Тема урока: "Наши домашние любимцы"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цели и задачи урока:

Образовательные: обучать учащихся делать проект по теме «Мой домашний любимец».


  • развивать умение выделять главное, языковую догадку;
  • развивать навыки чтения, говорения и аудирования.


  • формирование адекватного восприятия и отношения к фауне земли;
  • воспитание положительного отношения к животным.

Оборудование урока:

  • тематические картинки по теме "Домашние любимцы";
  • карточки с лексическими заданиями;
  • карточки с текстами о животных.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

1. Приветствие,  беседа о погоде, самочувствие

Teacher: Hello, boys  and  girls! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you  today? Are you OK?

Б. Диалог дежурного

Teacher: What date  is it  today? What day is it today? What is the weather like today? What is the season now? Do you like winter? What  can  you do  in  winter?

Pupil: We can skate, ski, play snowballs. We have winter holidays.

Teacher: As for me, I like winter because we celebrate  the New year. The New  year  is my  favourite  holiday.

2. Знакомство учащихся с задачами урока.

The theme of our  lesson is ‘’Our pets’’.

Today we will learn to tell about pets.

We'll learn how  people in England and in Russia take care of their pets and which of them the most popular are.

II. Фонетико-речевая зарядка

1. Teacher:  First of all let’s  train up our tongues. Listen and repeat after me [f], [k],  [s],  [m],  [t], [r], [Эe]

Listen to the short rhyme and repeat after me.

A fat cat sat on a mat
And ate a fat rat

2. At home you had to learn the poem “I like dogs”  by heart.  Let’s remember the poem.

 Listen  and  repeat after me. Who wants to recite the poem by heart?

I Like Dogs

I like dogs,
All dogs,
Big dogs
And small dogs,
Black dogs
And white dogs.

But I like best,
As you can see,
The dog who likes
to play with me.

3. And today we will learn  a new poem about pets. Look at  the  blackboard and repeat  it after me My Cat Tit”.

My Cat Tit

I have a cat,
Her name is Tit
And by the fire
She likes to sit.
She likes to sit
Upon my knee.
For I like Tit
And Tit likes me.

4. Dear children!  Look at the screen,  please.  I’ll show you the presentation “Our pets”. (Приложение 1)

There are many kinds of pets: cats, dogs, tortoises, hamsters, minni-pigs, guinea-pigs,  parrots.

Many  families keep pets at home. Animals are our best friends and members of the family.

Our animals are always there for us and we are always there for them.  I think, a home with a pet is a happy home. People  must take care of  our pets. We must feed them. We must look after our pet.

We love our pets. I hope that animals are your true friends.

The animals which we keep at home are our pets. Many families have got a pet. Cats  and  dogs are our favourite pets. But some families keep parrots, tortoises hamsters, minni-pigs, guinea-pigs. We love  our pets and take care of them.

III. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи

 Dear children! Answer my questions, please. 

  1. Have you  got a pet? 
  2. What pet have you got?
  3. What is his (her) name?
  4. Does your pet answer to his name (her) name?
  5. How old is your pet?
  6. What  colour is your pet?
  7. Is  your pet big or little?
  8. Who looks after your pet?

IV. Развитие навыков чтения. Работа с тематическими текстами о животных.

Let’s read some texts about pets. Look at the screen, please. (the presentation “Our favourite pets”)

  1. The dog is our good friend.  It is very clever. The dog  knows and loves its master and the friends of his family. It likes to eat meat and drink milk.  There are many kinds of dogs.
  2. Cats  are very  nice  and clever animals. We love cats very much. There are many kind of cats: white cats, grey cats,  black cats. Cats can be short – haired and long -  haired. They  know and love their homes.
  3. The hamster is a clean and friendly animal. It sleeps in the day and eats and plays at night. It likes to eat lettuce, carrots, apples and nuts. You must have a nice cage for your hamster.  Hamsters like to play and run.
  4. They are big, nice and clever birds. Parrots  can be of  different colours:  blue, green, yellow, red and white. We can teach it to talk. It can repeat the words it hears. The parrot can be very tame.

