arsenal.’ The second use of the verb support.;

T: The song imitates the way how friends from Germany and Austria drink and sing in pubs.)

(Презентация учителя. Слайд 13)

VI. Просмотр и прослушивание презентаций, подготовленных студентами.

T: Artists of all countries involved in WWI implied their will and skill to help their countries to achieve the victory.

Posters; (Презентация учителя. Слайд 14)


Nose Art; (Презентация учителя. Слайд 15)


Camouflage. (Презентация учителя. Слайд 16)


T: Artists of all countries wanted to show the horror and sadness of the war...

British war painters; Презентация4.PPT;


German artists; Презентация6.PPT


Russian artists. Презентация8.PPT


(Презентация учителя. Слайды 17-19)

Artists of all countries wanted to show the horror and sadness of the war to ... (students must draw the conclusion: stop the future generations from fighting...)

(Презентация учителя. Слайд 20)

VII. Обобщающее повторение и закрепление. Read the text and underline the main idea of every paragraph. (The Story of Painting Abigail Wheatley USBORNE)

(Приложение 2 – для учащихся и учителя)

World War I was an extremely bloody war. Fought mostly by soldiers in trenches, World War I saw an estimated 10 million military deaths and another 20 million wounded. While many hoped that World War I would be "the war to end all wars," actually, the concluding peace treaty set the stage for World War II.

By the time the fighting ended, millions of soldiers and ordinary men, women and children had lost their lives. Many artists were among the dead. Those who survived knew that life would never be the same again, and many of them created brave, sometimes shocking images, to help them face up to the terrible things that had happened.

An early influence of the War on artists was the recruiting campaign of 1914-1915. Around a hundred posters were commissioned from artists.

The commissions related to the official war artists programs insisted on the recording of scenes of war. The inhumanity of destruction across Europe also led artists to question whether their own campaigns of destruction against tradition had not, in fact, also been inhuman. These tendencies encouraged many artists to "return to order" stylistically.

The years of war were the backdrop for art. After 1914, avant-garde artists began to consider and investigate many things that had once seemed unimaginable. Traditional artists and their artwork developed side by side with the shock of the new as culture reinvented itself in relationships with new technologies.

Some artists felt there was no normal way to respond to the terrible fighting or the chaos that followed it, and set about making art that seemed strange and disturbing.

For many people in the years after the Second World War, life was getting better. New factories poured out masses of cars, refrigerators and other useful goods. Artists felt a new age had begun, and looked for new ways of painting to celebrate it.

VIII. Подготовка к домашнему заданию и домашнее задание. Analyzing Hand Signals (Презентация учителя. Слайд 21)

T: Many Expressionist portraits featured hands prominently. Kathe Kollwitz was famous for her figures’ large, strong hands, and many of Kokoschka’s figures have their hands in the air.

Gestures communicate specific feelings or messages, often with hands. What feelings are expressed in the paintings shown on the screen? (fear, desire to protect the children; shock, sadness...)

 T: Your homework is to draw gestures that communicate one of the following: happiness, sadness, fear, and anger. At the next lesson the rest of the group will try to guess what the gesture meant. (Презентация учителя. Слайд 22)

IX. Подведение итога. Выставление оценок.

T: Now I’d like you to tell me what you learnt from the lesson?

T: Thank you for being active. Your marks are...

See you next week. The lesson is over. Good-bye!