Открытый урок английского языка на тему "Halloween". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Цели и задачи урока.

  1. Совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся, эмоциональную и эстетическую стороны процессе обучения иностранному языку.
  2. Развивать и углублять знания по страноведению.
  3. Повышать познавательный интерес к иностранному языку в процессе игры.

Учебные материалы: компьютер, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

  1. Приветствие.
  2. Вступительное слово учителя.
  3. История происхождения праздника.
  4. Символы праздника.
  5. Традиционные игры.
  6. Викторина “Halloween”.
  7. Страшная история.
  8. Заключительное слово учителя (подведение итогов, выставление оценок, домашнее задание).

Teacher: Good morning students and our guests! Glad to see all of you here as today we are going to go on a trip to the world of mystery and learn as much as we can. Welcome to our Halloween party! Oh, somebody is knocking on the door. Who is it? (Входят учащиеся, одетые в костюмы ведьмы, приведения, скелета)

Teacher: Why have you come here?

Witch, Ghost, Skeleton: Don’t you know what date it is today! October 31st! It is our holiday! (Уч-ся рассказывают об истории происхождения праздника).

Witch: Halloween was first celebrated many centuries ago in Ireland and Scotland by Celtic priests called Druids. The Celts believed that spirits of fruits, vegetables and also the ghosts of people visited the earth on October 31st the night before All Hallows Day. The Celts called the night before All Hallows Even, which was later shortened to HALLOWEEN.

Ghost: The Druids thought that Halloween was the night when witches came out. As they were afraid of them, they put on different clothes, painted their faces to deceive the evil spirits and also placed food and small gifts by the doors of their houses for witches. That was the beginning of the expression “trick or treat”. Sometimes children sing a song or tell a ghost story to have their treats.

Skeleton: Would you like to get some treats? Do you know any poems about Halloween? (Учащиеся рассказывают стихи):


Pupil 1: Halloween will soon be here,
It is now that time of year.
Can you be a big black cat?
Arch your back? Spit, spat, spat!
Can you be a pumpkin bright,
And smile at me all through the night?
Can you be a feathery owl
And look at me with a great big scowl?
Can you be a scary ghost
Dancing all around a post? BOO!


Pupil 2: Here is a witch’s tall black hat.
Here are the whiskers on her cat.
Here is an owl sitting in a tree.
Here is a goblin! Hee, hee, hee!


Pupil 3:

One witch is riding on a broom,
Two spooks are walking near my room.
Three hoot owls on the roof call, “Who? ”
Four little goblins answer, “Boo!”
I see a friendly, shining moon
As big and round as a balloon.
Soon I will go out on the street
With my friends for our trick or treat.

Teacher: Halloween celebration is closely connected with apples. Why apples? Apples were once thought to be the link between men and gods. The Druids believed in an apple island, called Avalon. Eating apples, especially a certain kind called Aliens, is believed to bring good luck. By putting an Alien apple under your pillow, you can dream a wish and eat the apple in the morning.

Skeleton: It’s time to have fun. What about the game DUCK APPLE? В центре класса на стул ставится ёмкость с водой и в неё кладут яблоки. Двое учащихся садятся на колени с заведёнными назад руками и пытаются зубами выловить яблоки из воды. Если учащиеся справляются с заданиями, то яблоки оставляют себе.

Witch: Halloween is a dress up time. Children parade in costumes and attend Halloween parties. They wear costumes of evil spirits. Look around! There are ghosts, witches, black cats and skeletons at our party! ( учащиеся в костюмах выходят в центр класса, а гости оценивают их костюмы)

Ghost: Pumpkins are also the symbol of Halloween. There is a legend about a man named Jack who was so stingy that he was not allowed into heaven when he died. Poor Jack had played pranks on the devil, so he was not allowed into hell, either. His spirit was doomed to wander around the countryside, holding a lantern to light his way. The Irish people carved scary faces out of turnips, representing “Jack of the Lantern”, or Jack O’Lantern. Later the Irish brought their custom to the USA, but they carved faces on pumpkins because in the autumn they were more plentiful then turnips.

Teacher: Let’s find out who knows the words on the topic Halloween best of all? (Играем в лото).


Заранее на ватмане необходимо написать список слов по теме или использовать ресурсы интерактивной доски.

Для каждого учащегося приготовить разграфлённую карточку (как в русском лото)

Написать или напечатать слова из списка и разрезать их (на одной полоске - одно слово)

Приготовить фишки (можно вырезать кружочки из цветной бумаги)

Приготовить коробочку или шляпу, чтобы сложить туда слова

Ход игры:

1) Учащимся раздаются карточки с фишками;

2) Учащиеся просматривают список слов (на ватмане) и, используя слова из списка, вписывают нужное слово в графу.

3) После того, как учащиеся закончили работу с карточками, мы начинаем играть.

Teacher: I’ll call out the words from the slips of paper. If the word called out is on your sheet, cover it with a pumpkin seed. The first player to cover five words in a row calls out ‘Pumpkin! Pumpkin! - is a winner.

Halloween Words

Here are some words to help you get started.

You can think of lots more. Try brainstorming!

Bat black boo broom
Candy cat costume dark
Dracula fright fun ghost
Goblin Halloween holiday howl
Jack-o-lantern mask monster moon
Mummy night October orange
Owl party pumpkin scare
Spider spook treat trick
Vampire witch web

Teacher: Witch, Ghost, Skeleton we’ve prepared a special treat for you! Listen and enjoy!

Spooky Story with Sound Effect

Страшная история

Все участники вечера делятся на группы (по 2-3 человека), которые будут изображать какие-то персонажи и звуки, когда услышат определенные слова в тексте. Текст должен читаться медленно под тихую таинственную музыку.

  1. WIND, WINDY – звук дующего ветра.
  2. GHOST – завывание призраков.
  3. FOOTSTEPS/WALKING – тихие шаги.
  4. FOOTSTEPS/RUNNING – топот бегущих.
  5. SCREAMING – визг.
  6. CREAKING OPENING THE DOOR – скрип двери.
  7. KNOCK ON THE DOOR – стук в дверь.
  8. SNORING/SLEEPING – сопение храп спящих.

Once upon a time in a windy forest (X) in the North of England there was haunted by evil ghost (X). In a village not far from the cottage lived two brothers who didn’t believe in silly stories about witches and ghosts (X). So they decided they would spend a night in the cottage to prove the stories were nonsense.

So with their torches and sleeping bags they walked through the windy forest (X) to the old cottage. They knocked (X) on the door to make sure nobody was living there. Then they knocked (X) again to make double sure. The boys slowly opened the door (X) and walked inside (X).

Inside the cottage it was very dark, but after a while they started to relax and got in their sleeping bags and fell asleep (X). After an hour or so one of the boys jumped up and shook his brother. “what’s that? – he asked. “I’m sure I heard a ghost (X)” “It was nothing” – said the brother.

And they soon went back to sleep (X). A little later they both lumped up when they heard slow footsteps (X). They looked at each other and screamed (X). They shined their torches in front of them and saw a big white ghost (X), they both screamed again (X). Both the brothers jumped up and ran across the room (X), opened the door (X), and ran (X) through the windy forest (X). They ran (X) all they way back home and knocked (X) on their door. When their mother opened (X) the door, they ran (X) past her and went straight upstairs to bed and fell asleep (X). Now they, too, believed the stories about the ghosts (X) in the haunted cottage that stood in the windy forest (X).

Teacher: It’s time to finish our lesson. Thanks a lot to everybody. I’m pleased with your work, children. Your marks are only fives. Goodbye!