V. Физкультминутка. Let’s have a rest.

Hands up! Hands down!
Shake! Shake!
Stand up! On the tiptoes
Turn around. Step aside,
Step left! Step right!

VI. Проверка домашнего задания.

1. Now children, let’s check up your home task. Read the story “We love our pets”. But first of all  listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker.

member — член

rescue home — приют для  бездомных животных (доел, дом спасения)

guide dog  — собака-поводырь

training — тренировка, обучение

a рupру — щенок

the animals are always there for us — животные всегда готовы прийти нам на помощь

beautiful  — красивый

homeless  — бездомный

to be there for smb — быть готовым прийти на помощь кому-либо

a cage — клетка

useful — полезный

blind people — слепые

independent  — независимый

a cemetery — кладбище

half — половина (зд. наполовину)

a  hunter — охотник

outside — вне, снаружи (зд. на улице)

organization —

hooligan — хуиган

Labrador —  лабрадор

Spaniel — спаниель

Collie — колли

Special – специальный

Dalmatian — долматинец

Setter — сеттер

Persian — перс

2. Let’s read the text “We love our pets”.

We love our pets. Animals are our best friends and members of the family.

In this country, you will find special cemeteries for animals. Our animals are always there for us and we are always there for them.

These are our cats. We have three cats: Wally, Blacky and Mother.  Mother is the oldest and the biggest. She is a great hunter! She hunts every night. Wally is nice and kind. He comes to me in the evening, because he loves to sleep in my bed.  Blacky is a hooligan.  He  sleeps in the dogs" beds.  The cats live in the house, but we don't see them very often. They like to play outside, but they are never late for lunch. Very often they come with their friends from the street. I love cats because they are very beautiful and independent.

And these are our dogs Fourby and Henry. Fourby is half collie and half spaniel. She comes from a rescue home. This organization helps homeless dogs and looks for a new home for them. Thanks to rescue homes, there are no homeless dogs on the streets. In England, people rarely buy puppies: they go to rescue homes and find a  dog there.  Fourby's name comes from the  number on her cage in the rescue home —  4B (Fourby). She is the kindest dog in the  world and loves our cats! Fourby's best friend is Henry. He is a  Labrador. Labradors are very special dogs:  they are kind and clever. Our Henry has an easy life: he plays in the garden and sleeps on  the sofa, but many Labradors have real jobs. They are guide dogs. Guide dogs get special training and help blind people. With a guide  dog, blind people can walk to the bank or  the supermarket. It's safe for them.

3. You had to write  some questions about Betsey’s pets. Read  your questions and answer them (homework  – Exercise B,  page 41 WB 1: ученик 1 – ученик 2)

Answer my questions:

  1. Are animals our best friends and  members of  the family ?
  2. In England many people have pets, don’t they?
  3. How many pets does Betsey have?
  4. What organization  does  help homeless dogs and look for a new home for them?
  5. What type of  dog does  help blind people?
  6. Is Fourby  or Henry  a guide dog?
  7. What do guide dogs do?

4.  Tell me please, what  is the main idea of this text?  Какова основная идея текста?

We love our pets. Animals are our best friends and members of the family. In  England , you will find special cemeteries for animals. A  rescue home helps homeless dogs and looks for a new home for them.

Labradors are very special dogs:  they are kind and clever. They are guide dogs. Guide dogs get special training and help blind people. With a guide  dog, blind people can walk to the bank or  the supermarket. It's safe for them.

VII. Развитие навыков диалогической речи. Работа в парах.

In  pairs. Ask  and  answer questions about your pet. Use the key words for help. (Если у вас нет домашнего любимца, вы  можете говорить о животном кого – то из ваших друзей или родственников)

Model:  pet  —  Do you have a pet?

— Yes, I do. I have got a cat / a dog/ a parrot ….

—  No  I  don’t, but my friend has a cat / a dog …….

