Урок-повторение изученного за год. 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 5


  • практическая – совершенствовать умения и навыки устной речи (говорения и чтения)
  • развивающая – развивать мышление, память, внимание;
  • воспитательная – учить слушать друг друга, прививать интерес к предмету.

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний по изученным темам.

Оборудование: презентация, тетради, словари, карточки с текстом.


I. Организационный момент

– Good morning, dear children! Sit down, please! What day is it today? Who is absent today? Today we shall remember the words which we were learning during a year, we shall see some cities and countries after each successfully finished task.

II. Фонзарядка

Read the words.
Find the words with the sounds [Λ], [ɔ],[əu]
Read the words, which are the names of the countries and cities.

Clean, bed, London, milk, bus, Rome, run, Bos­ton, Hollywood, America, can, India, China, home, Florida. (slide 2)
Rome is an old town. It is the capital of Italy. We have some pictures of it. (slide 3)

III. Речевая зарядка

We have got a guest Ben. He is from Canada. He is a pupil. He wants to know about you and asks some questions.I am Ben. I’m twelve. I’m from Canada. (slide 4)

– What is your name?
– How old are you?
– Where are you from?
– How are you?
– What’s the matter?
– He wants to show you some photos of Canada. Look here. (slide 5)

IV. Активизацияизученнойлексики

– Open your exercise-books. Write down the date. Guess and write 5 word-combinations with these words. (slide 6)
strong, tall, fat, girl, weak, boy, man, old, house, short, teacher, young, king, bank

Example: astrong boy.

– Let’s have a rest and after it think about the next city of Ben’s excursion. (slide 7)


Up, down
Up, down
Which is the way to London town?
Where, where?
Up in the air!
Close your eyes
And you are here!

– What is it? (London) London  is the capital city of Britain. It is old and nice. Here you can see some sights: Big Ben(a famous clock) and Buckingham Palace.

V. Развитие навыков чтения

Here you can see cards. Take them. Read the text and answer the questions. If you do it correctly you can see Florida.

– This is a classroom. The teacher is near the blackboard. The blackboard is in the classroom, near the window. The window is in the room. It is on the right. The pupils are in the classroom. There are many books on the shelves. The shelves are in the classroom.

  • Where is the teacher?
  • Where is the window?
  • Where are the pupils?

– Florida is a state in America. It is warm and hot there. Some pictures of Florida are here.

VI. Развитие орфографического навыка

– Ben is a pupil as you know. But his English is very bad. He wrote the dictation and made the mistakes. Correct them, please.

Farmel, moose, giont, toll, rey, peint, toi, coyn, toun.

– Ben must go to Canada. He left you a letter. Read and find mistakes.

My sister is pupul.
She have got cat.
Her cat is grei.
He is under the tables.

– You are right and let’s see the pictures of Boston and Hollywood. They are cities in America.

VII. Итог урока

– What cities and countries did you see? Name them. Who showed them? Where is he from? How old is he?