Урок- праздник "Easter in England and Russia"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: способствовать повышению мотивации учащихся в обучении английскому языку, их культуры, развитию кругозора и толерантности.


  • развивающие: развить навыки чтения и устного перевода, развить способность к творчеству;
  • обучающие: дать новую информацию о традициях празднования Пасхи в Англии, научить сравнивать, практиковать в выполнении письменных упражнений;
  • воспитывающие: воспитать уважительное отношение к обычаем и традициям собственного народа, воспитать терпимое отношение к обычаем и традициям другого народа.

Оснащение: доска, магнитофон, запись колокольных звонов, фотографии храмов России, ИКТ оборудование, презентация по теме, призы (шоколадные яйца).

Класс: 5.

Тема: Traditions.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент: (фон: запись колокольных звонов).


Good morning, dear boys and girls! Today we are to celebrate Easter. Our objects are to get new info about Easter in England and Russia, to learn to compare, to do creative tasks.

Our plan is to learn poems, to read and translate, to compete doing exercises.

Речевая зарядка:

What do you know about Easter? Do you celebrate Easter in your family? Do you help your Mother?/ Your Granny? What can you do to decorate your home? Can you colour eggs? Can you bake Easter cakes?

Фонетическая зарядка:

Let's listen and repeat new words: a festival, Christian, to precede, Lent, Palm Sunday, pussy-willow branches, to bless, a church, joyously, to resurrect, Resurrection, healing powers, Good Friday, to powder, the Passion Week, a service, High Mass, a rite, a sign of affection, to exchange greetings, to observe, to hide, a cross, sunrise, Christ's tomb, Easter Egg Hunt. (слова с переводом и транскрипцией - на доске)

Well, now let's read and learn a poem!

"Mrs. Hen":

Chook, chook, chook-chook-chook!
Good morning,
Mrs. Hen!
How many chickens have you got?
Madam, I've got ten.
Four of them are yellow,
And four of them are brown,
And two of them are speckled red,
The nicest in the town!

II. Основная часть урока:

1. Let's read and understand new information about Easter in England and Russia.

(слайды презентации)

The Sunday before Easter is called Palm Sunday in England and Willow (Verbnoye) Sunday in Russia.

On this day pussy-willow branches are blessed in the church.

On Easter Sunday millions of people joyously observe Christ's resurrection. Many families go to church.

Many families also get together for a large meal.

  • English people traditionally eat hot cross buns.
  • People believe they have magical healing powers.
  • For Easter dinners Englishmen eat baked ham or chicken with famous English apple-pie to follow.

Hot cross buns!

Hot cross buns!
Hot cross buns!
One-a- penny,
Hot cross buns!
If you have no daughters,
Give them to your sons,
One-a- penny,
Hot cross buns!

  • Hot cross buns are baked only on Good Friday.
  • When needed, the buns can be powdered, mixed with milk or water and given as a medicine.

In Russia the week before Easter is called Strasnaya Week ("Passion" Week).

  • In churches the passion service is performed, after which the people return home with lighted candles.
  • On Thursday people colour eggs and bake special Easter cakes.

Easter in Russia begins with the Easter high mass during which Easter food is blessed:

  • The pysanky and krashanky (decorated or coloured Easter eggs) are an old pre-Christian element and have an important role in the Easter rites. They are given as gifts or exchanged as a sign of affection.

After the mass all the people exchange Easter greetings and then hurry home with their baskets of blessed food.

  • In Russia at family reunions people traditionally eat the pasky and kulichy (special Easter breads).
  • During the Easter season in Russia the cult of the dead is observed. The dead are remembered during the whole week after Easter, especially on Tuesday (Roditelsky Day).

Emblems of Easter in England:

  • The most popular emblem of Easter is the Easter egg.
  • A very well-known symbol of Easter is the Easter Bunny or Easter Rabbit.
  • Other symbols are hens and chickens.

Easter eggs:

  • Egg is a sign of hope, life.
  • True Easter eggs are hard-boiled, dyed in bright colours, and sometimes well decorated.
  • Nowdays Easter eggs are usually made of chocolate or marzipan or sugar.

Easter Rabbits:

Children in England believe the Easter hair brings the Easter eggs.

On the morning of Easter Sunday children wake up and find that the Easter Bunny has left baskets of candies and hidden coloured and decorated eggs for them.

The children hunt for the eggs, which have usually been hidden outside near their home.

Religious symbols for Easter also include a cross and sunrise. Other symbols are flowers, especially the Easter lily, baskets, chicks.

Games for children in England:

  • Children roll eggs down hills on Easter morning.
  • This game has been connected with the rolling away of the stone from Christ's tomb when he was resurrected.

2. Now let's compete! Make groups and hunt for eggs doing exercises: the winner gets chocolate eggs. (для разбивки дети получают части разрезанных пасхальных открыток, которые надо собрать как мозайку: одна открытка-одна группа)

Easter Egg Hunt (task1):

  • Unscramble the words:
  1. GEGS
  2. IHED

The key:








Easter Egg Hunt (task2):


1. The greatest Christian festival is

2. The Sunday before Easter is

3. English people traditionally eat at Easter

4. The most popular emblem of Easter is

5.I n Russia the pasky and pysanky and krashanky are

a. the Easter egg.

b. hot cross buns.

c. called Palm Sunday.

d. blessed in the church.

e. Easter.

Easter Egg Hunt (task3):

Write an Easter card.

Dear Ann, lollipops
On Easter day candies
I sent you all I may: ice-cream
:and: cherry-pies
:and great dishes chocolates
And, of course, my best wishes! biscuits
Happy Easter! jelly beans


Let's sum up!

  • What have we done today?
  • What info was new for you?
  • What has impressed you more?
  • Was the lesson interesting for you?

Домашнее задание.

Your homework is

  • to create your own personal greetings,
  • to decorate an Easter card using the symbols of Easter,
  • to learn an Easter poem by heart.

Good luck and

Happy Easter!