Открытый урок английского языка по теме "Страны и континенты". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Цель урока: Обобщение и закрепление материала по теме, развитие навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения, письма.

 Задачи урока:

  • образовательная: закрепление навыков словообразования (образование названия языка и национальности от названия страны), закрепление лексики по теме в текстах и упражнениях.
  • развивающая: развитие интереса учащихся к культуре и традициям других стран, развитие навыков самостоятельного поиска и обработки информации, активизация разных органов восприятия
  • воспитывающая: воспитание толерантности к другим нациям и народностям, воспитание уважения и внимательности к другим учащимся, развитие взаимопомощи и взаимоподдержки.

Ход урока

1) Приветствие и организационный момент

(урок проводится в форме конференции, где учитель выступает в роли ведущего конференции, а ученики - в роли представителей разных стран):

 Dear friends,

I’m glad to see you at our international conference today. I see here are a lot of guests from different countries. They will tell us about their countries, capitals and languages. We will listen to them very carefully and be ready to answer some questions.

2) Основная часть урока:

I. Практика навыков монологической речи: на основе упр. 24 стр 89 учащиеся выступают с краткими монологическими высказываниями о странах. План выступления следующий:

  1. The name of the country.
  2. The capital.
  3. National language.
  4. Nationality.
  5. National holidays or traditions.

Вариант порядка выступлений.

  1. Russia
  2. Great Britain
  3. France
  4. Germany
  5. Spain
  6. Italy
  7. China
  8. India
  9. Japan
  10. Portugal
  11. Canada
  12. The USA
  13. Australia
  14. Egypt

II. Отработка ответов на вопросы на основе услышанного:

  1. What country has the largest population?
  2. What country has the biggest territory?
  3. In what country there are 2 official languages?
  4. What country takes the whole continent? (What country has the same name as the continent?)
  5. Where is Arabic the official language?
  6. What countries are situated on the islands?

III. Музыкальная минутка:

(Speak out elementary стр 9)

- отгадать из какой страны данная мелодия

  • отгадать название страны по форме на карте
  • отгадать страну по традиционному блюду

IV. Развитие языковой догадки узнать зашифрованную страну.

  1. nadaca
  2. ncerfa
  3. ssirua
  4. yalti
  5. pyget
  6. aliusaart
  7. snipa
  8. tgaer
  9. ntiabri
  10. nchai
  11. eceerg
  12. ygmenar
  13. aidin

V. Повторение грамматического материала:

Составить 5 типов вопросов к предложению (работа у доски).

Oceans separate continents from each other.

VI. Развитие навыков аудирования (…) (смотри слайд с заданиями и видео материал)

VII. Тренировка основного понимания прочитанного.

Dear participants! you’ve got letters from different countries, but unfortunately the address has been washed down and it’s impossible to see where the letter came from. You need to read the letter and to understand the country of origin. (каждому участнику раздаются конверты с описанием страны внутри, задача учащегося прочитать описание и отгадать, о какой стране идет речь).

VIII. Подведение итогов, рефлексия.

Dear representatives of the countries, dear guests! I would like to announce that our conference is over, we’ve learnt a lot about different countries their flags and languages, thank you for your work. Good bye.

(выставить оценки, прокомментировать работу детей на уроке).

Home task:

Homereading lesson 7 


  1. Верещагина И. Н. И Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык 5 класс , учебник для школ с углубленным изучением иностранных языков.
  2. Speak Out Elementary изд. Person Longman, 2013.
  3. Activate A2 изд. Person Longman, 2014.

Essencial Materials.


  1. Try to predict: People in the Lop Bhury think that monkeys are bad for the city (yes/no).
  2. Words you may need:
    steal - take something from someone without their permission.
    chef - a person, who’s job is to cook meals (usually at the restaurants).
  3. Circle the food, that monkeys like to eat: butter, cake, chicken, fruit, ice cream, jelly, milk, sausages, steak, tea.
  4. Would you like to go to the monkey festival? Why/why not?
  5. Say if it’s true or false: (see the slide)

Guess the name of the country:

  • I t’s the biggest country in the world. People here are friendly and peace loving. They have rich history and traditions. Their national food is pancakes with caviar, sour cream and honey.
  • This country is situated in the south of Europe. People here are very kind and merry. They love to eat pizza and spaghetti.
  • This country is situated on two big islands. The weather here is very changeable and foggy. People here drink lots of tea with jam and biscuits.
  • This is a very romantic country. People here are very beautiful and friendly. They are very proud of their symbol the Eiffel Tower. They love cheese and wine.
  • This country is situated in Europe. People here like different festivals and holidays. They dance, sing songs, drink beer and eat a lot of sausages during these festivals.
  • This country is not far from Italy. It’s very warm and sunny. Many people like to come here on a holiday. People here like to corrida with bulls and many people come every year to watch it.
  • This is the country with the biggest population in the world. It has long and rich history. It’s situated in Asia. They say that everything is made in this country, because it has many plants and factories. People here are very hard-working and reserved. Their food is very tasty and they eat it with the chopsticks. 8) This is also a big country in Asia. People there are kind and happy. They like belly dancing and movies. They eat rice with curry. They have a saint animal, it is a cow. People speak many languages in this country, but the main are Hindi and English.
  • This country is called the country of the rising sun. It is situated on many many small islands. People here respect their culture and traditions a lot. Their most famous dish is sushi which is now popular all over the world.
  • This is a sunny country in Europe, people here are noble and friendly. They have rich history and they once were a great nation in ancient times. They gave us lots of writers, scientists and philosophers. But the most important things are the Olympic Games. Their national dance is sirtaki which is known all over the world.
  • The symbol of this country is a maple leaf. This country is situated in North America. Their national sport is hockey. Their most famous product is maple syrup. They have two national languages: English and French.
  • This is the country of immigrants. They often call it «the melting pot». It’s situated in North America. People there are proud of their holidays such as Thanksgiving Day, Easter, Christmas and Halloween.
  • This is a hot country in Africa. Many people all over the world come here on a holiday. This country has rich history and many historical places. The most famous are the Pyramids. The national animal is a camel, people love it and respect it, because it helps them in everyday life.
  • This is a unique country in the southern hemisphere. This country takes the whole continent. The interesting fact about this country is that when it’s summer here it’s winter there and vice-versa. Symbols of the country are kangaroos, dingoes, koala bears and some other rare animals.
