Интегрированный урок "Политические лидеры России на пути к демократическому государству"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: Осветить основные этапы становления демократического общества в России на рубеже XX-XXI в.в.



  1. Совершенствовать навыки англоязычной речевой деятельности;
  2. Активизировать лексические единицы по темам “Общественно-политическая лексика России эпохи Перестройка”, “Современная политическая лексика” и развивать навыки перевода;
  3. Систематизировать знания по теме “Словарный состав языка”;
  4. Учить работать с первоисточниками на английском языке (газетными статьями англоязычной прессы, материалами справочных пособий).


  1. Развивать познавательный интерес к процессу обучения и активного восприятия учебного материала по истории и лексикологии;
  2. Совершенствовать способности к самостоятельной аналитической работе с информацией;
  3. Развивать умение групповой работы;


  1. Пробуждать интерес к истории нашего государства;
  2. Формировать гражданское самосознание учащихся.

Учебно-методическое обеспечение: Раздаточный материал (копии газетных статей англоязычных печатных изданий, материалы детской энциклопедии Britannica 2007).

Подготовительная работа: Учащиеся готовят сообщения на английском языке о российских политических событиях в исторический период 1985-1991 г.г. и проекты о кандидатах на пост президента РФ.

Ход урока

I. Введение.

T.: The word democracy means “rule by the people.” A democracy is a way of governing in which the residents of towns, cities, counties, states, and nations control their own political and social affairs. Under a democracy people are free to make decisions about all aspects of their life. But our country began to move towards establishing a democracy only in 1985. The change to democracy was difficult, however… Our lesson is devoted to political leaders who started the process of “demokratizatsiya” in Russian society.

II. Основная часть.

1. Эпоха Горбачева.

1.1. Исторический экскурс:

T: The name of M. Gorbachev is known all over the world. At the screen you can see some words and phrases from the Gorbachev’s time. Let’s read them! (Речевая разминка)

When did Gorbachev become the leader of the country?

P.1: In 1985 Gorbachev became general secretary of the Communist party, making him the leader of the Soviet Union.

T.: What policy did he introduce?

P.2: Gorbachev introduced the policies of perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost (openness). His policy of restructuring allowed the common people to become involved in Soviet politics. The policy of openness resulted in greater freedom of expression and of information.

T.: What can you say about Gorbachev's foreign policies?

P.3: Gorbachev's foreign policies were successful. He developed better relations between the Soviet Union and Western nations. In 1987 Gorbachev and United States President Ronald Reagan signed an agreement by which both countries would reduce their nuclear weapons.

T.: When was he elected to the post of president of the Soviet Union?

P.4: In 1990 Gorbachev was elected to the post of president of the Soviet Union. He ended the Communist party's domination of political power in the country, paving the way for more political parties.

T.: What do you know about the political events in August 1991?

P.5: In August 1991 a group of Communists who opposed Gorbachev's rule tried to take control of the government by force. Russian President Boris Yeltsin led the Russian people in resisting the attempted takeover, which failed.

T.: When did the Soviet Union end?

P.6: After August 1991 Soviet republics were becoming independent. On December 25, 1991, Gorbachev resigned from the presidency. The Soviet Union ended the same day.

1.2. Лексикология.

1.2.1. T.: Historical events of that time have been reflected with Russian vocabulary, especially with social and political word stock: old words have been replaced by new ones.

In this connection lexicon of the 80-90s may be divided into obsolete words and neologisms. Among obsolete words we can find historismsdisappeared word units, because the things named are no longer used.

According to the period of word’s disappearance Russian vocabulary of the Gorbachev era may be subdivided into historisms of the Soviet - time (the Soviet Union, the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, the Supreme Soviet, Politburo, Bolshevik, Komsomol, the Five-Year-Plan) and words of Perestroika-time (glasnost, perestroika, demokratizatsiya, president of the Soviet Union, putschist). These word units denote some specific realias – objects and notions peculiar to our country and alien to other nations.

The social and political word stock of that time is rich in neologisms – loan words taken from another language, mainly from English (president, vice-president, parliament, impeachment, summit, speaker, inauguration, sponsor, manager, know-how etc. can offer many examples).

1.2.2. После изучения диаграммы выполняется задание №1.

Учащиеся разбиваются на три группы. Каждой группе предлагаются материалы детской энциклопедии Britannica 2007 <Приложение 1>. Необходимо заполнить определенную графу таблицы, выполнив поиск слов в тексте.

Ниже приводим таблицу в готовом виде.

Realias of the Perestroika time Neologisms-borrowings from another language Historisms of the Soviet era
perestroika president Soviet Union
glasnost parliament Komsomol
putschist impeachment Politburo
president of the Soviet Union Prime Minister Five-Year Plan
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) summit Supreme Soviet

2. Эпоха Ельцина.

2.1. Аудирование “Биография Ельцина”.

Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin was born in 1931 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) Oblast, the eldest child of poor farmers. His brother still works in the region as a farmer. Both Yeltsin and his wife, Naina, graduated together in 1956 from the Urals Polytechnic in Sverdlovsk, and from 1957 to 1968 he worked there as an engineer. In 1976 he became the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk oblast. In 1986 Yeltsin was made a member of the Politburo. His popularity with Soviet voters as an advocate of democracy and economic reform helped win in 1991 the first elections for the President of the Russian Federation. The failure of his reforms to stimulate economic growth, a war with Chechnya in 1994, and health problems dimmed Yeltsin's prospects for reelection to the presidency. However, he surprised many by winning the presidential election in 1996. In the late 1990s the economy was unstable. In 1999 the Russian parliament started an impeachment move against Yeltsin. Yeltsin announced his resignation on December 31, 1999, in favor of new, energetic leaders.

