Открытый урок по теме "Remy's restaurant" в 3-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Основные задачи:

  • развивать умения и навыки устной речи:
  • учить рассказывать о своих предпочтениях в еде и вести этикетный диалог-расспрос, используя вопросы: Do you like:? Would you like some:? /благодарить за угощение или вежливо отказаться;
  • учить понимать на слух текст диалогического характера, построенный на знакомом языковом материале;
  • совершенствовать умения и навыки в чтении:
  • совершенствовать технику чтения вслух на основе знания основных правил чтения;
  • учить читать про себя и вслух и понимать текст.
  • развивать умения в письменной речи: писать короткий рассказ с опорой на образец.

Оборудование: презентация Power Point, мультимедийныей проектор, ноутбук, аудиокассета к УМК Биболетовой М.З. 3 класс, учебник, рабочая тетрадь, костюмы поваров, DVD-диск мультипликационного фильма "Рататуй", стол с фруктами и овощами, раздаточный материал: карточки с надписью Yes, I do/No, I don't, карточки для написания рассказа.

Ход урока

1. Приветствие.

Hello, boys and girls! How are you today?

Hello, hello, hello

How are you?

I'm fine!

I'm great!

I'm wonderful!

Фонетическая зарядка

Look at the picture! Who is it? Oh, yes! It is Remy. Remy is a cook. Remy is very curious and asks a lot of questions every day: What, Why, When, Where (the sound [w]).Repeat after me, please: What, Why, When, Where. Thank you!

Remy wants to know everything about the kitchen. And now let's sing a song for him "Do you like broccoli?"

Песенка "Do you like broccoli?"

Do you like broccoli?-Yes, I do!
Do you like ice cream? -Yes, I do!
Do you like broccoli ice cream? -No, I don't.
Do you like donuts? -Yes, I do!
Do you like juice? -Yes, I do!
Do you like donut juice? -No, I don't.
Do you like popcorn? -Yes, I do!
Do you like pizza? -Yes, I do!
Do you like popcorn pizza? -No, I don't.
Do you like bananas? -Yes, I do!
Do you like soup? -Yes, I do!
Do you like banana soup? -No, I don't.

2. Введение в ситуацию урока

Children, let's meet Remy (выходит мальчик в костюме мышонка). Hello, Remy! Have got your own restaurant? (Yes, I have. I like to cook.)Can you show your restaurant? (показ видеофрагмента из м/ф "Рататуй": ресторан, на кухне готовит Реми; дети понимают, что речь сегодня на уроке пойдет о ресторане и вкусной еде)

3. Восприятие на слух текст диалогического характера

I think that there are first visitors in Remy's restaurant. Let's listen to them and choose food that they have mentioned (выходят дети к сервированному столу с едой и воспроизводят диалог, который учили дома)

Would you like some soup?

No, thank you. I don't like soup.

Do you like carrots?

Yes, I do. Thank you.

Would you like some honey?

Yes, please.

Would you like some porridge?

I'm sorry. I don't like porridge. I like sweets.

Good. Have some sweets.

Thank you.

Of course! Help yourself!

(soup, carrots, honey, porridge,sweets)

I think that you are hungry. Let's sing a song.

Песня "Are you hungry?"

Are you hungry? -Yes I am.
Are you hungry? -Yes I am.
Mmmmm, a banana!
Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum (gesture peeling and then eating a banana)
Are you hungry? -Yes I am.
Are you hungry? -Yes I am.

4. Этикетный диалог-расспрос

Let's meet a cook who works in Remy's restaurant (выходит мальчик в костюме повара и посетительница ресторана). Let's say "Hello".

- Good morning!

- Good morning!

- Would you like some:?

- Yes, please/No, thank you.

- Do you like :?

- Yes, I do/No, I don't. I'm sorry I don't like:

Let's remember that t Billy and his mother have breakfast at home now. Billy is very capricious (ex.4 p.17-18 Student's Book)

Mother; Good morning, Billy!

Billy: Good morning, Mum! I am hungry!

Mother: Would you like some porridge?

Billy: I am sorry, I don't like porridge. I would like some tea and a sandwich.

Mother: Good. Take your sandwich.

Billy: Thank you.

Mother: Help yourself.

5. Совершенствование техники чтения вслух на основе знания основных правил чтения.

All the visitors of Remy's restaurant are well-educated people.

Open your textbooks (ex. 7 p. 18, ex.3 p.19 Student's Book- повторение правила чтения буквосочетания wh and er, ir) and read the magic words!

Why, what, where, white, when, who (буквосочетание wh)

Bird, girl, dirty, her, shirt, farmer, tiger, butter, doctor (буквосочетания er,ir)

Динамическая пауза "Dog, cat and a mouse:"

Dog cat and mouse, live in a house
Dog cat and mouse, live in a house

The dog was big, big, big
The cat was big, big, big

The mouse was small, small, small
The house was tall, tall, tall

Mouse says "please, give me some cheese"
Mouse says "please, give me some cheese"

The dog was big, big, big
The cat was big, big, big

The mouse was small, small, small
The house was tall, tall, tall

Dog has biscuits, cat has whiskers
Dog has biscuits, cat has whiskers

The dog was big, big, big
The cat was big, big, big

The mouse was small, small, small
The house was tall, tall, tall

Dog says "let's run, and have some fun"
Dog says "let's run, and have some fun"

The dog was big, big, big
The cat was big, big, big

The mouse was small, small, small
The house was tall, tall, tall

Dog cat and mouse, live in a house
Dog cat and mouse, live in a house

The dog was big, big, big
The cat was big, big, big

Чтение текста про себя и вслух.

Remy has a friend.Let's know who is she?

I have a friend. Her name is Colette. She is smart. She likes cheese, porridge, corn, butter, soup, tea, coffee and ham. She doesn't like jam, eggs, an orange juice and milk.


What is Remy's friend name?(Her name is Colette)

Is she smart? (Yes, she is)

Does she like an orange juice? (No, she doesn't)

Does she like cheese?

6. Развитие умений в письменной речи: писать короткий рассказ с опорой на образец и чтение данного рассказа.

Let's write the next story about Linguini. Linguini is Remy's friend too. The story about Colette will help you. Let's begin!

I have:

He is:

He likes:

He doesn't like:

7. Подведение итогов урока.

8. Объяснение домашнего задания:Please, learn the story about Linguini by heart .

See you later!
See you later!
See you later!
Take care! Good-bye!