  1. Do you have a pet?                    
  2. What pet have you got?
  3. What is his (her) name?
  4. How old is your pet?           
  5. What does your pet  like to do?

  1. Do you have a pet?
  2. What pet have you got?
  3. What colour  is your pet?
  4. Is  your pet big or little?
  5. Who looks after your pet?

  1. Do you have a pet?
  2. What pet have you got?
  3. Is your pet a member of  your family?
  4. Is your pet funny?
  5. Is your pet beautiful?

  1. Do you have a pet?
  2. What pet have you got?
  3. Does your pet like to play?
  4. Is your pet independend?
  5. Is a pet your best friend?

  1. Do you have a pet?                 
  2. What pet have you got?
  3. Is your pet big or little?
  4. Is your pet funny?           
  5. What does your pet like to do?

VIII. Подведение итогов урока.

  1. You know a lot about animals.
  2. There are many kinds of pets: cats, dogs, tortoises, hamsters, minni-pigs, guinea-pigs, parrots.
  3.  Many  families keep pets at home.  
  4.  Animals are our best friends and members of the family.
  5.  Our animals are always there for us and we are always there for them.
  6. I think, a home with a pet is a happy home.
  7. People  must  take care of  our pets.
  8. We must feed them.
  9. We must look after our pet. 
  10. We love our pets.
  11. I hope that animals are your true friends.
  12. Your marks for the lesson ……  Your answers were  excellent….

Now I will  show you a presentation  “True friends” (pictures with aphorisms about your friends — animals, see appendix). (Приложение 2)

1. This message for the present friends that they knew, that you about them worry!

Это сообщение для настоящих друзей, чтобы они знали, что вы о них беспокоитесь!

2. True Friends always pop up  to say Hello...

Настоящий друг всегда поднимет голову, чтобы сказать "Привет!"...

3. True Friends don't care if you are a little different...

Настоящего друга не  беспокоит, если ты  немного другой ...

4. True Friends never fight like cats and dogs...

Настоящие друзья никогда не дерутся как кошка с  собакой ...

5. True Friends will drive you anywhere!...

Настоящий друг тебя всегда отвезет, куда бы тебе не надо было!...

6. True Friends let everyone come along... 

Настоящие друзья всегда собираются вместе ...

7. True Friends don't laugh at you when you get new  glasses...

Настоящий друг не будет смеяться над тобой даже, если у тебя новые очки...

8. True Friends help you up when you're down...

Настоящий друг тебе  поможет, если ты совсем сломался...

9. And True Friends never  let  you do something you'll  regret when you wake up  the next morning!

И настоящий друг никогда не позволит тебе делать что-либо такое, о чем ты сможешь пожалеть на следующее утро!

IX. Объяснение домашнего задания.

And it is not all.  You will have a very interesting homework. Open your textbooks  at page 102. Find exercise D. In your next lesson you will use the page from Cut Out and make a poster about your pet. Use photos of you r pet and write about him or her. Give your poster a name. Choose from:

  1. Love me,  love my dog.
  2. I am always there for my pet.
  3. My pet is always there for me.
  4. A home with a pet is a happy home.
  5. When  the cat sleeps,  mice play.
  6. A man’s  best friend is his dog/ cat.
  7. I love dogs/ cats.

Х. Презентация проекта «Мой домашний любимец».

You will put your poster in the wall and tell the class about your pet.

And now I will show you my presentation about  my pet “A home with a pet is a happy home”.

Project “My pet”

A home with a cat is a happy home.

Name: Alice

Age: 7 years old

Type of cat: Siberian cat

Alice is a member of our family. She is grey. Her eyes are green.

Alice has got a long tail. She is long-haired.

She likes to eat meat, kitty – cat and drink milk. Alice likes to run, to jump and play.

Alice is clever and funny. She doesn’t like dogs. She likes cats.

I love Alice and she loves me too.

I am very pleased with your work. Our lesson is over. Thank you for the lesson.