Задания на проверку понимания аудирования.

2.2. Match the dates with the events!

Yeltsin was born in 1931
Yeltsin graduated from the Urals Polytechnic in Sverdlovsk in 1956
He worked in Sverdlovsk as an engineer from 1957 to 1968
He became the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk oblast in 1976
Yeltsin was made a member of the Politburo in 1986
He won the first elections for the President of the RF in 1991
He won the second elections for the President of the RF in 1996
Yeltsin announced his resignation in favor of a new leader in 1999

2.3. Is it true or false? Correct the statements!

  1. Boris Yeltsin was the youngest child of poor farmers. (F-the eldest child)
  2. His brother still works in Yekaterinburg Oblast as an engineer. (F-as a farmer)
  3. He won the first and the second elections for the President of the Russian Federation. (T)
  4. In the late 1990s the economy was stable. (F-unstable)
  5. In 1999 the Russian parliament started an impeachment move against Yeltsin. (T)

3. Эпоха Путина.

3.1. Политические лидеры и партии.

3.1.1. T.: So, Boris Yeltsin was a real advocate of democracy. Do you know who he named acting president?

P.: He named Vladimir Putin acting president.

T.: Vladimir Putin is the president of the RF and the leader of the largest political party. Democracy means existence of many parties. Do you know other leaders of the largest political parties?

P.: Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Gennady Zyuganov are the leaders of the largest political parties.

3.1.2. T.: Do you know what parties they lead? Match the name of the party with the party’s leader!

V. Putin United Russia
G. Zyuganov Communist Party of the RF
V. Zhirinovsky Liberal-Democratic Party of Russia

3.1.3. T.: The main Russian political event of the last year has been election to the Fifth State Duma. According the results of the Central Election Commission four political parties form the Duma. Find the English equivalents for the following Russian parties!

United Russia Единая Россия
Communist Party of the RF КПРФ
Liberal-Democratic Party of Russia ЛДПР
Fair Russia Справедливая Россия

3.1.4. T.: How do you think which of the parties has the most seats at the State Duma?

P.: I think the United Russia has.

T.: The results of the Central Election Commission are the following:

United Russia 64,1 %
Communist Party of the RF 11,6 %
Liberal-Democratic Party of Russia 8,2 %
Fair Russia 7,8 %

T.: I believe the United Russia which has the most seats at the State Duma moves the country towards democracy.

3.1.5. T.: Each politician has its own image. Now you work in pairs. Read some information and guess what party’s leader is the article about. <Приложение 2>

P.: I think this article is about V. Putin (V. Zhirinovsky, G. Zyuganov).

3.2. Будущий президент России.

T.: You know the main political event of the year 2008 will be elections of the president of the RF. Would you like to know which candidates are nominated for election to the president? Would you like to know qualities which pupils of our school prefer to see in the new head of state? You have done some projects. Present them to the class.

3.2.1. Project “The candidates on a post of the president of the Russian Federation”

We’d like to introduce the candidates on a post of the president of the Russian Federation: Dmitry Medvedev, Gennady Zyuganov, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Mikhail Kasyanov and Andrei Bogdanov. The oldest candidates among them are Zyuganov (63 years old) and Zhirinovsky (61 years old). The youngest are Medvedev (42 years old) and Bogdanov (37 years old). All of the candidates have a higher education and a wealth of experience in management. They all are Russian by nationality, married and believers in God.

3.2.2. Project “The imaginary President of Russia

P.: We have carried out a poll of our schoolmates asking them the question: “What qualities must the president of Russia possess?”

As respondents have been asked persons under 18 who will become an electorate in some years. About three quarters of 15-17-years-olds admit that they are interested in politics. Over half of all teenagers are concerned about future of our country.

Respondents have been asked the following questions: Must the president be young or someone more mature? Could a woman be a president? Does the president need have a higher education? Must the president be a determined person or not? Must the president be a believer? Must the president be a person of the “highest principles”?

According to opinion poll findings, the new president of Russia is about 45 years old, should be male, he must certainly be educated and determined, preferably a Russian, he is a believer. He must be a person without harmful habits.

3.2.3. Игра “Выборы президента России”

T.: In a couple of years you will become an electorate. Now let’s play a game! You can vote for the president of RF. You can choose only one candidate. Put your hand up if you vote for … (name of the candidate). So, the newly elected president of Russia is …

III. Заключение.

T.: It was a game… Who will be the real president we’ll see in March 2008. I hope the candidate you’ve chosen will be the real head of state and lead Russia step by step towards democracy.

Our lesson is over. You’ve worked hard. Thank you very much. Your marks are … Good-bye!


  1. Арнольд И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка: Учеб. для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. – 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М. : Высш. шк., 1986.-259с.- На англ. яз.
  2. Толковый словарь иностранных слов в русском языке. – Смоленск: Русич,2001.-592 с.
  3. Детская энциклопедия Britannica 2007.