План–конспект урока в 9-м классе по теме "Средства массовой информации" (периодические издания)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: развитие навыков коммуникативной компетенции и монологической речи по теме.

Задачи: учить высказываться по теме на уровне фраз и сверхфразовых единств, составлять условно-подготовленные высказывания.

Лексический материал: contain, devote pages to, article, compress news, headline, sensational reporting style, gossip, give information about films, concerts, devote large sections to business and sports, cover national and international news, have a more sensational reporting style, report the latest scandal or gossip in the private lives of famous people, provide readers with articles about theatre and cinema performances.

Грамматический материал: конструкции с инфинитивом, страдательный залог, косвенная речь.

Оснащение урока: мультимедийное оборудование (интерактивная доска), раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

1. WARM-UP. Вступительная речь учителя, постановка целей и задач урока.

Teacher: Hello, children! I have started my day with watching the TV newscast. I always ask myself if we can live without Mass media because they play an important role in our lives. Newspapers and Television bring news and opinions from all over the world. Tell me please, children if can you live without TV, newspapers, books and magazines?

Student 1: I think I could live without newspapers but I am sure my life will be boring without my favourite TV programmes and magazines.

Teacher: How many magazines do you read a month?

Student 2: Maybe 2 or 3.

Teacher: What is the last magazine you have read? What was about it?

Student 3: It was Cosmopolitan and there were interesting articles about fashion and make-up.

Teacher: What is the best magazine you’ve ever read?

Student 4: Oh, it’s a magazine……. And it devotes its pages to …….

Teacher: What are the articles you like to read most?

Student 5: Probably about the life and leisure activities of teenagers abroad

Teacher: Why do you read magazines?

Student 6: No learn more about the world and to have fun.

Teacher: Though magazines don’t react to events as quickly as TV, but they usually provide us with extra details, different commentaries and background information. They teach us about the world. It’s a kind of a TV bridge between cultures.

2. Введение лексики по теме.

Teacher: Today I’d like to teach you how to make a magazine review. I hope one day you’ll have an opportunity to speak about your culture and generation through presentation of a Russian magazine.

Student 7: It would nice but I think I have to learn a lot of new words and have some kind of an outline.

Teacher: I’d like to introduce you some key words you may need in your work. (на интерактивной доске появляется форматное здание по типу “соедини слова в пару”) On the left side you see verbs, on the right side-nouns. Match the verbs with suitable nouns to make a colloquial phrase. I give you 2-3 minutes to get ready. (Приведённый выше лексический материал организуется в форматное задание на усмотрение учителя. Можно расширить вокабуляр в зависимости от уровня подготовки группы)

Teacher: Well. Time is over. Who is ready? N., will you kindly read out the phrases?

Thank you so much. B., go on!

3. Поисковое чтение как средство обучения говорению.

(Цель - ознакомление учащихся с обзорами 3-х самых популярных молодежных британских журналов: “Jackie”, “Shout”, “Just Seventeen”. Эти обзоры послужат примером того, как учащиеся в дальнейшем будут составлять обзоры российских журналов). Перед чтением учитель делит учащихся на группы сменного состава. Принцип деления: учащиеся получают фрагменты карточки и, путём составления “единой картинки”, делятся на группы.

Teacher: There are a lot of magazines in Great Britain especially for teenagers. Now you’ll read the reviews of the most popular magazines. Please take the following hand-outs and read these reviews by yourself. After that you should tell me what kind of cultural information these magazines contain. Be sure to use the new vocabulary, not less than two or three units. (На чтение отводится 3-4 минуты. После прочтения каждая группа учащихся предоставляет обзор о том, какая информация содержится в этих журналах).

Teacher: Ok, time is up, now tell me please what kind of information these magazines contain. (групповые ответы учащихся)

4. Аудирование с поиском информации, как средство активизации речевых умений.

Teacher: I'm sure that the work we are going to do is really topical. British and American teenagers need a periodical where they can get information about your life. You will listen now to a letter which I once read in one of the most popular magazine “People.” Here are the questions you have to answer after you listen to the letter (на мультимедийном оборудовании или интерактивной доске появляются вопросы: How did the author embarrass the girl? What is difficult for the author of the article? What do people need to learn about the world?) . So the author wrote, “I find it very difficult to interact with foreigners when you are not aware about their favorite leisure activities, daily routine, habits and values. Once I dated a Russian girl and embarrassed her much by saying that all Russians wore fur coats all year round because of severe cold. She laughed at me and I got confused. I think what we need is to have information about ordinary people, what they eat, think and do in different situations? I think we can learn it from periodicals that foreign teenagers read”. Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.

Teacher: How did the author embarrass the girl?

Student 8: He said that all Russians wore fur coats all year round because of severe cold.

Teacher: What is difficult to the author of the article?

Student9: It is difficult for him to communicate with foreigners when he doesn’t know anything about their culture and leisure.

Teacher: What do people need to learn about the world?

Student 10: They need different means of information, for example magazines.

5. Ролевая игра, как средство активизации навыков устной речи.

Teacher: That’s interesting. Why not imagine that we are the participants of a Russian -British cross-cultural conference where journalists try to cooperate through learning about cultures by means of mass media. Some of you will be British journalists who are interested in Russian culture while the others will act like Russian journalists who will represent Russian magazines. I know that some of you have brought magazines. What are they? Учащиеся называют журналы, которые они принесли, и они же будут их представлять.

Teacher: If you don’t mind, children, I’ll be the manager of this conference and as a manager I would like to represent our British journalists: George, Nataly, Anne and Elena who might like to publish your magazines in their country. Please, tell us what publishing houses you represent. Учащиеся говорят, какие издательские дома они представляют.

Teacher: Dear British colleagues! You are free to ask your questions. Russian journalists, please, keep in mind that while presenting your magazine try to keep to a certain outline:

  • Name the magazine
  • Sections
  • What kind of information do these sections contain?
  • Why do you think your magazine is the best?
  • Now I give 5 minutes to get ready to our conference.

Учащиеся работают в группах.

Teacher: Now, dear ladies and gentlemen, time is up and we are ready to start our conference. Who would like to be the first to start? Учащиеся представляют свои журналы и задают вопросы. В конце учитель спрашивает “британских журналистов”, какой журнал они хотели бы публиковать в своей стране.

Teacher: Dear British guests, tell us what magazine you would like to publish and why.

Учащиеся говорят, какой журнал они хотели бы печатать.

Teacher: Dear ladies and gentleman, thank you for your attention! Our press- conference is over.

6. Домашнее задание и подведение итогов

Teacher: I think our role play was a success (учитель комментирует работу учащихся на уроке и ставит оценки). And I suggest we publish our own web-magazine about the life, culture, leisure and hobbies of our students at the Internet site of our school. Your home task will be to prepare a short computer presentation about the life of your friends, about their favourite pastime and so on.
