Урок по английскому языку "Жизнь и творчество И.И. Лажечникова"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

  1. Совершенствовать технику чтения вслух незнакомого текста.
  2. Ознакомить учащихся с новой лексикой по теме “Жизнь и творчество И. И. Лажечникова”.
  3. Развить умение находить в незнакомом тексте синонимы и антонимы.
  4. Совершенствовать умение отвечать на вопросы к тексту.


Ознакомить учащихся с жизнью и творчеством известного писателя г. Коломны И. И. Лажечникова

Оформление и раздаточный материал: портрет И. И. Лажечникова, книги И. И. Лажечникова (2-хтомник), отпечатанный текст (на каждой парте).

Ход урока

I. Вводно-мотивационный этап:

Teacher (Т.): Good morning, children! Sit down, please.Today we have an unusual lesson! It is devoted to our favourite town, its anniversary and its outstanding people such as Ivan Ivanovich Lazhechnikov. We will read the text about him and do some exercises. Let’s begin our lesson.

II. Предтекстовый этап: отработка новых слов и выражений

1. Т.: Here is a list of new words. Listen to the new words. Repeat them after me:


2. Т.: These are the new words for you to learn. Guess what these words mean: historical, idea ,sentimental, epoch, chance, poetic.

III. Текстовый этап: чтение текста вслух.

Т.: Now read the text about our outstanding writer, I. I. Lazhechnikov, and say what you can about him.

Kolomna is a town, famous not only for its rich history and achievements in culture, art and sports, but also for its well-known people. The life of many outstanding people of the Russian culture is connected with Kolomna. Everybody knows the name of such a wonderful person: Ivan Ivanovich Lazhechnikov,who lived and worked in Kolomna all his childhood and youth.

I. I. Lazhechnikov was born in a family of a very rich merchant in 1792. Thanks to N.I. Novikov, a great statesman of the Russian culture of the 18-th century, he got a good education and upbringing at home. I. I. Lazhechnikov was fond of reading and from the books he found out about the Russian, French and German Literature.

He tried to write very early. His first historical novels were full of patriotic and antidespotic ideas.

The years of Napoleon's war, when the ideology of social protest was formed, finished the formation of his personality.

In 1812 he left his house and entered the Russian Army. Being a participant of the war in 1813-1814,a young writer watched war events, the way of life and traditions of Poland, France and Germany, and compared his impressions with the life of the Russian people.

In 1817-1818 he wrote his " Battle Notes of The Russian Officer". If earlier he wrote sentimental novels but in his novel he tried to write in a narrative form of "travelling", opened for impressions and influences of the intellectual life of the epoch. His work was quite different from what he had written before. He wanted to find some similarities and differences between "History" and "Modernity".

In 1819 a young man had a chance to meet a well-known poet A.S.Pushkin and prevented his duel with Denisevich. Owing to this event the correspondence between Lazhechnikov and Pushkin began. In this year he sent in his resignation.

In 1820 he began his work at the Ministery of National Education.

In 1831 his historical novel "Posledniy Novik" was published for the first time and had a great success. The main idea of the novel was "Love For the Motherland". I. I. Lazhechnikov became one of the famous Russian novelists.

In 1835 he wrote a not less-known novel "An Ice House" based on serious studies of life and traditions of the epoch.

In 1838 he wrote "Basurman". In 1842 he began to serve again. He started to write comedies and tragedies as a playwright. Among his dramatic works the most well-known was the poetic tragedy "Oprichnic" which then became the basis for the libretto of P.I. Chaikovski.

His works such as "My Meeting With A.S. Pushkin", "Notes For V.Belinskiy's Biography" were of great historical and cultural interest.

I. I. Lazhechnikov died in 1869 but our people love, remember, are proud of him. His historical novels were, are and will be interesting for people of different generations not only for its real pictures of our Past, but also for its civil and moral values for the shake of which his heroes lived and died.

IV. Послетекстовый этап: проверка понимания.

Т.: Now let's do some exercises.

1. Find in the text the following words, give the English equivalents:


2. Find the antonyms of the following words, but some of the words are odd-one-out:

History outstanding
Similarity to finish
Well-known to die
Comedy Modernity
To begin past
To be born tragedy
to start

3. Find the synonyms of the following words:

Famous to begin
thanks to History
Past dramatist
playwright to finish
to start owing to

4. Answer the questions:

Where did I. I. Lazhechnikov live and work all his childhood and youth?

When and in what family was he born?

How did he get education?

Why was his novel "Battle Notes of The Russian Officer" quite different from what he had written before?

When did he become famous?

What was the main idea of the novel "Posledniy Novik"?

What works were of great historical and cultural interest?

What famous people did he know?

9. Do you know any books by I. I. Lazhechnikov? Name them.
10. Why are his works interesting for people of different generations?

5. Look at the table and read what you know about I. I. Lazhechnikov and put the sentences in a logical order.

<Приложение 2>

V. Оценка работы учащихся и домашнее задание.

Учитель оценивает работу каждого ученика на уроке.

Т.: Today you’ve found out many interesting facts about our writer I. I. Lazhechnikov, about his life and his famous works. I think this information is useful for you.

Now write down your hometask for the next lesson: retell the text and learn the words by heart.

VI. Окончание урока.

Т.: The lesson is over. Thank you for your lesson. Good bye!