Урок "Communication Links" по теме "Being a Teenager" для 9–10-х классов

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • активизация в речи изученной лексики и грамматики, разговорных клише по теме;
  • развитие навыка смыслового чтения;
  • совершенствование навыка аудирования;
  • совершенствование метапредметных компетенций в разных видах речевой деятельности;
  • развитие творческих способностей, воображения, языковой догадки;
  • разумное применение ИКТ для решения поставленных задач.


Видеоролик, разноуровневые задания по чтению, индивидуальные комплекты заданий (стр. 1-5 )


I. Introduction.

Teacher: Hello! Today we’re going to speak about one of the most important values in our life: communication. Getting along with others is the thing that worries or pleases a lot of teens. We’ll discuss relations of teenagers with different groups of people: parents, peers, teachers, people of importance, virtual friends and our attitude to ourselves. At the lesson we’ll state problems of socializing and think of the solution, try to find the way out of difficult situations. We’ll look at ourselves in the eyes of others which sometimes is not easy at all.

II. Warming up.

Teacher: What do we contact people for? Give your reasons.

Students: We communicate with others to learn and discuss the news,

- to share our joys and sorrows,

- to seek for support or to give it,

- to while away the time,

- some peers do it just to show off.

- We talk because we can’t be silent as we are humans and have an ability to speak.

- In the Internet we deal with our virtual partners more willingly as we aren’t acquainted with them in person, hiding our identity can promote the interest to us, here we are what we would really like to be.

Teacher: I quite agree with you. Now let’s have a look at the vital problems of teens and match them with the groups of people to discuss them with. You may use more than one letter of the right column.

Matching (Комплект заданий: стр.1)

Each student is given a set of tasks.

Тeacher: Do the task on the sheets of paper you’ve been given - page 1.

Problem Group of people
Bullying Parents
Being impolite Lifelong friends
Having low or high self-esteem Teachers
Experimenting with appearance Virtual friends
Being uninterested in studies Yourself
Being untidy People of importance to you
Being afraid to be seen as losers Classmates
Being lonely Other adults
Becoming net addicts Acquaintances

Exchanging students’ opinions about the most important problems

Set phrases to be used: If I had such a problem, I’d.../I share your opinion/I entirely agree with you/I disapprove of.../I’d rather compromise.../Try to see other people’s point of view/I’d advise you to get it over/....

III. Watching.

Teacher: Now we’re going to watch a film about family misunderstanding.

Choices Pre-Intermediate Students Book M.Harris, A.Sikorzynska, M.Verbitskaya, I.Shishova

Module 5. “Giving Opinions”

- Pre-watching

Teacher: Teens and their parents frequently argue about a lot of things, such as pocket money, jobs to be done at home etc. Do you often have different views on family matters? What are they? Let’s make up a list. (Students write their ideas on the blackboard)

- Watching not up to the end (1-2 times)

- Post-watching

Teacher: Do the task on the sheets of paper - page 2. Choose the most suitable variant.

(Комплект заданий: стр.2)

Students do the task on multiple choice:

1/ What time did they agree on?

  1. 10.30;
  2. 11.30;
  3. 11.30 at weekends.

2. What did Emma suggest?

  1. Getting only good marks at school;
  2. Doing more household chores;
  3. Getting a part-time job to be more independent financially.

3. What did Mum suggest?

  1. Picking Emma up from the centre;
  2. Emma’s staying at Granny’s for the night;
  3. Emma’s boy-friend’s seeing her off.

4. What is the end of the story?

  1. Emma left home and spent the night at Kate’s;
  2. Mum completely agreed on her daughter’s suggestion;
  3. Both of them met halfway.

- Watching the end of the video

- Checking if the choices were right

Teacher: Well, be ready to express your opinions about the subject of arguing.

Students give their variants of finishing the dialogue.

IV. Speaking: making up dialogues based on given situations.

Each pair of students is given a card to make up a dialogue.

Card 1. Tim’s parents got his teacher’s report. Tim missed school last month. It appeared that he was bullied at school.

Make up a dialogue between Tim and his mother/father.

Card 2. Carol didn’t go to the party. She was sure she was too fat.

Make up a dialogue between Carol and her friend Liz.

Card 3. Chris got bad marks in geography though he had a talent for studying.

Make up a dialogue between Chris and his teacher.

Card 4. David is a net addict. He spends all the time playing computer games.

Make up a dialogue between David and a psychologist.

Card 5. A social worker at school got a police report on a fight between a group of skinheads and passers-by.

Make up a dialogue between a social worker and a skinhead.

Card 6. Sally hasn’t bought any food for dinner chatting in the Facebook. Her mother gets angry with her.

Make up a dialogue between mother and Sally.

V. Reading and doing the tasks

Teacher: We communicate not only in person but also in social networks. Read the text about teenagers and social networking and do the tasks given after it.


