Интеллектуальная игра по английскому языку "Customs and traditions of the United Kingdom"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Классы: 9, 10, 11

Ключевые слова: английский язык, интеллектуальная игра, обычаи и традиции Великобритании



  • систематизация знаний по данной теме;
  • формирование у обучающихся лингвострановедческой компетенции;
  • формирование творческой активности.


  • развитие познавательного интереса и инициативы в процессе иноязычной деятельности;
  • развитие памяти, мышления и внимания.


  • воспитание уважения и толерантного отношения к культуре и традициям других народов;
  • воспитание ответственности и умения работать индивидуально и в команде.

Ход мероприятия

Host: Hello, dears guests! Welcome to the intellectual game! You can explore the pages of the history and culture of the UK which illustrate interesting and notable events. This game shows the life and development of the British regions, their traditions in holidays, cuisine, costume, sport and literature. The traditions of the UK are highly varied and they possess their own unique inimitable aura and charms. There are both ancient and modern traditions and customs. We invite you to discover interesting facts about the United Kingdom!


Host: There are a variety of interesting practices and traditions that stay current in today`s world. Customs and traditions are involved in national and local holidays.

1) What is a well-known tradition of the New Year? 
a) the tradition of first kissing; 
b) the tradition of first footing; 
c) the tradition of first dancing.

2) What is one of the famous festivals in honour of the New Year`s Eve?  
a) the Tournament of Tulips;
b) the Tournament of Daffodils;
c) the Tournament of Roses.

3) What tradition is very popular on Valentine`s Day?
a) giving money;
b) giving flowers;
c) giving food and clothes.

4) What fruit was presented as a symbol of love and beauty on February 14th?
a) an apple;
b) a peach;
c) an orange.

5) What is special about Pancake Day?
a) It`s the last opportunity to eat good things before fasting. 
b) It`s the last opportunity to eat good things before keeping to a diet.
c) It`s the last opportunity to eat good things before getting married.

6) How many balls are there on the traditional Simnel Cake which people cook on Mother`s Day?
a) ten; b) eleven;
c) twelve.

7) What kind of holiday is St. Patrick`s Day?  
a) a holiday of autumn; b) a holiday of spring; 
c) a holiday of summer.

8) What is the traditional colour of St. Patrick`s Day? 
a) red;
b) green;
c) yellow.

9) When is the official birthday of Queen Elizabeth II?
a) on a Sunday in May;
b) on a Tuesday in March;
c) on a Saturday in June.

10) What is held at Easter?  
a) a costumed parade;
b) a sports tournament;
c) a religious service.

11) What do people do to symbolize the coming of spring?
a) put on new clothes;
b) give festive cards;
c) set off fireworks.

12) How is April Fools` Day called in Scotland?
a) Cuckoo Day;
b) Joking Day;
c) Funny Day.

13) What was popular among women and girls on May Day in the medieval period?
a) washing with dew;
b) planting flowers and trees;
c) swimming in the lake.

14) What do people try to do on Halloween?
a) to congratulate one another;
b) to scare one another;
c) to make laugh one another.

15) What is a wide-spread symbol of Guy Fawkes Night in the modern world?
a) hat;
b) walking stick;
c) mask.

16) What do children hang over a fireplace for presents at Christmas?
a) mittens;
b) stockings;
c) caps.


Host: British culture is original and rich in traditions that affect even food intake. The native cuisine of Britain, and especially of England, is considered to be simple but nutritious.

1) How is early afternoon meal called?
a) lunch;
b) dinner;
c) snack.

2) What is the national Scottish dish Haggis made of?
a) fresh fruit;
b) mutton giblets;
c) mashed potatoes.

3) What poet dedicated one of his poems to the Haggis?
a) Robert Louis Stevenson;
b) Thomas Campbell;
c) Robert Burns.

4) What was one of Harry Potter`s favourite dishes?
a) Fish and chips;
b) Scotch egg;
c) Yorkshire pudding.

5) What dish refers to a man who grazes sheep?
a) Potato cake;
b) Black pudding;
c) Shepherd`s pie.

6) What is an integral part of British culture?
a) coffee;
b) tea;
c) juice.

7) What is a charlotte?
a) an apple pie;
b) a pumpkin pie;
c) a meat pie.


Host: Each country has its own types and styles of clothing. Traditional British costumes show differences in style of clothing between regions of Britain.

1) What do modern Scots wear with the kilt?
a) a cotton shirt;
b) a woolen vest;
c) a tweed jacket.

2) What is tartan?  
a) a silk fabric;
b) a woolen fabric;
c) a cotton fabric.

3) What is a kilt pin made in the form of?
a) a sword;
b) a knife;
c) a key.

4) What is one of the main elements of the judicial vestments?
a) a coat;
b) a mantle;
c) a shawl.

5) What was an accessory of Victorian fashion?
a) an umbrella;
b) a bag;
c) a scarf.

Round IV: “SPORT”

Host: Many people play sports in Britain, which explains the great number of popular sports of different kinds. One third of the population regularly works outdoors, while one quarter goes to the gym.

1) What sport holds a particular importance in the British culture?
a) basketball;
b) football;
c) baseball.

2) When was squash first recorded?
a) in the 16th century;
b) in the 17th century;
c) in the 18th century.

3) What kind of sport includes throwing stones by the players?
a) billiards;
b) squash;
c) curling.

4) What is an old English bat-and-ball sport played between two teams?
a) badminton;
b) cricket;
c) tennis.

5) What kind of sport was an Olympic sport from 1900 to 1936?
a) polo;
b) rugby;
c) cricket.

6) Who was the first official rugby ball supplier?
a) Frederick John Perry;
b) Chris Adcock;
c) William Gilbert.

7) When were the first boxing rules introduced by James Figg to protect fighters from death?
a) 1743;
b) 1800;
c) 1862.


Host: British literature is one of the richest in the world. Talented authors and inviolable works represent particularities of national character. It is impossible to overstress the importance of British writers and their contribution to world literature.

1) Who is the statue at Nottingham Castle, England, dedicated to?
a) Robin Good;
b) Harry Potter;
c) Beowulf.

2) Who described the society of his contemporary England in “The Canterbury Tales”?
a) William Shakespeare;
b) Geoffrey Chaucer;
c) William Somerset Maugham.

3) In what Shakespeare`s work is the name of Robin Hood mentioned?
a) Othello;
b) King Lear;
c) Henry IV.

4) Where is Sherlock Holmes Museum located?
a) London;
b) Nottingham;
c) Manchester.

5) Who was the novel “Pride and Prejudice” written by?
a) Mary Shelley;
b) Jane Austen;
c) George Sand.

Host: Oh, that`s great! This information should appeal to a wide range of students exploring customs and traditions from early times to the modern days. Each round has provided you with facts about famous British people, places and cultural artifacts, and everyone has learnt many exciting and engaging things on different topics. Let`s summarize and see who is the winner of our intellectual game. Well done! Thank you very much for your work and knowledge!


Holidays: 1b 2c 3b 4a 5a 6c 7b 8b 9c 10c 11a 12a 13a 14b 15c 16b

Cuisine: 1a 2b 3c 4c 5c 6b 7a

Costume: 1c 2b 3a 4b 5a

Sport: 1b 2a 3c 4b 5a 6c 7a

Literature: 1a 2b 3c 4a 5b