Великий казахский поэт Абай Кунанбаев

Разделы: Иностранные языки

The great Kazakh poet was born in 1845 in the Chinghis Mountains in Semipalatinsk Region. His father, Kunanbai, a stern and willful steppe ruler, was an elder of the Tobykty clan.

Abai`s mother, Ulzhan, was a wonderful woman, and with her innate reserve, tolerance, and soundness of reasoning. She loved Abai best of all her children, and affectionately called him Abai (which means thoughtful, circumspect) instead of Ibraghim – the name given the boy by his father.

Abai became an ardent champion of friendship and brotherhood between the Russian and Kazakh cultures. He loved Pushkin, Lermontov, Krylov, Saltykov – Shedrin and Tolstoi, and after that memorable summer of 1886 when he opened embarked on his poetic career Abai started translating Krylov, Pushkin and Lermontov into Kazakh, acquainting countrymen for the first time with these great writers.

Having an excellent knowledge and understanding of Kazakh folk music, Abai composed several melodies. He also wrote music for his translations from Eugene Onegin. By this time the name of Abai himself – a poet, thinker and composer – had earned countrywide popularity and esteem. He composed about twenty melodies.

The greatest poet Abai Kunanbaev was died in 1904. The glory of Abai, the real founder of modern Kazakh culture and the greatest Kazakh classical poet, shall never dim.

Task I. Answer the Questions:

  1. Who was Abai?
  2. When and where was he born?
  3. What was his real name?
  4. How do describe his mother?
  5. When was he died?

Task II. Match the dates with the facts of Abai.

1845 He composed about many melodies.

20 He opened embarked on his poetic career Abai started translating Krylov, Pushkin and Lermontov into Kazakh.

1904 The greatest poet Abai Kunanbaev was died when he was 59.

1886 The great Kazakh poet was born in the Chinghis Mountains.

Task III. Which lines are from the poem "Winter"?

  1. In white clothes, powerful, grey-bearded,
    He walks on regardless like a dumb, blind man.
  2. The horses play and their young are frisky
    From being well-fed or from the cold.
  3. His face is stern, covered in snow – dust,
    And he walks on, with creaking steps, he`ll come in by and by.
  4. The trees and bushes were without their lives,
    Like old man, the worst victims of poverty.
  5. Each breath is shrouded in a frosty cloud.
    He came like a long lost relative and caused a commotion.
  6. Freed from winter`s hibernation and heartache
    All that lives clings with its heart to warmth and light.
  7. He had forced on a nomadic cloud for a hat.
    He had a ruddy face and was glowing with health.
  8. The snowdrops flower and delight the soul.
    The sparrow in the sky and the nightingales in the ravines sing their song.

Task IV. Match an English poem with its Russian translation.

1. When I was young, I did not think much of learning.
When I grasped the sense of life, I did not appreciate it.
Now I am old, it`s too late to take to science,
For me, it shines in vain.

2. Who`s fault it is, that I remained ignorant,
That science did not cater for me?
In my old age, my children would be of comfort,
I have provided for their schooling:

3. My son was sent to madrassah to get knowledge,
But all he got is an urge for worldly distinctions.

4. Well, I myself wanted to be first among my people,
My talk was sweet and eloquent,
But nobody had ever appreciated my labours.
Nowadays, I prefer my peace of mind over all.

a) Сына послал в медресе, чтоб учился,
Он же к чинам получил влечение.

b) Я и сам рвался быть первым в народе,
Красноречиво чеканил речения,
Но никто каторги сей не оценит.
Нынче покой – мое предпочтение.

c) Чья же вина, что остался ни с чем я,
Что миновал ее попечение?
К старости были б утехею дети,
Отдал с охотой их в обучение:

d) Юным был – в ум не бралось учение,
Суть узрев, – в ней не постиг занчение.
Взрослым стал – как же вгрызаться в науку,
Поздно мерцает ее свечение ...


  1. Compiled by D-r A.L. Zhovtis, K. Khodjikov.
    Abai Selected poems. "Zhazushy", 1985.
  2. Абай. Избранное. Поэзия. Перевод на русский язык Равиля Бухараева.
  3. Islam InternationalPublication LTD 1995. БЮРО "Ел", 1995.