Интегрированный урок-дискуссия "Unicef" на материале учебного пособия Longman "English-Together-3"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тема урока и учебного проекта: «UNICEF».

Тема исследования учащихся: «Слова и выражения по теме.  Сбор дополнительного материала по теме».

Цели и задачи проекта: послание письма по электронной почте через пред­варительное оформление личного составного доку­мента по теме.

Поэтапное проведение работы:

Этап 1.

Работа над фактфайлом "UNICEF" идет обычным порядком: ребятам дается необходимая лексика, дома идет обработка текста и нахождение незнакомых слов и выражений. В классе текст читается, переводится, происходит идентификация лексики. Учитель представляет ребятам свой кроссворд с ключевым словом "UNICEF". Даются дефиниции с использованием знакомой и понятной лексики. Ребята решают кроссворд. Объясняется принцип построения кроссвордов.
Время выполнения - два стандартных урока.

Этап 2.

Составление своих кроссвордов. Выделение ключевой лексики из фактфайла. Совместная работа над дефинициями к выделенным словам.
Время выполнения - один стандартный урок.

Этап 3.

Знакомство с дополнительной, более сложной лексикой, необходимой для работы с диаграммой «Фонды организации». Обмен мнениями о том, что произвело наибольшее впечатление на ребят в фактфайле.

Этап 4.

Привлечение родителей для оказания помощи в создании журнала о работе над предыдущим проектом. Выпуск журнала. Продажа его. Денежный перевод.

Этап 5.

Работа в интернет-классе школы под руководством учителя информатики Ефимовой Екатерины Сергеевны.

1)Учащиеся набирают свои кроссворды и дефиниции к ним на компьютере.

  1. Учащиеся набирают тексты своих мнений.
  2. Учащиеся сканируют свои рисунки к фактфайлу и вставляют их в текст.
  3. Заранее на рабочем столе каждого компьютера создаются папки ученика, где находятся приготовленные рисунки, мнения, кроссворды.

Вот как выглядел заключительный этап работы над проектом.

The teacher: The theme of our lesson is UNICEF, as you know. We have been studying it for a few lessons already. The result of our today's lesson should be sending a letter,using e-mail to this organization. In order to achieve this goal, you'll have to read the Factfile, discuss a lot of questions. You will also have to work on the computers: to watch some presentations and with the help of Ekaterina Sergeevna to make a compound document. Now let's refresh some facts from the Factfile about this organization.

(Listening to the Factfile, then there's the first group of questions for discussion).


  1. What does the word UNICEF mean?
  2. When did it start?
  3. In how many countries does UNICEF work?
  4. In what ways does UNICEF help children?
  5. How does UNICEF help mothers? You may find and readout the answer.
  6. What is the problem with water? How do UNICEF scientists solve this problem ?

The teacher: Now you will see a computer presentation of some photos about UNICEF.

1. The motto of this organisation is THE WORLD FIT FOR CHILDREN.

  1. It's a school in Zambia. You can see there's no roof, there are no complete walls.
  2. It's also a school, but now in Peru. You see, desks are made of logs. The children sit or lie on the floor while studying.
  3. And again,Central Zambia.Children sit outside on benches. It's a mathematics class.
  4. Now Angola.UNICEF provided a box of materials for the children. It's called "school in a box".
  5. Again Zambia. It's a train container. This type of containers are brought to areas, where there are no schools. Many of the children are orphans.
  6. This is Yugoslavia,Kosovo. The schools are destroyed. But children should study. UNICEF provided tents.
  7. Again Peru. A program of training mothers.
  8. This is their child. He doesn't seem to be born with the weight 800 gramms.
  9. Peru. People from UNICEF teach children to wash hands.
  10. And this is our Russian photo. This boy's name is Soslan Dzugayev. He was hostage in the school in Beslan. Ithink he would be glad to forget those days in Beslan, but he can't.

And here you can see a diagram, which shows how all the money is spent in this Fund.I should mention that UNICEF receives all its money from voluntary donations.Some questions to you on the diagram:

l. What is the proportion of the money, spent on emergency relief?
2. And on training? On water? On education? On child health?
3. From the Factflle you know that a lot of children in the world die from starvation. Although there are so many people starving, UNICEF only uses a very small proportion of its funds to buy food. Why? What does UNICEF prefer to do? Here in the Factflle there's a quotation of one of the UNICEF's Principles. Could you read it?

