Урок английского языка в 11-м классе "Как поживают твои бабушка и дедушка?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • закрепить умения рассказывать о человеке (характеристика, эмоциональное отношение),
  • учить вести диалог-расспрос, диалог-обмен мнениями в ситуации неформального общения,
  • учить поймать английскую речь, выделяя главную мысль,
  • учить читать с выборочным пониманием нужной информации,
  • устанавливать связь между причиной и следствием,
  • воспитывать внимательное отношение к пожилым родственникам.

Средства обучения:

  • компьютер,
  • видеопроектор,
  • учебник В.П.Кузовлев, Английский язык: Учебник для 10-11 класса общеобразовательных школ - М.: Просвещение, 2007,
  • раздаточный материал (бланк для заполнения пропусков, опорная схема).

Уважение к прошлому - вот та черта, которая отличает образованность от дикости.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Teacher. Hello, students! Today we'll speak about your grandparents. They are people who teach you to be kind, sensitive and helpful.

II. Фонетическая разминка.

Teacher. Let's start our lesson with the phonetic drill:

III. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

Teacher. I wonder what you know about your grandparents. Let's have a little interview.


  1. Have you got a grandmother/ a grandfather?
  2. What is her/his name?
  3. How old is he/she?
  4. Is he/she a pensioner?
  5. Where does he/she live?
  6. How often do you visit him/her?
  7. Do you like visiting him/her? Why?

IV. Проверка домашнего задания.

Teacher. You wrote the compositions about your grandparents. Let's listen to the most interesting ones.

Заслушиваются рассказы о бабушках заранее подготовленные дома.

V. Систематизация знаний по теме урока.

Teacher. Most of our grandparents are pensioners. They get some benefits and privileges from the government. What are they? Put them into the right column:

Учитель может показывать на отдельном листе название каждой льготы или выплаты, а дети решают куда её отнести.

Privileges Benefits
- Free medical care.

-Free accommodation in health resort.

- Free return passage by sea, by air, by railroad once a year.

-Free of charge assistance about the house.

50% reduced payment for housing, telephone, public utilities.

- Retirement pension.

- Invalidity pension.

- Mobility allowance.

Teacher. I'm interested to know your grandparents have any problems. Complete the Word Web:

Учащиеся выходят к доске и записывают проблему по одному.

VI. Интервью.

Teacher. I see you know about your grandparents much. So, take the charts and fill in them first. Then walk around the class and ask some questions to your classmates about their grandpas and grandmas. (См. Приложение 1.)

Teacher. Make a report. How many grandparents have the same benefits, privileges and the same problems?

VII. Аудирование.

Teacher. We've talked about Russian grandparents. Let's find out how British grandparents live. Listen to the dialogue and answer the question: Where does Granny Molly live? First read new expressions:

Ученики знакомятся с выражениями, проговаривая их за учителем.

Hold on, :

No, but look,:

Well, think of it this way:

But look at it like this:

Are you kidding?

You don't really think:


Нет, но послушай:

Хорошо, подумай по другому:

Взгляни на это по другому:

Ты шутишь?

Разве ты думаешь::

VIII. Чтение.

Teacher. Open your books at page 164. Listen to the dialogue again and underline the highlighted words in the phrases.

Учитель после каждой фразы останавливает запись и ученики подчёркивают ударные слова.

Teacher. Read this dialogue again and answer the question:

1. What reason is Granny put into the old people's home?

2. Whose choice is it: Jane's parents or Granny Molly's one?

3. How did Tanya suggest to solve the problem?

4. Can Jane's family look after her full time?

5. What services do those homes provide for the elderly?

6. What does Jane think about those homes?

7. What is Tanya's opinion about them?

8. What happens when we don't take care of one another?

Ученики читают диалог. Затем отвечают на вопросы и учитель помещает сам ответы в таблицу.

Teacher. Who is for the elderly people's homes ? (Jane)

Teacher. Who is against the elderly people's homes ? (Tanya)

I can change their names into for and against:

Учитель меняет имена на соответствующие слова.

For -> Jane Against -> Tanya
 - She was unable to look after her properly.

- Most of old people's homes are pleasant.

- Granny's always able to call a trained nurse if she has difficulties.

- Parents work, I go to school. We can't look after granny full time.

- Old people's home is her choice.

- You can bring her into the home and look after her in proper way.

- Old people's homes are terrible.

- Families become less close when they don't take care one another.

- They lose their warm relationship.

- A home for elderly people is not the best solution for the problem.

Данная таблица остаётся на доске, как и новые фразы, которые помогут ученикам разыграть диалог.

IX. Ролевая игра.

Teacher. Role-play the dialogue, using this chart and new expressions:

You are a parent. You've decided the granny to put into the home for the elderly people. Say what you know about the problem, express your opinion.   Your parents have decided the granny to put into the home for elderly people. Try to change your partner's opinion.
Express disagreement. Give your reasons. Try to change your partner's opinion.   Say that you partly agree or disagree.

Желающие ученики разыгрывают 3-4 диалога.

X. Подведение итогов урока.

Teacher. Today we have spoken about your grandparents, their problems, their living conditions. What are they?

XI. Домашнее задание.

Teacher. Your homework will to ring up or to visit and take care them and learn the new expressions by heart.

Опорная схема (Приложение 2)

Презентация (Приложение 3)