Внеклассное мероприятие по теме: "English – speaking countries"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Форма работы: игра “Счастливый случай”

Тема мероприятия: Великобритания

Участники: учащиеся 7 классов


  • Практическая: систематизировать и обобщить знания по теме “Великобритания”.
  • Образовательная: формировать у учащихся интерес к культуре народа страны изучаемого языка, расширять их кругозор.
  • Воспитательная: создавать положительную мотивацию к дальнейшему изучению языка.
  • Развивающая: развивать у учащихся память, воображение, внимание, логическое мышление.

Оснащение мероприятия: карта Британских островов, символы и флаги стран Соединённого Королевства, цветные иллюстрации достопримечательностей Лондона, портреты известных британцев.


I. Вступительное слово ведущего

– Well, friends, attention, please. I hope you’re fine today, aren’t you? We’ve gathered together today to hold one of the TV games which was extremely popular among the school-leavers several years ago. It is called ‘A Lucky Chance’. We will talk about the importance of English in the world, and about the English speaking countries. That’s why the walls of our classroom are decorated today. You see the geographical map of the country, the flags and symbols of different parts of the UK, the colorful pictures and posters demonstrating some historical places, places of interest. I do hope that you’ve learnt a lot of interesting facts at our English lessons concerning the geographical position of the country, climate, vegetation and wild life, the Queen and the British Parliament, streets and squares, some churches and cathedrals, palaces and monuments, national traits of the British people and their lifestyle. I’m sure you’ll certainly get some more useful information today as well.(Внимание, друзья. Мы собрались сегодня провести игру, которая была популярна несколько лет назад. «Счастливый случай». Мы будем говорить о популярности английского языка в мире и о англо-говорящих странах. Вы видите карты и рисунки, достопримечательности Англии. Вы знаете уже много интересного о странах, говорящих на английском языке, но мы надеемся, что сегодня вы узнаете еще больше полезной информации.

The language of the world

– Today English is the language of the world. Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, and the South African Republic. English is not only the national or official language of some thirty states which represent different cultures, but it is also the major international language for communication in such areas as science, technology, business and mass entertainment. It is language of literature, education, modern music, international tourism, political organizations.(Сегодня английский это язык мира. Свыше 300 миллионов человек говорят на нем как на родном. Люди, говорящие на английском живут в Великобритании, Австралии, Новой Зеландии и США. Английский это не только официальный язык во многих странах, а также международный язык в таких сферах как наука, средства массовой информации, литература, музыка, туризм и политика.)

II. Представление команд и членов жюри, ознакомление с правилами игры

– So, today we’ll get acquainted with three teams, jury and our guests. Well, the first team is... Let’s greet the members of the first team. Applause, please. Meet the members of the second team … Meet the members of the third team … Applause, please .And of course, the jury will be all eyes and ears to follow the game and they will be helpful to score the points. Your task is to get as many points as possible. The team with the highest score will become the winners of the game.
The rules of the game are quite simple. You are to respect your group-mates and not to shout. No doubt, winning is the aim, but it’s only a game. Don’t forget about it. And now it’s time to begin the game itself. (Итак, сегодня мы познакомимся с тремя командами, жюри и нашими гостями. Жюри будет оценивать игру, задача команд заработать как можно больше баллов. Постарайтесь не кричать уважайте другие команды. Помните, что это всего лишь игра.)

