Урок – ток-шоу "Eco Problems" с использованием элементов проектной деятельности и ролевой игры

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: совершенствование умения использовать иностранный язык в виде инструмента общения, совершенствование умений и навыков аудирования, говорения, чтения и письма.

Воспитательная задача: воспитывать экологическую культуру, ответственность перед будущими поколениями, привлечь внимание к экологическим проблемам региона

Предварительные этапы:

1) Психологический настрой, метод “вживания” (учащиеся писали небольшие рассказы от имени животных и растений, находящихся в опасности, итогом этого стало чувство сопереживания с природой, готовность к выбору экологической тематики);

2) Работа с источниками экологической информации (тексты учебников, газетные статьи, материалы из сети Интернет), накопление лексического материала по теме;

3) Письма британским и американским школьникам о проблемах окружающей среды, а также письма в газету и администрации района;

4) Дизайн одежды с экологической тематикой;

5) Сочинение о Забайкалье

6) Создание плакатов с экологическими лозунгами.

В процессе подготовки к данному уроку учащиеся самостоятельно определяют круг возможных вопросов ведущего и гостей, заранее продумывают свои ответы, поэтому большинство вопросов не является для них неожиданными. Однако ведущий задает и такие вопросы, которые не звучали заранее, тем не менее, накопленный лексический материал, “прочувствованность” темы дает учащимся возможность высказать свое мнение по любому вопросу.

Демонстрационные материалы: экологические плакаты, футболки с экологической тематикой, письма американским и английским школьникам, письма администрации района, виды Забайкалья, высказывания знаменитых людей

Вступительное слово учителя:

Today we have our conclusion lesson on topic “Ecology”. We’ve decided to hold it as a Talk Show. We’ll try to play some roles; the most students will play themselves.

1. Представление участников передачи

Ход дискуссии и основные вопросы записаны у ведущего на карточках, как это делается в известных телевизионных ток-шоу.


Good morning! I’m Valentin Gabets and this is Talk show “Eco Problems in Our Town”.

I’d like to introduce our guests in the studio:

  • Scientists studying problems of environment;
  • Journalists of newspapers;
  • a representative of International Organization Greenpeace
  • a representative of district administration
  • an artist and designer;
  • some representatives of flora and fauna of our region;
  • students of school № 78;
  • English teachers

The problem of environment is global. Our environment is in danger nowadays. Today we would like you to discuss it. Please, be active in the discussion.

2. Вопросы участникам и гостям

The first question – what does the word “environment” mean?

Let’s ask our ecologists.

The word environment means simply what is around us. Some people live in a town environment; for others, their environment is the countryside. But the air we breathe, the soil on which we stand and walk, the water we drink are all part of the environment.

And what are the most serious problems of environment?

The most serious environmental problems are: air pollution, water pollution, nuclear pollution, destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty, shortage of natural resources, the greenhouse effect, the “holes” in the ozone layer.

What can you tell us about the greenhouse effect?

Recently climate has changed a lot in the world. Many people say that it is so because of the greenhouse effect. It works like this: sunlight gives us heat. Some of the heat warms the atmosphere, and some of the heat goes back into space. Nowadays the air surrounding the earth has become much warmer because the heat can’t go back into space. That’s why winter and summer temperatures in many places have become higher.

During the last 100 years people have produced a lot of carbon dioxide. This gas in the atmosphere works like glass in a greenhouse. It lets heat get in, but it doesn’t let much heat get out. So the atmosphere becomes warmer.

Where does the carbon dioxide come from?

People and animals breathe in oxygen, and breathe out carbon dioxide. We produce carbon dioxide when we burn things. Trees take this gas from the air, and produce oxygen. But in the last few years, people have cut down and burnt big areas of rainforest. This means there are fewer trees, and of course, more carbon dioxide!

What do you know about the global warming?

Global warming is one of the climatic effects of polluted air. It worries a lot of people. Global warming can cause melting of the polar ice caps, raising of the sea level, and flooding of the coastal areas of the world.

Does anybody have another opinion?

Many scientists think that what the Greens say about global warming and pollution is wrong. Some scientists do not accept the idea that pollution is causing global warming.

