Урок английского языка по теме «Telephone Сonversations»

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: создать условия для формирования коммуникативной компетенции студентов на уроках английского языка; способствовать развитию социокультурной компетенции студентов.


  • Учебный аспект  – формирование навыков использования изученной лексики в речи.
  • Воспитательный аспект – формирование деловой профессионально-подготовленной личности;
  • Развивающий аспект – развитие речевых способностей, способностей к деловому общению, развитие мотивации к дальнейшему овладению иноязычной культурой.


1. Introduction

Hello! I am glad to see you. And what about you? – Ss: I am glad to see you too.
Almost everyone has got a telephone and uses it every day with various purposes. We can’t imagine our lives without this means of communication. It is also the most frequently used means of communication in business because it’s the quickest way to get and pass on information. Today you’ll learn how to speak over the phone on business.

2. Warming-up Activity

To save time during telephone conversations standard phrases are used. Do you know them? (Студенты получают карточки с заданием: соотнести английские и русские фразы). Приложение

3. Activity 1. Reading the dialogues

Студенты читают диалоги в парах.

1) “Green & Co”. Can I help you?
– Hello! Could I speak to Mr. Green, please?
– Who’s calling?
– This is Zimin speaking.
– Mr. Green will speak to you in a moment. Would you like to hold on?
– Yes, I’ll hold on.

2) – Hello! This is Mr. Zimin from Moscow. Can I speak to Mr. Green?
– Hold on. I’ll put you through… I’m afraid Mr. Green is not in at the moment.
– When do you think he’ll be back?
– Not until 12 o’clock I’m afraid. Can I give him a message?
– No, thank you. I’ll call back later.

3)  Mr. Green’s office.  Can I help you?
– I’d like to speak to Mr. McGregor.
– Sorry. Wrong number. I don’t know anyone by that name here.
– I’m very sorry.

4) – Hello. Could I speak to Mr. Brown, please?
– Mr. Brown is not available right now.
– Could you tell him Mr. Popov phoned?
– Sure. Let me take down your number.
– It’s 8-919-450-77-90. Goodbye.
– Goodbye.

4. Activity 2.  Making a Telephone Conversation.

А) Put the sentences in the right order to make a telephone conversation. Act it out with your partner, changing the parts. (Студенты составляют диалог из данных реплик, затем разыгрывают диалоги).

  1. Hold the line, please.
  2. Could you leave a message?
  3. 4684495.
  4. Thank you. Goodbye.
  5. Certainly.
  6. Would you tell her Steve rang and asked her to ring back as soon as possible.
  7. Goodbye.
  8. All right.
  9. Hello, Steve. White speaking. May I have a word with Sheila?
  10. Yes, of course.
  11. I’m afraid she’s gone out.

В) Complete the following telephone conversation in English. Act it out with a partner.

A: 5809331. The TAMAX Company.
B: Меня зовут Ричард Вагнер. Могу я поговорить с секретарем?
A: Secretary speaking.
В: Мне нужно встретиться с коммерческим директором вашей фирмы.
A: Just a moment… What about 10 o’clock tomorrow morning?
B: Да, конечно. Спасибо.
A: You are welcome. Goodbye.
B: До свидания.

5. Activity 3. Making up Your Own Conversations.

Now you will make up your own dialogues according the situations on the cards.
(Студенты получают карточки с заданиями). Work in pairs.

  • You ring up to your office and tell the secretary that you’ll be there at 11 o’clock.
  • You ring up to your dentist and make an appointment for next Thursday.
  • You ring up to your boss and say that you are ill and can’t come to work.
  • You phone a law company to speak to Mr. Stock and find out that he isn’t available. Ask the secretary to take a message to Mr. Stock.
  • You phone to “Turner & Co” and ask for Mr. Turner. His secretary tells you to hold on because his boss is busy and will speak to you in ten minutes.

6. Summing up. You’ve worked very well today. I hope that now you know how to speak over the phone in formal situations. Thank you for the lesson.

 Использованная литература:

  1. И.П. Агабекян. Деловой английский. Ростов-на-Дону, Феникс 2013.
  2. Е.Ю. Миронова. Деловой английский. Учебное пособие. Москва, 2005.
  3. www.study.ru.

Приложение 1