III. Содержание игры (раунды)

a) Warming up – Разминка

The first round is called “Warming up” (“Разминка”).   HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW BRITAIN, UNITED STATES AND CANADA? All our teams will be offered a certain number of questions. The first student, who puts up his hand, gets the right to answer. If he is wrong, the members of the opposite team can answer the same question and get a point. Mind, no one point for the team, if I hear somebody shouting. (Как хорошо вы знаете Британию, США и Канаду ? Команды слушают вопросы, и если кто-либо знает ответ, капитан команды поднимает руку, и вы даете ваш ответ. Побеждает команда, которой удалось дать больше правильных ответов, если кто-либо выкрикивает балл не засчитывается)

1. How many parts does the UK consist of? (Four)
2. What color are the letter boxes in London? (Red)
3. How many children had princess Diana got? (Two)
4. Who are the ‘Tories’? (The Conservative Party)
5. What is the most popular sport in England? (Football = soccer)
6. When do Englishmen celebrate Christmas? (On the 25th of December)
7. What is the famous wax museum in London? (Madam Tussaud’s)
8. What is the main part of the Tower of London? (Bloody tower, White tower)
9. The home of the first great detective Sherlock Holmes? (Baker Street)
10. What is the home of London Zoo? (Regent’s Park)
11. What is the name of Shakespeare’s Theatre? (The Globe)
12. What is the weight of Big Ben? ( 13.720)
13. What is the longest river in England? (The Severn – 388 km)
14. What is the most important river in England? (The Thames)
15. What is the national musical instrument of the Scots? (Bagpipes)
16. What is the national dress of the Scots? (Kilt)
17. This famous building is often compared with the Mausoleum because a lot of people were buried there (Westminster Abbey)
18. What are lanterns made of on Halloween? (Pumpkins)
19. The English writer whose most famous novel is Robinson Crusoe (Daniel Defoe)
20. Two popular gentlemen associated with Baker Street? (Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson)
21. He wrote a famous book for children Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland? (Lewis Carroll)
22. The outstanding scientist who discovered the law of gravitation? (Isaac Newton)
23. What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)
24. What is the biggest city in Britain? (London)
25. Who is officially the head of Great Britain? (The Queen)
26. Who is the National Hero of Great Britain, the defender of the poor people? (Robin Hood)
27. What are the oldest English universities? (Cambridge, Oxford)
28. What is the full name of the country? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
29. What was the first most terrible prison in Great Britain? (Tower)
30. What is a double-decker? (Bus)
31. What are the colors of the British flag? (Blue, white, red)
32. Who was born in Stratford-on-Avon? (Shakespeare)
33. What is the nickname of the British flag? (Union Jack)
34. What color are taxes in London? (Yellow)
35. What language do the people in Britain speak? (English)
36. Canada has got two official languages. What are they? (English, French)
37. What is the national symbol of Canada? (Maple leaf)
38. What is the capital of Canada? (Ottawa)
39. How many stripes has the American flag got? (13)
40. Who was the first American President? (Washington)
41. What holiday is celebrated in the USA on the 4th of July? (Independence Day)
42. What oceans are the USA washed in the west (in the east) by? (Atlantic, Pacific)
43. What American state is situated 50 miles from Russia? (Alaska)
44. Who discovered America? (Columbus)
45. What is the most popular game in English pubs? (Darts)

– Well, it’s difficult to decide which team is better. But it’s not our job. Our respected jury must do it. Will you tell us the results of the first round? … Cheer up! It’s only the beginning of the game. (Жюри подсчитывает результаты конкурса… Не расстраивайтесь, это только начало игры)

b) Puzzles in the Barrels – Заморочки из бочки

The next round is called “Puzzles in the Barrels” (“Заморочки из бочки”). And now all teams must do written exercise. Take this and do this task as quickly as possible. And then give your answers to our jury. (следующее задание письменное, команды должны сделать это как можно быстрее и отдать жюри)
Write the words in three columns.

Sophia, London, Turkey, Asia, South America, Switzerland, Japan, Washington, Canberra, France, Amsterdam, Boston,  Ottawa, Spain, Europe, New Zealand, Norway, Egypt, Beijing, Africa, Australia, Rome, Antarctica, North America, Paris, China, Sydney, Portugal.


c) The next round is called “Captains contest” – конкурс капитанов.

