Урок информатики по теме "Средства массовой информации: Интернет"

Разделы: Информатика

Тема урока: “Mass Media: The Internet” «Средства массовой информации: интернет»

Основной метод: метод проектов, обучение в сотрудничестве

Тип урока: введение нового материала.

Форма урока: урок-проект.

Цели урока:

- познакомить учащихся с ресурсами сети Интернет;
- развивать все виды речевой деятельности через обучение в сотрудничестве;
- активизировать речемыслительную деятельность;
- формировать умение работать в команде, помогать друг другу;
- формировать потребность практического использования ИКТ при изучении языка;
- учитывать желания учащихся, создавать «ситуацию успеха».

Задачи урока:

1. Учебный аспект:

- развитие лексических навыков говорения;
- развитие речевых умений в диалогической и монологической речи на основе творческого использования ранее усвоенного материала в новых ситуациях общения;
- тренировка в аудировании, говорении (диалогическая и монологическая речь);
- расширение словарного запаса;
- развивать умение работать с тестом (Match).

2. Познавательный аспект:

- познакомиться с ресурсами сети Интернет;
- расширить знания о сайтах сети Интернет;
- создать мотивацию на использование ресурсов сети Интернет в учебных целях.

3. Развивающий аспект:

- развитие способностей к анализу, сравнению, обобщению, личностного восприятия изученного материала;
- формирование репродуктивных и продуктивных речевых умений;
- развитие способности к выбору выражений, адекватных ситуации общения, развитие коммуникабельности;
- развитие проективных умений и  навыков исследования;
- развитие творческих способностей;
- развитие памяти, языковой догадки, воображения, способности логически излагать;
- формировать потребность и способность к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в паре,  в группе.

4. Воспитательный аспект:

- воспитывать способность к самообучению, саморазвитию и самовоспитанию;
- воспитывать уважительное отношение к культуре страны изучаемого языка;
- побуждать к более глубокому пониманию родной культуры;
- воспитывать уважительное отношение и чувство взаимопомощи к своим одноклассникам;
- осознавать значение ресурсов сети Интернет для учебной деятельности;
- воспитывать самостоятельность.

5. Сопутствующие задачи: скрытый контроль уровня сформированности речевых умений, развитие умений сотрудничать.

Учебный материал:

1. Кузовлев В.П. и др. Английский язык.  Учебник для 9-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений .Москва, «Просвещение», 2002 год.
2. Кузовлев В.П. и др. Английский язык. Рабочая тетрадь 9-й класс, Москва, «Просвещение», 2002 год.
3. Кузовлев В.П. и др. Книга для учителя к учебнику для 9-го класса, Москва, «Просвещение», 2002 год.
4. Ощепкова В.В. «О Британии кратко». Москва, «Оникс», 2001 год.
5. Английский язык. Большой справочник для школьников и поступающих в вузы. Москва «Дрофа», 2000 год.
6. Журнал «Иностранные языки в школе» №7,2006 год,  Кащук С.М. «Использование сети Интернет на уроках французского языка в старших классах».
7. Журнал «Иностранные языки в школе» № 2, 2007 год, Осипова И.В. «Глобальное образование  и иностранный язык, как учебный предмет».
8. Английский язык. Еженедельная газета объединения педагогических изданий «Первое сентября», №3 2006 год.
9. Кисунько Е.И., Музланова Е.С. Английский язык. Все устные темы для подготовки к выпускному экзамену и ЕГЭ 11-й класс, Москва, «АСТ Астрель».2006 год.
10. С.И.Буданов, А.А.Борисова  «Деловой английский язык», Москва, «Эксмо», 2007 год.


1. Компьютерная презентация этапов урока.
2. Интерактивная доска.
3. Аудиозаписи.


- план урока;
- плакат (язык Интернета);
- раздаточный материал (тесты);
- карточки с названиями сайтов.

