Урок английского языка по теме "Health is above wealth". 3-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 3

Презентация к уроку

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Урок построен на материалах учебно-методического комплекта «Enjoy English 3» (авторы Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н.), рекомендованного Министерством образования и науки РФ и включенного в Федеральный перечень учебников.

Оборудование: персональный компьютер, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал по теме (Приложение 1; Приложение 2; Приложение 3), электронная презентация по теме, выполненная в программе «Power Point», книга для учащегося «Enjoy English 3», театральный реквизит (медицинский халат, очки, стетоскоп).

Цель урока: введение, отработка и закрепление модального глагола «must» (утвердит., отрицат.) в устной и письменной речи.

  1. Образовательные:
    • развивать практические умения и навыки устной речи: учить рассказывать o необходимости соблюдения правильного режима дня и питания, правил поведения во время приема пищи. используя модальный глагол «must» (утвердит., отрицат.);
    • развитие навыков восприятия речи на слух и навыков чтения с целью понимания прочитанного;
    • развитие навыков аудирования;
    • повторение и закрепление Present Simple Tense.
  2. Воспитательные: формирования у младших школьников отношения к человеку и его здоровью как ценности, а также выработки понимания сущности здорового образа жизни и практических рекомендаций по соблюдению здорового образа жизни.
  3. Развивающие: развитие самостоятельности, логики мышления, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия, развитие памяти, внимания, быстрой реакции.

Тип урока: комбинированный с использованием ИКТ.

Ход урока

Stage of the lesson
Procedure Aims of the stage Classroom management
The beginning of the lesson
3 min
Greetings rhyme
Good morning.
Good morning.
How are you?
I’m fine, thanks.
And me too!
Teacher (T.): Good morning, dear pupils! I’m glad to see you today. It’s too early! Follow my instructions and … wake up!
Утренняя зарядка «Wake up!»
· Pull the lobes of your ears from top to bottom (3 times);
· Pull the helix up (3 times);
· Pull the helix from the outside (3 times);
· Circular motion of your helix clockwise/anticlockwise (3 times);
· Keep smile!
I hope you’re fine and ready to work, aren’t you?
So, let’s start our lesson.
Today we’re going to the modal verb «must» and revise the vocabulary for the topic “Health is above wealth” <Слайд 1>.
To create a friendly atmosphere
of foreign language speaking

Whole class

Тime: 2 min.
Somebody is knocking at the door. Dr. Health is coming in.
Dr. Health
: I’m sorry, Oxana Nikolaevna. I’m Mr.Health. I’m a doctor. I’m from Great Britain. English boys and girls have got a lot of problems with their health. They don’t want to take care of their health! They are so lazy! Do Russian boys and girls take of their health?
T.: Sure, they do. Please, Dr.Health, take your seat and make yourself comfortable.
To introduce problem questions
To encourage students to think about their health
To improve oral fluency

Whole class
Тime: 5 min.
T.:So, my dear pupils. Let’s show Dr. Health how we take care of our health.
Look at the whiteboard. There is a new rule here. Listen, repeat and remember < Слайд 2>.
(The grammar rule is shown in the presentation. Pupils look through and remember).
To introduce the new rule
To improve grammar skills
Whole class
Тime: 3-5 min.
T.: Open your textbook, page 37 ex. 2. Read Ms. Chatter’s advice and complete the list. Use the verb «must».
P1: You must wash your ….
P2: You must clean your … etc.

To revise the vocabulary for the topic “ Health is above wealth”
To revise the grammar (Must: affirmative)
To improve oral fluency
Whole class

Тime: 5-7 min.
T.: Play the game «Follow my advice». You have to look through the pictures and advise your classmates to do some activities <Слайд 3> <Cлайд 4>. You should show understanding through mime and physical response. Be careful! Follow the advice if it’s good eg
: …, you must eat many sweets every day.
I mustn’t eat many sweets every day.
T.: …
, you must run in the park.
P2 (
showing the action): I must run in the park.
(Children are grouped into 3-5 and sit in circles. Encourage every child to respond).
To encourage oral communication
To revise the vocabulary for the topic “Health is above wealth”
To revise the grammar (Must: affirmative, negative)
To develop physical coordination
Whole class
Тime: 5 min.
T.: My dear students! Dr. Health has a surprise for us. Please, open you text books page 38 ex.6. You should read Dr. Health’s article «Would you like to be healthy?» and remember what we must do to be healthy.
(Children read the story).
To improve reading skills
To revise the vocabulary for the topic “Health is above wealth”
To revise the grammar (Must: affirmative, negative)
Whole class
Тime: 5 min.
T.: You’ve read the article «Would you like to be healthy?». You have a funny table to complete. Fill in the gaps with «must» or «mustn’t». Do the task with the music. When it stops, you should finish. (*Инструментальная музыка - по выбору учителя).
(Children sit down once their tables are complete <Приложение 1>.
(Children complete the table).
Now let’s check the answers. Look at the whiteboard. If you’d like to be healthy you …
<Слайд 5>.
To improve reading and writing skills
To revise the vocabulary for the topic “Health is above wealth”
To revise the grammar (Must: affirmative, negative)
Whole class
Gym sequence
Тime: 1 min
T.: Please, children, stand up and have a rest. Do the actions with the music (* Музыка для физкультминутки – по выбору учителя ).
(Teacher gives instructions for a short gym sequence in a rhythmic way, eg Hands in the air. One, two! Touch your toes. One, Two! Bend to the left. One, two! Bend to the right. One, two! Run on the spot. One, two! Turn around. One, two! And sit down. One, two!)
Have a rest Whole class
Тime: 3 min.
Dr.Health: I’sorry, Oxana Nikolaevna! Could I ask your students some questions? Are you healthy? Try this quiz and find out. Tick V or X <Приложение 2>:
– Do you eat apples?
– Do you eat carrots and cabbage?
– Do you run and play in the park?
– Do you clean teeth in the morning?
– Do you sleep well?
<Слайд 6-9>.
Dr.Health: Now calculate your points and find out if you’re healthy!
5 «yes» = You are healthy!
3 «yes» = Don’t be lazy!
1 «yes» = Go to the doctor!
<Слайд 10>.
To improve listening and reading skills
To revise the vocabulary for the topic “ Health is above wealth”
To revise the grammar (Present Simple: affirmative, negative, interrogative)

Whole class
Art activities /writing
Тime: 2-3 min.
T.: Let’s make presents for Dr. Health. You’ve got a sheet of paper and coloured pencils or crayons. You should draw and write simple sentences to show activities to be healthy. To listen and follow instructions
To make a personalized record of vocabulary
The end of the lesson
Тime: 2-3 min.
Dr. Health.: Thank you, pupils. As I see, you’d like to be healthy and happy. Remember: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”! Bye! <Слайд 11>.
T.: Bye, Dr. Health! We don’t want to be lazy! We’d like to be healthy!
(The actor is going out).
Today you have learnt the modal verb «must» and revise the vocabulary for the topic “Health is above wealth”. It’s up to you to decide what advice to follow.
T.: According to the results of your work you get the following marks…
On your desks you’ve got three circles: green, yellow and red like in traffic lights <Слайд 12>;<Приложение 3>.
The green one if you understood everything;
The yellow one if you understood almost everything;
The red one if you understood little;
Tomorrow it’ll be a weekend and that’s why haven’t got any home task. Thank you very much for your work in the lesson. You are so active and it’s great. Have a great weekend! <Слайд 13>.
Goodbye rhyme
Time to finish now
Stop our work and fun
See you on Monday (name day of next lesson)
Goodbye, everyone!
The teacher thanks the pupils for the work.

Whole class


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