I want our captains come to jury’s table. They will get the special task. They’ll have to read the following poems as quickly as possible. (Капитаны подходят к  жюри, берут задание, которое нужно прочитать как можно быстрее)

Robert Rowley rolled
A round roll round,
A round roll Robert
Rowley rolled round;
Where rolled the round roll
Robert Rowley rolled round?
I sail on the ocean,
I swim in the see,
I fly in the air,
And the world’s all for  me.
My planet’s the Earth,
But I dream of the moon,
And I hope in my dreams
To go there quite soon.
I promise I will do it.
I will do it now or soon
I will do it in the morning or in the afternoon.
I will do it in the evening,
On Monday, June 3rd
I will do it in September.
I will do it, take my word.

с) Ask me a question and I’ll ask you – “Ты – мне, я – тебе”

“Ask me a question and I will ask you” (“Ты – мне, я – тебе”) is the name of the next round. And now you must listen to me attentively and say this information is true or false. If the sentence is false you can give the true information. Well, …begin, please.(команды слушают внимательно утверждения и если они не правильные исправляют их.)

  1. The capital of the USA is New York.
  2. The USA has the third largest population in the world.
  3. American English and British English are absolutely the same.
  4. Nobody in America can understand people who speak British English.
  5. The second important language in the USA is French.
  6. The capital of Canada is Ottawa.
  7. Canada is famous for its parks.
  8. There are two official languages in Canada – English and Spanish.
  9. The official emblem of Canada is the star.
  10. The flag of Canada is yellow.
  11. New Zealand consists of two main islands and some small islands.
  12. The school year in New Zealand starts in February.
  13. The official languages in New Zealand are English and French.
  14. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.
  15. In New Zealand English is often called Kiwi English.
  16. The UK is the third largest country in the world.
  17. The UK is an island state.
  18. In the UK a tourist can meet only British people.
  19. The English language includes a lot of words from many other languages.
  20. The capital of England is Cambridge.
  21. Australia occupies the whole continent.
  22. It lies between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans.
  23. The capital of Australia is Canberra.
  24. There is no official language in Australia.
  25. Sometimes Australia is called “The Lucky Country”

And now let’s have a rest and listen some poems in English. It was your home task, and you had to learn poems and their translations by heart. So, who wants to be first? Please go to the stage. (Небольшой перерыв давайте послушаем стихотворения Генри  Лонгфелло, команды должны были выучить их наизусть)

The Arrow and the Song

I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.
I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where
For who has sight so keen and strong
That it can follow the flight of a song?
Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow still unbroken;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.

Стрела и песня

Из лука ввысь взвилась стрела…
Не знаю, где она легла.
И мне, глядящему вперед,
Невидим был ее полет.
И песня в мир моя ушла…
Не знаю, где она легла.
За тьмой лесов, за цепью гор
Не уследил за песней взор.
Прошли года. Стрела нашлась…
В широкий дуб она впилась..
А песнь, с начала до конца,
Моих друзей хранят сердца.

The golden sunset

The golden sea its mirror spreads
Beneath the golden skies,
And but a narrow strip between
Of land and shadow lies.
The cloud-like rocks, the rocks-like clouds
Dissolved in glory float,
And midway of the radiant flood,
Hangs silently the boat.
The sea is but another sky,
The sky a sea as well,
And which is earth and which is heaven,
The eye can scarcely tell!

Золотой закат

Сверкает море золотое
Под золотом небес,
Меж ними узкой полосою
Лежит тенистый лес.
На облака похожи скалы,
На скалы – облака,
А между ними лодка встала,
Воздушна и легка.
И можно с небом спутать море
И с морем – небосвод,
Как будто отражен во взоре
Весь мир наоборот.


A wind came up out of the sea,
And said, “O mists, make room for me”
It hailed the ships and cried, “Sail on,
You mariners, the night is gone”
And hurried landward far away,
Crying, “Awake! It is the day”
It said unto the forest, “Shout!”
Hang all your leafy banners out!
It touched the wood bird’s folded wing,
And said, “O bird, awake and sing”
And over the farms, “O chanticleer
Your clarion blow: the day is near.”
It whispered to the fields of corn,
“Bow down, and hail the coming morn”
It shouted through the belfry tower,
Awake, O bell! Proclaim the hour.