Этапы урока:

1. Организационный момент.
2. Сообщение целей и задач урока.
3. Из истории Интернета.
4. Защита проекта «Роль Интернета в жизни человека. Результаты анкетирования».
5. «Мозговой штурм»: Что известно об Интернете?
6. Аудирование.  Главные ресурсы сети Интернет.
7. Выполнение теста.
8. Защита проекта «Общение в сети Интернет».
9. Защита проекта «Сайт Одноклассники».
10. Образовательные возможности сети Интернет - проекты учителей.
11. Рефлексия.
12. Домашнее задание.
13. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.

Education brings a child the world.

Компьютер имеет то преимущество перед мозгом, что им пользуются.
Г. Лауб

Ход урока

English teacher 1: - Good morning dear guests, boys and girls!  How are you? We are glad to invite you to our lesson!

(Презентация. Приложение 1)

English teacher 2: - Good morning everybody! I am glad to see you at our lesson too!

Tired of playing a foolish game
Tired of trying to make a name
“Tomorrow” I say! I will call on Jim
Just to show that I’m thinking of him
But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes
And distance between us grows and grows.

А жизнь – это что? Это быстрая гонка…
Забываем звонить, забываем писать,
Ужасно торопимся взрослыми стать
И все говорим себе снова и снова,
Что завтра услышим мы друга родного,
Но завтра придет, новый день настает,
А расстояние растет и растет.

English teacher 1: - At the end of the lesson answer the question: What can help the heroes of the poem to find each other at present?

English teacher 2: - You know there are different mass media. What are they?  And what is the most popular mass media?  So, today we’ll speak about the Internet. You’ll learn some interesting facts from the history of the Internet and it’s  5 main areas, you will present your projects  and show how you use the Internet  and we’ll tell you how you can use  the Internet and you’ll do short tests.

English teacher 1: - The best way to think of the internet, or net as it is often called, is a vast global network connecting computers across the world. At present, more than billion people use internet world wide. They use the net for transferring data, playing games, socializing with other computer users, and sending e-mail.

The net was dreamt up in the late 1960s by the US Defence Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency which decided that it needed a means by which messages could be sent and received even if phone lines were inoperative. In 1969, there was a network of just four computers. By 1972 the numbers had risen to 40. About this time the idea of electronic mailbox was born. By 1984 the internet began to develop into the form we know it today.

Now, let me introduce our class correspondents. They interviewed some people from our school. The task was to learn their attitude to the Internet.  Listen to them and analyze the results.

(The presentation of the project “Questionnaire”. Приложение 2)

English teacher 2: - The Internet can be divided into 5 broad areas.  They are: Electronic mail, Information Sites, The World Wide Web or 3W, Usenet and Telnet. What do you know about them?  Work in pairs and write in your papers about them. You may write it in Russian.

E-mail ____________________________________________________
Information sites ____________________________________________
The World Wide Web ________________________________________
Usenet ____________________________________________________
Telnet ____________________________________________________

- Please, read your answers.

English teacher 1: - Now you’ll listen to the description of the areas of the Internet and be ready to do the test: you are to match the name of the area and it’s definition. Before listening, look through your tests. Are you ready to start? Listen to and follow the information on the board.


Electronic mail, which is much faster than tradition mail. Anything that can be digitized (converted into digital from) – pictures, sound, video – can be send, retrieved, and printed at the other end.

Information sites. This is perhaps the fastest growing area of the internet as more and more people put their own information pages on line. Computers process vast amounts of information very fast, by specifying a key word or phrase. The computer can then search around the net until it finds some matches. These information sites are usually stored on big computers that exist all over the word. The beauty of the net is that you can access all of them from home, using your own PC.

The World Wide Web, usually referred to as WWW or 3W, is a vast network of information databases that feature text, sound, and even video clips. On the WWW you can go on a tour of a museum of exhibition, see the latest images from outer space, go shopping, and get travel information on hotel and holidays.

Usenet is a collection of newsgroups covering any topic. Each newsgroup consists of messages and information posted by other users. There are more than 10,000 newsgroups and they are popular with universities and businesses.

Telnet programs allow you to use your personal computer to access a powerful mainframe computer.

