Страницы истории Америки. Урок английского языка в 5-м классе с УМК Верещагиной И.Н. "English IV" с использованием информационных технологий

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: урок систематизации и обобщения изученного материала, урок-конференция (ролевая игра).

Методы и формы обучения: словесные, наглядные, репродуктивные, методы самостоятельной работы, письменный и устный контроль.

Цель урока: систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «Америка».

Задачи урока:

  • Обучающие – закрепить знанияи повторить материал по теме «Америка»
  • Развивающие – развивать навыки работы тестами; развивать умения отвечать на вопросы, навыки самостоятельной работы; развивать познавательный интерес школьников; развивать умения выделять главное, существенное в изучаемом материале, сравнивать, обобщать, логически излагать свои мысли
  • Дидактические – продолжить формирование навыков самоконтроля, общеучебных умений (работы с печатными и аудиовизуальными средствами информации, запоминания услышанного и прочитанного)

Оснащение урока: учебник, мультимедийная презентация «America» (выполненная в Power Point 2003) <приложение 1>, компьютерный тест.

План урока:

  • Организационный этап
  • Этап подготовки учащихся к активному сознательному усвоению знаний
  • Этап обобщения и систематизации изученного
  • Этап информации учащихся о домашнем задании и инструктаж по его выполнению

Конспект урока:

1. Greeting
Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. How are you? Who is absent today? Today we are having an unusual lesson. We will meet some people from the USA. We will go to the conference and you will be journalists. We will read, write, speak and, of course, play. So let’s start.

2. Warm-up
But firstly let’s revise some grammar material. Do you remember the words “since” and “for”? Look at the blackboard and make up the sentences using these words. Remember that your sentences must be in the Present Perfect Tense.
Task 1
How long have they had those jobs?

Task 2
Now I want you to do the writing task. Take the cards, please, and fill in the blanks with the words “since” and “for”

  1. She has lived here ............................   1997.
  2. She has lived here  ...........................   two years.
  3. I have had the ball ...........................  last June.
  4. He has had the ball ..........................  three months.
  5. I have liked fairy-tales............................... I was a baby.
  6. She has been a worker............................... she left school.
  7. We have had three tests ............................  Monday.
  8. They have stayed here............................... two days.
  9. I have had the player ................................  three weeks.

10.    I have had the player ..............................  Christmas.

Well done! Now the next task.

3. Listening Comprehension task.
You will listen to the text about Americans. The title of the text is “What Does the Average American Do?” You should listen to the text very attentively. You will listen to the text twice.

What Does the Average American Do?
The average American sleeps 7,5 hours a night.
The average American takes a shower every day.
The average American goes to the cinema once a month.
The average American watches TV four hours a day.
The average American goes to the dentist once a year.
The average American reads the newspaper every day.
The average American eats three hamburgers a week.
The average American drinks a cup and a half of coffee a day.
The average American lives in a house.
The average American eats at a fast food restaurant once a month.
The average American listens to the radio 2 hours a day.
The average American goes to bed before 12.00.
The average American wears pyjamas to bed.

Now let’s do the task. I want you to take the card and fill in it with the necessary information.

The task

  1. The average American ……………. 7,5 hours a night.
  2. The average American goes to the cinema ……………….
  3. The average American watches ………… four hours a day.
  4. The average American eats ………….. hamburgers a week.
  5. The average American drinks a cup and a half of ………… a day.
  6. The average American lives in a ……………...
  7. The average American goes to bed before ……………..
  8. The average American reads the ……………….. every day.

Good job! Now could you tell me what you have remembered about the average Americans from the text. What information was the most interesting for you?

4. Revision.
We have read a lot about the history of the United States of America. I want to check up your knowledge. I have prepared a short test for you. Could you sit at the computers and solve these tasks. At the end of the test the computer will give you a mark. I wish you good luck! <приложение 2>

5. The main part of the lesson.
Now it’s time for the most interesting part of our lesson. We will play. We will take part in the conference “Meeting with Interesting People”. Let’s greet our guests form the USA. Professor Smith – the Professor of Geography, а specialist in sea voyages, he is an author of the book “He Discovered America”. Ann Spielberg – a history teacher from California, a director of the documentary film “The Wild West”. Tom Kentava – an Indian, his parents are Native Americans. Julia Roberts – an American housewife.
The others are the journalists. You have a lot of questions to our guests about the USA. Listen to their answers very attentively. You have to write a report to your newspapers after the press conference. I hope it will be interesting for you. Good luck!
(Этому этапу урока предшествует предварительная подготовка. Мною были выбраны 4 ученика, которым было предложено сыграть роли профессора географии, учителя истории, индейца, домохозяйки. Ребятам были выданы вопросы, которые прозвучат на «пресс-конференции», а ответы на них они должны были придумать сами с учётом уже изученного страноведческого материала. Также они должны были продумать «свой костюм». Роль журналистов выполняли оставшиеся ученики класса: они должны были задавать вопросы «гостям» по очереди, а в конце написать «небольшой отчёт о пресс-конференции в газету».
The questions

To Professor Smith:

  1. Why did you write a book about Christopher Columbus?
  2. How long have you written it?
  3. Did you travel a lot when you wrote this book? What countries did you visit?
  4. Was Columbus’s voyage to America dangerous?
  5. Do you think your book will help people to learn more about Christopher Columbus?

To Ann Spielberg:

  1. You live in California, not far from Los Angeles. Why did you become a teacher, not a film star?
  2. Do you like your job?
  3. Why did you decide to make a film about the Wild West?
  4. Would you like to live in the times of the Wild West?
  5. Could you tell us about a “ghost-town”?

To Tom Kentava:

  1. You are an Indian. Do you feel an Indian or an American?
  2. Where do you live? Do you live in a reservation?
  3. Do you like nature? Do you like fishing or hunting?
  4.  Have you ever smoked the pipe of peace?
  5. Do you have friends only among Indians?

To Julia Roberts:

  1. Is your family large? Do your children like Thanksgiving Day? Why?
  2. Why such a strange name for the holiday?
  3. What do you prepare for dinner this day?
  4. What traditions of celebrating this holiday does your family have?
  5. Do you like this holiday?

Dear guests, thank you for your answers! Dear journalists, thank you for your questions! Our press conference is over now. The questions and the answers were really interesting. I think you have learnt a lot of new information about the USA. Now I’ll ask the journalists to write short reports into the newspaper about this press conference.

The report
My name is ___________________________________________________________________
I’d like to tell you about _________________________________________________________
He/she is______________________________________________________________________
He/ she told us about____________________________________________________________
It is interesting that _____________________________________________________________

6. The end of the lesson
Our lesson is coming up to the end. You worked very well. I want to say you “Thank you” for your work. I’m very pleased with your knowledge. And I think each of you will get “five” for the lesson. But now I want you to write down your home task.
Our lesson is over. Good-bye!

Список литературы

  1. Учебник английского языка «English IV», авторы Верещагина И.Н и др. – М.: Просвещение, 2004.
  2. Книга для учителя к учебнику английского языка «English IV», авторы Верещагина И.Н и др. – М.: Просвещение, 2004.