Урок английского языка по теме "Life used to bedifferent 100 yeas ago…"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: открытие нового знания
Цель: познакомить с грамматической конструкцией used to, расширить представление учащихся об особенностях крестьянского быта конца 19-начала 20 века.

Образовательные задачи: закрепить лексику по теме «East or West, home is best», познакомиться с бытом крестьян конца 19-начала 20 века, познакомить с конструкцией used to  и тренировать ее употребление в утверждениях, отрицаниях и вопросах, тренировать монологическую и диалогическую речь.

Развивающие задачи: развитие навыков сравнения, сопоставления; долговременной памяти, творческих способностей, логического мышления.

Воспитательные задачи: воспитывать положительное отношение к истории, традициям и культуре родного края, мотивировать к дальнейшему изучению английского языка.

Оснащение урока: оборудование для демонстрации иллюстраций, грамматических таблиц, карточки для работы в группах, доска для записи примеров.

Ход занятия:

1. Greeting. Warming up activities.
T: Good afternoon, students! I’m glad to see you again. How are you? Are you ready to start?
S: Good afternoon! We are fine, thank you. Let’s start.
T: I know you were busy at school and at home last week. What did you do? How did you help your parents with the housework?
Did you do the dishes? Did you clean the table? Did you make the bed? Did you take out the rubbish? Did you help your mum to do the shopping? Did you help your mum to cook breakfast, lunch or dinner?
S: Give their answers.

2. Class. To revise the meaning of the verb use.
T: What did you use for eating? Did you use plates, cups, forks and spoons? What did you use for cooking/ making tea/cleaning/ironing?
We have a lot of “helpers” at home; they make our life easier and more comfortable. What helps you with your housework? 
S: Give possible answers: a cooker, a microwave, a fridge, a dishwasher, a washing machine, a food mixer, a vacuum cleaner, an electric iron.
T: What do you use them for?
S: Example:  We use a fridge for cooling food and drinks.
T: Life was different one hundred years ago. Most people lived in villages. They spend a lot of time on housework. How did they live? Try to guess how they used these objects (Picture 1).
S: Example: I think/Perhaps they used it for washing clothes.

Picture 1

3. Class. To introduce the new grammar and practice it.
T: Look at the board and read the examples. What is the difference?

One hundred years ago


Most people used to live in the country.

Most people live in cities and towns.

People used to work in fields.

People work in offices.

Мы знакомы с глаголом to use – пользоваться, применять, употреблять, использовать. У него есть и другое значение:  used to [juːstə]- иметь обыкновение, привычку делать что-либо в прошлом.  Сравните:
Most people used to live in the country one hundred years ago. = People lived in the country but now people live in cities and towns.


used to


T: How did people use to live one hundred years ago? Read, compare and choose the right variant:

  1. They used to grow vegetables and crops /do some shopping every week.
  2. They used to live in blocks of flats /live in wooden houses.
  3. They used to buy things in the shops /craft a lot of things.
  4. They used to make plastic plates and spoons/ wooden plates and spoons.
  5. They used to have dinner at the restaurant/cook dinner at home.

S: Practice the new rule.
T: The negative is:


didn’t use to


Disagree with the statements:
1. People used to watch TV and video.
2. People used to surf the Internet.
3. Children used to play computer games.
4. Children used to go to school by car.
5. People used to phone their friends.
6. People used to fly.
7. People used to buy bread.
S: Practice the grammar.
T: The question is:



use to


Answer the questions:

  1. Did people use to go by bus?
  2. Did children use to play with clay toys?
  3. Did they use to ride a horse?
  4. Did they use to order pizza?
  5. Did people use to build houses without nails?

S: Give the answers.

4. Groups. Class. To practice speaking about life in the past. (Make groups. Give a card to each group.)
T: Use word combinations to speak about the life one hundred years ago.
Example: People used to work a lot. People didn’t use to visit different countries.

Card 1
make clay toys, bake pancakes, work in the garden, buy food in shops, make clay dishes, fly to different countries, go to school by car, wear bast shoes (лапти), eat white bread, listen to music, eat rye bread

Card 3
wash clothes by hand, tell fairy tales, sit at the table together, eat fast food, buy samovars, wear clothes with ornaments, work in a field, go to the cinema, wear felt boots (валенки), play computer games, send e-mails

Card 2
sing folk songs, send text messages, build houses without nails, have cows, sheep, horses, pigs and chickens, listen to the radio, cook in the oven, surf the Internet, phone friends, eat meat every day, live in wooden houses

Card 4
watch TV, sleep on the oven, make wooden spoons, build wooden houses, sweep the floor every day, travel a lot, lit the house with splinters, eat soup, bread with water and oil, cereal, potatoes, cabbage, peas, onions, pickles, have  a bath, have a shower

5. Pairs, class.
T: Ask each other questions about the past.
Example: Did people use to…?
S: Work in pairs.

6. Class. To introduce the main idea of the lesson and sum up.
T: What’s the title of the lesson? Why? Was the life difficult in the past? Do you want to travel to the past? Would you like to live in a wooden house for a week?

7. Homework. To practice grammar skills.
Write about your grandparents’ childhood. Compare it with your experience.