Урок в 10-м классе по теме "Languades. Communication"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: Обобщающее повторение.


  • Совершенствовать навыки говорения.
  • Систематизировать лексику по теме.
  • Показать значимость изучения языков в целом и родных в частности.

Оборудование: компьютер или мультимедийная доска.

Ход урока

Учитель: Good morning! I am glad to see you. Who is absent, are you all right, and is there any news?

(Ответы учеников)

Учитель: So the theme of our lesson is “Communication. Languages”. We have spoken quite a lot about the means of communication and today we are giving a summary how the people are communicating. Which language is more important to know, if it is so, why we learn languages and why it is necessary to know own language. Imagine that we do not know the language, we cannot speak at all, so how are we able to communicate? Any ideas? What can help us?

(Ответы учеников)

Учитель: Well, do you think if we could communicate only with the help of symbols? Of course, it would be boring, uninteresting and unproductive. And of course we would have quite a lot of difficulties. So what do you think what the most amusing means of communication is which was created by human being?

(Ответы учеников)

Презентация. Slide 1

Учитель: Surely, it is a language that gives the pleasure of knowledge, happiness of love, speaking. Let us remember the words from the Bible “At first there was a word”. I think you will agree these are not only words, they have deeper sense. It meant the word of God, a law, a canon according to which people should live peacefully. Do you know how the languages appeared according to a legend as well?

(Ответы учеников).  Slide 2

Let us look at the monitor. It prompts you, probably, where different languages came from.

(Ответы учеников). Slide 3

The next slide. You should look at the monitor attentively and try to guess what languages these words were borrowed from?

(Ответы учеников). Slide 4

So now you can see how many languages are in the world and how many people speak them. Why is there such a difference between the number of speakers and the number of languages? By the way, do you know what a word “ dead language” means? Can you give an example?

(Ответы учеников). Slide 5

Why are languages dying? What are the reasons why it is difficult for the languages to survive?

(Ответы учеников). Slide 6

And what about the next reason? Look at the monitor.

(Ответы учеников). Slide 7

Now look at the monitor and choose the correct word in order to make a summary of our first point of view?

(Ученики выполняют небольшой лексический тест, а затем проверяют)

Now check your ideas. Have you got any mistakes?

Slide 8

So we have already told that English is the most wide-spread language in the world. So, welcome to English. Where does English come from? (How old is English, how old are borrowed words)

(Ответы учеников). Slide 9

The next question is how many people speak English?

(Ответы учеников). Slide 10

The next point. Why do we learn languages? Why do we try learning them? How do people learn languages, what are the means of teaching? What do you do to know them better?

(Ответы учеников)

Учитель: So now make nouns from the verbs. These verbs and nouns are the basic ones in learning, because you should revise the material during the term or before the exams, tests, you must practise hard to master your language, you should translate from Russian into English and vice verse. Memorize words, somehow, 10 words a day.

(Ученики выполняют задание и дают ответы). Slide 11

And now Russian. Nowadays it is being spoken much about the regress of Russian. Let us talk first about the appearance of Russian, the origin of it. When did it appear, where, what was the process of developing?

(Ответы учеников). Slide 12

Well, you have told about the ancient Russian. And did it remain the same all the time, during the centuries or were there any changes? Who developed Russian? What did they do?

(Ответы учеников). Slide 13

These are well-known words about the Russian language. Who told them?

(Ученики выполняют задание, дают ответы, а затем сверяют свои ответы с монитором). Slide 14

Can you guess about the meaning of these words? Which languages brought them into Russian? What do you know about the styles? (Literary, bookish, conversational, scientific).

(Ответы учеников). Slide 15

And some more questions?

(Идет обсуждение среди учеников, которые затем высказывают свои версии). Slide 16

Translate these sentences and try to value their significance.

(Ученики выполняют задание, читая отрывки по очереди, и дают перевод). Slide 17

  • Summary.
  • Подведение итогов урока.