(After the children have read the quotation, the text of the quotation is placed on the blackboard):


The teacher: Now let's remember some facts about the girl from the Factflle, Kamala by
name. Could you answer the following questions:

1. How old is Kamala? And how old are you?
2. Where does she live? And where do you live?
3. 1s there clean water in her village? Is there clean water in your place?
4. Are there doctors in her village? Are there doctors in the place where you live?
5. When does she get up? And when do you get up?
6. When does she go to school? And when do you go to school?
7. What does she do at school? And you?
8. When does she go home? And when do you go home?
9. And what does she do at home after school? And what do you do at home after school?
10. Who needs the help of such an organization as UNICEF-you or Children like Kamala ?

Now you will see one more computer presentation of your own pictures and you'll have to choose one or two best ones and they will make an illustration to your letter to UNICEF.

(Here comes the computer presentation of children's pictures, devoted to the theme of the Factflle).

The teacher: You have prepared an opinion of yours about what imoressed you most in this Factflle. Could you read them ?

(The children read out their opinions...)

You have prepared a crossword-puzzle on UNICEF, a picture, and a few words, expressing the idea of what impressed you most in the Factflle. Now you'll have to unite it all into a page of yours. I give the floor to Ekaterina Sergeevna.

The teacher: The theme of our lesson is UNICEF, as you know. We have been studying it for a few lessons already.The result of our today's lesson should be sending a letter,using e-mail to this organization. In order to achieve this goal, you'll have to read the Factfile,discuss a lot of questions.You will also have to work on the computers: to watch some presentations and with the help of Ekaterina Sergeevns to make a compound document. Now let's refresh some facts from the Factfile about this organization.

(Listening to the, Factfile, then there's the first group of  questions for discussion).


1. What does the word UNICEF mean?
2. When did it start?
3. In how many countries does UNICEF work?
4. In what ways does UNICEF help children?
5. How does UNICEF help mothers? You may find and read  out the answer.
6. What is the problem with water? How do UNICEF scientists solve this.problem ?

Tha teacher:  Now you will see a computer presentation of some.

And here you can see a diagram,which shows how all the money is spent in this Fund.I should mention that UNICEF receives all its money from voluntary donations. Some questions to you on the diagram:

1. What is the proportion of the money, spent on emergency relief?
2. And on training? On water? On education? On child health?
3. From the Factfile you know that a lot of children in the world die from starvation. Although there are so many people starving, UNICEF only uses a very small proportion of its funds to buy food. Why? What does UNICEF prefer to do?
Here in the Factfile there's a quotation of one of the UNICEF's Principles. Could you read it?

(After the children have read the quotation,the text of the quotation is placed on the blackboard):


The teacher: Now let's remember some facts about the girl from the Factfile, Kamala by name.Could you answer the following questions:

1. How old is Kamala? And how old are you?
2. Where does she live? And where do you live?
3. Is there clean water in her village? Is there clean water in your place?
4. Are there doctors in her village? Are there doctors in the place where you live?
5. When does she get up? And when do you gey up?
6. When does she go to school? And when do you go to school?
7. What does she do at school? And you?
8. When does she go home? And when do you go home?
9. And what does she do at home after school? And what do you do at home after school?
10. Who needs the help of such an organization as UNICEF - you or Children like Kamala?

Now you will see one more computer presentation of your own pictures and you'll have to choose one or two best ones and they will make an illustration to your letter to UNICEF.

(Here comes the computer presentation of children's pictures, devoted to the theme of the Factfile).

The teacher: You have prepared an opinion of yours about what imoressed you most, in this Factfile. Could you read them ?

 (The children read out their opinions...)

You have prepared a crossword-puzzle on UNICEF, a picture, and a few words, expressing the idea of what impressed you most in the Factfile. Now you'll have to unite it all into a page of yours. I give the floor to Ekaterina Sergeevna


Учитель информатики: Как уже было сказано выше мы сегодня должны будем создать составной документ. А какой документ мы называем составным?

Ответ учащихся: Составной документ - документ, в котором объединены данные. созданные в разных приложениях.

Учитель информатики: А как вы думаете какие знания нам понадобятся для создания составного документа?

Ответ учащихся: Необходимо знать способы обмена данными.

Учитель информатики: Какие способы обмена данными в среде Windows вы знаете?

Ответ учащихся: Перетаскивание объекта мышью, через буфер обмена, по технологии OLE.

Учитель информатики: Хорошо. Сейчас мы выполним практическую работу.

Учащимся выдается текст практической работы <Приложение 1> и они приступают к ее выполнению за компьютерами. После выполнения практической работы учениками создается письмо в UNICEF из лучших мнений класса, рисунков и кроссвордов. Данное письмо отправляется по электронной почте. Письма самих учащихся распечатываются и выдаются им на руки.

Вот что у нас получилось:

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