 Повеял бриз над океаном.
«Рассейтесь!» – он сказал туманам.
Он крикнул морякам: «вперед!
Глядите, утро настает!»
И поспешил в луга и нивы,
Крича: «Гоните сон ленивый!»
И к лесу он воззвал: «Шуми,
Как знамя, листья подними!»
Сказал пичуге робкой: «Птица!
Проснись, чтоб в поднебесье взвиться!»
И петуху на ферме: «Эй!
Вставай, горнист, буди людей!»
Шепнул колосьям: «Утро близко,
Ему вы поклонитесь низко!»
На башне колокол толкнул:
«Пора! Пусть твой раздастся гул.»

d) A Dark Horse – Темная лошадка

While the jury is busy doing the sums let’s pass over to the next round which is called “A Dark Horse” (“Темная лошадка”). This time you are to listen to short stories and guess who this person is. The first student, who puts up his hand, gets the right to answer. If he is wrong, the members of the opposite team can answer the same question and get a point. Attention, no one point for the team, if I hear somebody shouting. (команды прослушивают короткий рассказ, и пытаются определить о ком идет речь, если команда отвечает неправильно, другая команда может дать свой ответ)

a) It was our Russian newspaper “The Red Star” which gave her the nickname “the Iron Lady”. The first woman to occupy the position of prime minister 1979–1990; Conservative Party)
Who was this woman? (Margaret Thatcher)

b) He was a famous English dramatist and poet at the beginning of the 17th century. He wrote lyric plays, comedies, tragedies, historical plays. His home town was Stratford-upon Avon. The tourists can visit the house where he lived with his family; his theatre “The Globe” is known all over the world. (William Shakespeare)

c) The Old Curiosity Shop was built in London in 1567. It was described in one of his novels. He is a well-known English writer popular for his memorable characters and his portrayals of the social evils of Victorian England. His works are “Pickwick Papers”, “David Copperfield”, “Oliver Twist”. (Charles Dickens)

d) It took him 35 years to build one of the Royal Churches in London. It was designed in a French style which was quite unusual for Britain at that time. He died at the age of 91 and was buried inside his masterpiece – the place where the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana took place. (An architect Sir Christopher Wren)

Can we listen to the jury now? Will you declare the results of the last two rounds?

e) Hurry up to see! – Спешите видеть!

The next round is “Hurry up to See!” (“Спешите видеть!”)  You must show the presentation about one of the English speaking-countries and tell us some facts about this country. All the members of the team can add something if they want. (В этом раунде команды должны были подготовить домашнее задание небольшую презентацию и рассказ об одной из англо-говорящих стран)


Jury, will you be so kind to comment on the answers of both teams? … And what is the total score for a while? … Thank you.

IV. Подведение итогов игры

– Our game has come to an end. Well, the jury, it’s time to declare the winners of our today’s game. You’re welcome. (Наша игра подошла к концу и жюри объявит результаты)
Congratulations to all the members of the…team. You were the top. But…team, there is no need to worry. You were also great. I’m sure next time you’ll be luckier!

V. Заключительноеслово ведущего

– We say “Thank you!” to all the participants of our game. We thank you, our dear guests, and our jury. Thanks a lot to everyone for taking an active part in our game. We are satisfied with your answers. You really demonstrated perfect knowledge of the topic “The English speaking countries”. I hope you’ve had a nice time together and learnt something new. Thank you once again and good-bye.
– Thanks to all of you for coming, for taking part and learning something!
And I hope that games like this you will never ever miss!
(Большое спасибо всем тем, кто принимал участие в нашей игре, нашему жюри и нашим гостям. Участники показали хорошие знания по теме «Англо-говорящие страны» большое всем спасибо.)

Приложение 1

Приложение 2