(Комплект заданий: стр.3-4)

Teenagers and Social Networking

With technology fast advancing every single day, many teenagers in the UK have turned to social media sites for connections with their friends so they can share information. Many teenagers who have access to mobile devices such as Smartphones, iPads, Mac and laptop computers have access to the internet and subsequently they get into social networking sites which are usually free to join and do not have an age limit. This shows how important it is for the teenagers to be educated and informed about their security and relevance while using social media platforms.

Pros of social networking sites

  • A major benefit that teenagers get from these social networking sites is the establishing of connections with their friends. This allows the teenagers to expand their networking capabilities.
  • Social media platforms also help teenagers to inform their friends about happenings in their lives.
  • The sites also enable teenagers to communicate with friends and express themselves regarding the situations they face in their daily lives.
  • Social media platforms have also provided a cheaper way of staying connected with family and friends over long distances.
  • Social media platforms have also provided a private means by which teenagers use to communicate with friends.

Cons of social networking sites

  1. Teenagers are usually influenced by what their mates are doing. This has led many teenagers to traps by engaging in risky activities on the internet.
  2. Social media platforms also provide an easy means by which teenagers can be bullied, humiliated, stalked and even lured into traps.
  3. Teenagers who like posting their photos, videos and personal information may open routes for external target and harm.
  4. Teenagers who are not able to access these social networking sites often develop a low self-esteem because they feel their mates are more informed than them.
  5. Also the comments posted on the sites may portray a negative image of the teenager and this can affect their job prospects in future.

TEST 1. (advanced students)

True – False – Not Stated

  1. A lot of British teens use social networks to communicate.
  2. The sites are usually paid.
  3. Teens under 14 are not allowed to have an access to the sites.
  4. It is significant for teens to follow safety rules while in the Internet.
  5. The main advantage of social networks is exploring the world.
  6. Social networks help teens to keep in touch with their far-away mates.
  7. Teens’ progress at school strongly depends on using social networks.

ANSWERS: 1) T; 2) F; 3) F; 4) T; 5) NS; 6) T; 7) NS.

TEST 2. (poor students)

Find the English equivalents in the text

  1. Быстро развивающиеся технологии;
  2. Иметь доступ к мобильным устройствам;
  3. Иметь ограничение по возрасту;
  4. Основное преимущество;
  5. Расширять возможности;
  6. Заманить в ловушку;
  7. Низкая самооценка;
  8. Cоздать малопривлекательный образ;
  9. Повлиять на карьерный рост;
  10. Стать уязвимым для внешнего негативного воздействия.


  1. fast advancing technology;
  2. to have access to mobile devices;
  3. to have an age limit;
  4. a major benefit;
  5. to expand capabilities;
  6. to lure into traps;
  7. a low self-esteem;
  8. to portray a negative image;
  9. to affect job prospects in future;
  10. to open routes for external target and harm.

- Post-reading (homework)

Teacher: Think of more pros and cons of social networking sites and write them down.

VI. Practising speaking skills

Teacher: The success of getting on with people often depends on our personal qualities. Find out what kind of person you are and what other people may think of you. Use the given words.

How to characterize people (Комплект заданий: стр.5)

Positive features: kind, noble, hard-working, punctual, gentle, communicative, ready to help, clever, brave, courageous, witty, bright, romantic, wise, devoted, reliable, creative, sensible, emotional, tactful, shy, modest, neat, intelligent, serious, good-natured, honest, businesslike, quiet, just, attentive, tolerant, patient, independent, polite, self-critical, open-hearted, obedient, reserved, strong-willed, realistic, well-bred, optimistic, active, always in good spirits, having a sense of humour.

Negative features: cruel, greedy, dishonest, stupid, silly, crazy, dull, boring, low, mean, tactless, heartless, shameless, characterless, passive, double-faced, ignorant, impolite, lazy, stubborn, ill-bred, false, envious, absent-minded, good-for-nothing, naughty, lacking initiative.

A lier, a coward, a chatter-box, a snob, a nonentity (ничтожество), a sleepy-head, a hooligan, a perfect idiot.

People say ....................................................................................................

My parents are sure ..........................................................................................

My teachers assume .........................................................................................

My friends consider me to be ..............................................................................

I try to be ..................... but ............................................................................

I’d like to be ...................................................................................................

I suppose I’m ...................................................................................................

VII. Homework.

1. Think of more pros and cons of social networking sites and write them down.

2. Make a drawing or a scheme to represent yourself in the eyes of other people.

VIII. Summing up.

Teacher: Today we‘ve found out that communication is a vital part of our life.

You were active, initiative, creative, enthusiastic, hard-working.

Hope you’ll have a terrific time establishing new connections with peers.

Try to be easy to get along with and it will help you to become good-mixers.


  1. https://www.esoftload.info/teenagers-social-networking
  2. Choices Pre-Intermediate Students Book M.Harris, A.Sikorzynska, M.Verbitskaya, I.Shishova. Module 5. “Giving Opinions”. Москва “Вентана-Граф” 2012 г.
  3. Английский язык. Учебник для IX класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. О.В.Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева. Unit 3. Москва. “Просвещение” 2015 г.