Урок английского языка в 3-м классе "The wonderful world of animals"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: активизация лексического материала по теме, совершенствование навыков устной монологической и диалогической речи.

Задачи урока:

  • образовательные – отработка навыков устной речи по темам «My favourite animal», «My pet», формирование навыков составления монологов и диалогов на английском языке, отработка в речи грамматических навыков,
  • развивающие – совершенствование познавательной активности учащихся, углубление знаний о стране изучаемого языка (знакомство с лондонским зоопарком), умение пользоваться дополнительными источниками для поиска новой информации о животных, развитие речевых умений учащихся, тренировка навыков диалогической речи,
  • воспитательные – совершенствование навыков работы в группах и парах, формирование ответственности и инициативы, привитие навыков контроля и самоконтроля.

Оборудование урока: smart-доска с презентацией видов лондонского зоопарка, улиц и лондонского автобуса, магнитофон с аудиозаписями текста для аудирования и песен, творческие работы учащихся по темам: «My pet», «My favourite animal», распечатка по теме «My body», кроссворд по теме урока, материалы с тестовыми заданиями.

Организационный момент. Постановка цели урока.

Good morning, pupils and our guests. I’m glad to see you. Today we’ll find out who knows English very well. We’ll check up your knowledge of animals and names of the parts of our body. We’ll learn to speak about your favourite animal and listen to the story about farm animals.

Ход урока.

Some of you wrote the interesting stories about your pet and we have read them. Look at the blackboard, please. (Демонстрация детских творческих работ.)

Imagine, please, that all of you have got a pet. Let’s answer my questions.

Вводная беседа. – Have you got a pet? What is his name?

  • How old is he (she)?
  • What colour is your pet? Is your pet big or little? Is your pet funny?
  • Who looks after your pet? Do you take your pet for a walk?
  • What does your pet like to do? What games does he like to play?
  • Does your pet answer to his name?
  • Do you talk to your pet? Does he understand you?
  • What do you teach your pet to do? Does your pet learn quickly?
  • What can your pet do very well? ...и т.п.

I see that you are pet lovers. Do you know that people in Great Britain love pets very much too?

But today we are going to London zoo.

You know that London zoo is the world’s oldest zoo. It was opened in London in 1828. It was used for the scientific study. It is situated in Regent Park.

We’ll go to London by bus. You can hear some dialogues on the bus. Let’s listen to them.

Далее разыгрывается ситуация общения воображаемых туристов. На экране – изображение автобуса и Лондонского зоопарка. Звучат диалоги в автобусе по дороге в лондонский зоопарк:

  • Did you go to the Zoo?
  • Yes, I did.
  • When did you go there?
  • I was there last year.
  • With whom did you go to the Zoo?
  • With my father.
  • What animals did you watch there ?
  • I watched monkeys, tigers, elephants. The monkeys were so funny.
  • Did the zookeeper let you feed the animals?
  • No, he didn’t.
  • Would you like to go to the zoo again?
  • Yes, of course.

В зоопарке. Звучит приветствие туристов.

Hello everybody! Welcome to our new and wonderful zoo, full of different birds, mammals, reptiles and insects. I’m sure you won’t be sorry that you’ve come because we are going to show something interesting.

Далее каждый ученик выполняет роль экскурсовода и рассказывает о животных, которые отображаются на smart-доске. Например:

  • Look at our flamingo! It’s a colourful bird. They form large flocks from a million birds... They often stand on one leg. On very hot days at London zoo the flamingo often stands on both legs. They live in America, Asia, Africa. They like salt lakes.
  • This is a hippopotamus. The hippopotamus is a very strange animal. It is very fat and heavy. It has a very thick skin. It lives in Africa and it eats grass....
  • Elephants live in India and Africa. They eat fruit, leaves and grass. They live for about sixty years. Elephants sleep about four hours. They’ve got big ears, a long trunk and two tusks. Elephants love water. They are very good swimmers. ...

Далее учащиеся рассказывают о бегемотах, зебрах, белых пеликанах, пингвинах, жирафах. Дети отвечают на вопросы о том, какие веселые рассказы о животных они знают. В некоторых сообщениях используются изученные ранее тексты для пересказа.

  • Would you like to go to the zoo again? Was it interesting to visit our zoo?
  • What animal has got the biggest ears? What animal has got the longest neck? ...the sharpest teeth?
  • Whose paws are stronger, the tigers or the horses? What parts of body have got the animals?

And now let’s remember our parts of body. Учащимся раздаются печатные материалы с изображением куклы. Задание: обозначить все известные части тела. Look at our picture of the doll and let’s name all the parts of body.

Exchange your papers with your neighbours. You’ll be a teacher now. Let’s check this task. How many mistakes do you have?

What poems about the parts of body do we know? What do we do with...?

What can’t we do without? Далее дети декламируют стихи о частях тела.

It’s time to have a rest. Let’s sing our song. Музыкальная пауза – разминка. Все поют песню «Aluette», сопровождая ее движениями. (Физкультминутка)

Today we are going to listen to a funny story and do the test after our listening. You know that farming is very important in Britain. There are a lot of sheep farms and some of them produce milk. We’ll listen to the story and do the test after that.

Учащиеся слушают текст и выполняют задания в распечатанных листах. Затем работы проверяются, и на основе заданных вопросов и теста составляется пересказ текста.

Text «Milk from cows, not bottles».

Do you know that milk comes from cows not packets?

What animals live on farms? Have you got a farm? Has your granny got a farm? Would you like to be a farmer and have a lot of animals on the farm? What must farmers do every day? What is your favourite domestic animal that lives on the farm?

Try to give a short summary of this text.

Затем учащимся предлагаются загадки с изученной лексикой. Let’s continue our lesson. Guess the riddles. Name the animals.

- It lives in the house. It likes fish and meat. (a cat)

  • It lives in the forest. It likes bananas. (a monkey)
  • This animal likes grass. It is a domestic animal. It gives us milk. (a cow)
  • It is green and big. It likes meat. It lives in the river. (a crocodile)...

Today we’ll remember and brush up our grammar, the modal verb must. Look at the board and complete the correct sentences using the verb must.

На smart - доске отображаются словосочетания, которые используются при составлении предложений.

Далее детям предлагается выполнить кроссворд: «The wonderful world of animals». Работа в группах.

Подведение итогов урока и выставление оценок. Домашнее задание. Итоговые вопросы проецируются на доску. What wild animals do you know? What domestic animals do you know? What’s the difference between them? Did you like our lesson? What did we do at our lesson? ...и т.д.

I think our lesson was useful and we have known a lot of interesting things about animals. Most of you have done that very well.

Приложение 1

Приложение 2