Even in recent times, the temperature has not behaved as it should according to global warming theory. Over the last eight years, temperature in the southern hemisphere has actually been falling. Scientists also point out that nature produces far more greenhouse gases than we do. For example, when the Mount Pinatubo volcano erupted, within just a few hours it had thrown into the atmosphere 30 million tones of sulphur dioxide – almost twice as much as all the factories, power plants and cars in the United Stated do in a whole year.

What’s more, 100 million years ago, there was six times as much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as there is now, yet the temperature then was cooler than it is today. Many scientists have concluded that carbon dioxide doesn’t even affect climate.

That is a controversial question. But I think animals and plants are dying out only because of Man.

Well, what do you think?

3. Что могли бы рассказать растения и животные?

Let’s imagine what some animals and plants of our region would tell us if they could speak.

The students will help me.

1) Rhododendron:

I’m a purple rhododendron. People call me bagulnik. My blossoms are pink or purple but my leaves are dark green. I have a very pleasant smell. I grow on hills. I’m very nice.

A long ago all the hills in our district were covered with my pink blossoms. But unfortunately people broke my branches, they picked big bunches of flowers. I suffer from my beauty. Nowadays the hills are not covered with me. I grow only on the slopes of the hills but people find me. They do not think about the future. I was put into the Red Book. It is possible that in ten years I will disappear forever and your children will never see my beauty which you don’t value. People, think about it!

Рисунок 1

2) Musk deer:

I’m a kabarga or musk deer. I’m graceful and beautiful. I’m a representative of pairhoof animals in Zabaikalye. I am becoming rare because of poaching and hunting, especially for males. They have musk. Musk is very valuable in medicine, especially in east medicine. We don’t have horns. We live in taiga; there are a lot of cliffs and rocks. We eat grass, young branches of bushes and trees, lichens and bark. Our enemies are boars, wolves and people. People kill us; they burn forests in which we live. That’s why we are in danger and can disappear.

Рисунок 2

3) Lenok:

I’m a fish. My name is Lenok, my surname is Salmon. I live in lakes and rivers in Siberia. I’m strong, proud and bright. I look like taimen. I am not very big in your rivers. My length is 35 cm; my weight is about 1kg. I am very tasty, that’s why fishermen kill me. Poachers often net me and my children. I can’t swim in the rivers because of nets. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned and I can’t live in them. There is not enough oxygen in the water. In such places we are dying. It happens so because factories and plants produce a lot of waste and pour it into rivers. So they poison the water. Clean water is necessary for all of us. People should understand that the environment is not just their own town or country, but the whole Earth.

4. Уникальность природы Забайкалья

Personally I am proud of our region. The nature is so beautiful here! Can you prove it?

I love our region. We call it Zabaikalye. It is a land of striking contrasts.

Here you can find snow-capped tops of Kodar and Udokan mountains, the dunes of sand desert in the Chara Hollow, the steppe and the taiga.

You can enjoy spring time flowers of purple rhododendrons or bagulnik on the hills and velvet edelweisses in the mountain steppes.

The flora of our region is rich and diverse: willows and dog roses, red lilies and snowdrops,

blue berries and peonies. We can’t imagine our lives without them.

The fauna is especially rich in the taiga which is a habitat for such animals as the musk deer, the wild goat, the wild boar, the Manchurian deer, the grey bear, and the fox.

There are different kinds of birds in our district; you can find the partridge, some kinds of wild geese and ducks here. The hunt is permitted only in autumn and spring, but in summer it is forbidden.

The kinds of fish in our rivers are not diverse because of pollution and poaching.

Our region is unique and we should take care of it to keep it for the next generations.

<Приложение 1>

5. Экологические проблемы нашего региона

What do you know about the ecological situation in our district?

Have you got anything to say?

The ecological situation in our region is not very safe. Air and water pollution is high. There are no filters at factories and boiler-houses. That’s why in winter the snow is always black in our town! Perhaps so are our lungs!

The number of cars is growing. They add bad breath to the atmosphere. Sometimes it is difficult to breath, especially in a hot summer day.

