Урок по теме "Meals". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5


познавательный аспект: знакомство с новой лексикой, умение отвечать на вопросы, практиковать в аудировании текста, учить употреблять антонимы, делать свои комментарии, заполнять пропуски подходящими словами, уметь составлять диалог из предложенных выражений;

воспитательный аспект: следует правильно питаться;

учебный аспект: формирование навыков говорения.

Речевой материал: to stir, sugar, strong tea, semolina, porridge, buckwheat porridge, hard-boiled eggs, soft-boiled eggs, omelette.

Ход урока

1. Warm up.

a) Learn the proverbs and saying.

Hungry as a hunter. - Голодный как волк.

Out of the frying-pan info the fire. - Из огня да в полымя.

There is no use crying over the spilt milk. - Что с воза упало, то пропало.

b) Answer the following questions:

When and where do you have your breakfast?

You have your lunch at school, don’t you?

Do you have your dinner earlier or later than lunch?

Which is the first (the second, the third) meal of the day?

At what do you have your dinner?

Who cooks your dinner?

Do you help your mother to prepare your meals?

Who lays the table for breakfast and dinner?

When do you have your supper?

2. The work with the text.

a) The task is listen to the text and guess the meaning of the new words.

For breakfast people may have eggs or an omelette. If eggs are boiled 2 or 3 minutes we call

them soft boiled eggs. If they are boiled 5 minutes or more we call them hard-boiled eggs.

They prefer porridge, buckwheat porridge or semolina for breakfast. After porridge, eggs or an

omelette people drink coffee, tea or milk. I don’t like to drink strong tea or coffee.

I prefer weak coffee with milk. My friend drinks her coffee without milk. We always put some sugar into our coffee or tea. To take our coffee or tea sweet we put 2 or 3 spoonfuls of sugar and stir it with a tea-spoon.

New Words

omelette – омлет, яичница

soft-boiled eggs – яйца всмятку

hard-boiled eggs – яйца вкрутую

porridge – овсяная каша

buckwheat porridge – гречневая каша

semolina – манная каша

strong tea – крепкий чай

sugar – сахар

to stir – мешать

b) Ask your friends questions using the new words.

3. Listen to the teacher’s statements and make your comment.

I always have breakfast at 7.30. For breakfast I usually have some porridge and a cup of tea.

I never eat anything at school. At 3 o’clock I have dinner. My sister Lena has meals only 3 times a day. Almost every day she eats two soft-boiled eggs. She likes them very much.

4. Answer the following questions.

Have you eaten an omelette today?

What did you have for breakfast yesterday?

Do you like strong or weak tea?

What kind of tea do you like?

Where do you have lunch?

Do you have dinner at school or at home? When do you have it?

5. Replace the underlined words by their antonyms.

1) Pete likes strong tea without sugar.

2) You put too little salt into your broth so it is tasteless.

3) I tried the meat with a fork and found that it was tough.

6. Explain in English:

the first course; an omelette; to lay the table for breakfast (for dinner); strong tea; fried fish; hard potatoes; the dessert; tough meat; to clear away; stewed meat.

7. Finish the story.

Last Tuesday as I was very hungry after my lessons I went to our school refreshment room. I made up my mind to have a substantial meal but when I came into the refreshment room I found out that……

8. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and read the sentences.

1. If meat is stewed for a long time it becomes… (tough, tender).

2. When people want to drink they say, “We are….” (hungry, thirsty).

3. We must… before dinner and…after it (to lay the table, to clear the dishes away)

4. For supper I had… as usual (beetroot soup, sour milk).

5. As he is as hungry as a hunter he must… (to have a bite, to have a substantial meal).

9. Make up dialogues using the following expressions:

1) to put a clean table-cloth;

2) to fetch (bring);

3) What kind of soup is it?

4) to be tasty;

5) the meat is tender (tough);

6) Help yourself to..;

7) pass the..;

8) to ask for more;

9) Well, how did you find the dinner?

10. The result of the lesson.

11. Home assignment.

‘Say how to make coffee or tea’.