- Write down your surnames and match the name of the area and it’s definition. I’ll give you 3 minutes.

E-mail Programs, allowing  you to use  a powerful computer
Information Sites Information pages on line
The World Wide Web A collection of newsgroups
Usenet A vast network of information databases that feature text, sound and video clips
Telnet Much faster than traditional mail

English teacher 2: - We continue to speak about the Internet. We know some of you use it in every day life. There is a project “E-mail”. Listen to the information very attentively; be ready to answer the questions.

(The presentation of the project “E-mail”. Приложение 3)

English teacher 1: - The Internet helps us to make friends. I invite you to watch and to listen to your classmates’ presentation “Classmates.ru”. In my opinion it’s the most interesting project.

(The presentation of the project “Classmates.ru”. Приложение 4)

English teacher 2: - Everybody has got a list of paper with a number of English sites. Listen to some information about them and try to remember the main units.

There are a lot of useful Information Sites, which can help you to study well and to be well educated and well informed.

For example on the site www.narodobrazov.ru you can learn foreign languages with the help of the Internet, you can find different language schools, choose language courses, have free English lessons and learn how to study easily, find different textbooks and find a job abroad.

The site www.english-to-go.com/tolesson.htm has oral and written practice, you can communicate with language teachers, study grammar, word-building, do tests.

And one of the most popular sites is www.homeenglish.ru, because all the materials necessary for learning English are free.

On the site www.homeenglish.ru/film.htro you can find films in the English language.
On the site www.alphaDictionary.Com are 992 on-line English dictionaries.

The site www.exams.ru  presents much information about English exams, you can take part in the forum and do English tests for different levels, certificate tests (TOEFL).

The site www.ucl.ac.uk/internet.grammar has a full course of English grammar with rules and exercises for   school students.

A very useful site is htpp://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/russian/le. You can listen to, read and watch the latest political, cultural and sport news from all over the world in the English language, write letters.

I think that the most interesting is the official web site of the British Monarchy. httpwww.royal.gov.uk

Dating back over ten centuries, the Monarchy plays an important role in the UK and Commonwealth. This web site provides information on the work of The Queen in modern society, biographies of the Royal Family, a history of kings and queens through the ages, background on Royal residences and art collections, and coverage of recent Royal events.

All this information you can use for   project work, for your school reports and of course for developing your scope.

(The teacher’s presentation. Приложение 5)

English teacher 1: - The intellectual development of pupils is one of the main tasks of training English. First of all, it is the development of such operations, as a guess, a logic statement, a skill to compare, analyze, imagine. Using the Internet-resources helps to solve these problems.  Let me offer you a number of sites. They are for all who is interested in learning English. Working on them you can transfer the knowledge into the life.

The first site I present you is www.englishclub.narod.ru.  The site contains different units. They are:

  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar
  • Songs
  • Topics
  • Guests’ Book

Some examples: this Unit contains a list of topics, but if you don’t find the topic you need, please go on the site www.lifeclub.narod.ru.

Some words about the new unit “Reading”.  English language is the language of great literature. Lewis Carroll, William Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Wells, Webster, they all wrote their famous books in English. Using this site you can read them in original.

If your chief interest is modern music the site www.native-english.rulyrics is for you. Here you can find words of famous songs and their translation. Do you want to be a translator of songs and to add the lexical and grammatical comment? Write to this site!

The site www.study.ru is for fun and profit. Free on-line crosswords, hangman and different games are for you. If you have free time, go on.

(The teacher’s presentation. Приложение 5)

English teacher 2: - We have printed for you the most useful sites on the lists of paper, look through them and say what can you use them for? Come to the table, take a list of paper and match it to the site.

(Приложение 6)

English teacher 1: - And your homework we’ll be to write e-mail to your English teachers about our lesson and your impressions.

Our e-mail addresses are:


English teacher 2: - Dear, boys and girls, we had a great time today together. I liked your projects and your answers today. You showed good knowledge. Your marks …

English teacher 1: - It was a great pleasure to listen to you. Your answers were excellent. Your marks… Thank you for the lesson and good bye!