Many people burn rubbish or autumn leaves. It poisons the air too.

The forests help to control the world’s weather and to produce much of the oxygen in the air. But people cut a lot of trees and sell them to China.

The climate of our region is dry; and every spring, summer and autumn the most of forests are in fire. Of course, the reason is man. It is awful! Trees, plants, animals and birds are in danger and may disappear.

Another serious environmental problem in our town is water pollution. People pollute water. They wash their bicycles and cars in our rivers. They pollute water when they wash carpets in rivers. Some factories produce waste and pour it into water. It poisons and kills fish.

Litter on the ground makes the town look ugly. Some people find it easier to drop a paper a wrapper or a cigarette than to look for a garbage can for it. Empty bottles and cans are everywhere: on the banks of the rivers, under the trees, near our houses and on the roads. They go under our feet.

6. Мнение представителей администрации района

I have a question to the representative of our district administration.

What do you do to protect our unique nature? Has anything been done to solve ecological problems in our region?

This problem is urgent. But it is difficult to solve it. Our administration alone can’t do anything because of shortage of financial support. For example, this snowless winter will cause great fires in spring. We know it but there are no means to help this situation. Only people could help it, but at first they should change themselves.

I hope, you, students, can change this ecological situation. Take part in environmental activities, make environmental programmes in your school, and attract more public attention to these problems.

7. Письма учащихся в администрацию района и сверстникам из Великобритании и США

The pupils of our school have written some letters to the leaders of our district. They ask the administration to pay more attention to ecological problems. Could you read them aloud?

We would like to ask you to hand these letters to the leaders of our district. Could you? Thank you.

<Приложение 2>

Our pupils have also written some letters to teenagers from British and American schools. In their letters they told about the problems of environment in our region and asked the questions about these problems in other countries. There are some of them.

<Приложение 3>

8. Мнение представителя организации “Greenpeace”

What could a representative of international organization Greenpeace say about it?

Some scientists are pessimistic about our problems. They suppose that we have already reached the point of no return. Others are more optimistic and believe that our ecological problems are solvable because more and more people begin to understand how dangerous they are. Such organizations as “Greenpeace” try to put pressure upon those governments that do not care of ecology in their countries.

The humankind will be able to survive only if we all understand that environmental protection is our universal concern.

English writer John Galsworthy said: “If you don’t think about the future you will not have it”.

What do you think about it?

How do you understand it?

Do you agree with it?

Do you agree that it is necessary for young people to take part in the environment actions?

Would you like to join this organization?

Can ecological organizations and ecologists alone solve these problems?

What can you personally do to help our environment? (Участники отвечают)

9. Конкурс “экологических” футболок

Our guest today is a very famous person in the world of fashion Anastasia. She is trying to protect the nature in her own special way. She creates collections of “ecological” clothes. The pupils tried to design the T-shirts telling people about ecological problems of the day. Let’s choose the best T-shirts.

<Приложение 4>

Could you take a sheet of paper and write down the chosen number of the T-shirt? My helpers will count the votes.

Идет голосование, подводятся итоги – 1-е, 2-е, и 3-е места, грамоты вручает Анастасия

The Best Ecological Designer – the 1st Prize, the 2nd Prize, the 3rd Prize

10. Чтение экологических лозунгов

Dear friends, you are future engineers, scientists, railway workers, economists, teachers, designers, and ecologists. We hope you will be active in protection of environment. You will work out new projects and new slogans. We asked you to think of slogans and draw your leaflets. Could you read them?

(по очереди читают лозунги на плакатах)

Don’t litter with paper, cans or bottles

Clear rubbish from lakes and rivers

Don’t buy drinks in plastic bottles

Save water

Save energy

Plant trees

Don’t cut wild flowers

Save birds in winter and help them to survive in the cold

Turn out the lights and appliances when you are not using them

Recycle used materials such as metal, bottles and paper и т.д.

11. Заключение

So the general opinion seems to be that people themselves can help the environment.

We can’t say good bye to our nature and its problems.

Our Talk Show is over. Thank you. See you tomorrow.


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