Конспект открытого урока по теме "Рождество в Великобритании"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент

а. Диалог дежурного;

b. Беседа о погоде, самочувствие.

2. Фонетическая разминка

Аудирование и фонетическая отработка скороговорки "Whatever one toucan can do Is sooner done by toucans two And three toucans (it's very true) Can do much more than two can do".

3. Сообщение целей урока

The theme of our lesson is Christmas in Great Britain.

Christmas is on the 25th of December.

It is the greatest holiday in Britain.

People began to celebrate Christmas many, many years ago They began to

decorate the evergreen tree and give presents to each other. They placed a

large shining star at the top of the Christmas tree and many bright shining balls

(red, blue, yellow, green, silver) from top to bottom. In Britain people have

many interesting Christmas traditions.

You have already known a lot of interesting information about it.

Today we are going to control your knowledge.

The plan:

a) First of all you'll listen to the short stories about trees and presents and other Christmas traditions and do the task.

b) The test reading of the text "Christmas in Great Britain".

c) Then you'll write the text and make it complete with the help of the words from the box in your activity book.

d) The next task is the test auding "Christmas".

e) At home you had to design your Christmas Cards and write the greetings you like most. We'll check up your home task.

f) You'll listen to the traditional Christmas song "Jingle, Bells!" and sing it.

4. Cultural awareness: формат задания – matching

Прием – коллажирование. В упражнении контролируется знание традиций о праздновании Рождества. Необходимо соотнести короткие рассказы учащихся с коллажем: заполнить таблицу, где указать номер рисунка на коллаже в соответствии с названием информации.

Match the pictures with the short stories about Christmas traditions and their titles in your card.

1. Christmas Stockings.

In the evening of the 24th of December children hang their Christmas stockings on their beds or put them under the Christmas tree. Father Christmas (Santa Clause) puts presents into them. A Christmas stocking is not a real stocking. It is big and beautifully decorated.

stockings — чулки

Father Christmas — Рождественский Дед Мороз (так его называют в Британии: в Америке принято другое название Santa Claus);

real — настоящий beautifully — красиво

2. Christmas Pudding.

Christmas pudding was first made many, many years ago. Now it is the highlight of Christmas dinner. Children often put holly on the pudding. Traditionally a coin is placed into the pudding. It brings good luck to a person who finds it.

pudding — пудинг (сладкий пирог; рождественский пудинг бывает обычно с изюмом и цукатами)

highlight — здесь самое главное угощение

holly — остролист (вечнозеленое растение с заостренными листьями и красными ягодками)

coin — монета

It brings good luck — Она приносит удачу

3. Holly.

Holly is an evergreen plant with sharp-pointed leaves and red berries. You know already that people put holly on Christmas pudding They also use holly to decorate their homes. It is a very old tradition Long ago people began to put holly in their homes during the dark cold winters. They liked to look at holly and think about the spring and the sun.

Sharp — pointed

leaves — заостренные листья

red berries — красные ягодки

to decorate — украшать

4. Robin.

Many years ago postmen had bright red coats. They looked like robins. At

Christmas they brought many Christmas cards. And people began to think about a robin as a Christmas bird. You can see it on almost every Christmas card.

robin — малиновка (птичка с красной грудкой)

looked like — были похожи

cards — открытки

5. Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve is on the 24th of December. On this day everybody is very busy

and in a hurry. Offices close at I o'clock, but shops stay open late.

On Christmas Eve children hang their Christmas stockings on their beds. They

wait for Father Christmas (Santa Claus) and other miracles.

everybody is very busy and in a hurry — все очень заняты и спешат

slay open late — открыты допоздна

miracles — чудеса

6. Christmas Day.

Christmas Day is on the 251h of December. British people celebrate this

holiday with big dinners. Children have much fun. They play under Christmas

trees, find presents in their Christmas stockings, eat Christmas puddings,

watch pantomimes. The grown-ups don't go to work on that day.

Christmas Day — день Рождества (25 декабря)

celebrate — празднуют

watch pantomimes — смотрят рождественские представления для детей

grown-ups — взрослые

7. Boxing Day.

Boxing Day comes after Christmas Day. It is on the 26th of December. People do not go to work on that day. They visit friends or go to the theatre. Everybody gives and receives Christmas cards and Christmas boxes.

8. Christmas Tree.

Before Christians people place the evergreen tree (Christmas tree) in their homes. Children decorate the Christmas tree with tinsel, toys, shining balls and flags. They place a shining star at the top of the Christmas tree.

tinsel — блестки или мишура

9. Candles and Crackers.

On Christmas Eve people like to light candles. If there are children in the family, they often have Christmas crackers. When you pull a cracker it makes a bang and inside there is usually a Christmas hat, a small toy and a piece of paper with a joke on it.

10. Father Christmas (Santa Claus).

You know already that Father Christmas (Santa Claus) comes into children's homes on Christmas Eve. He has a white beard and white and red clothes. He is always merry. They say he comes from the North Pole. He brings presents for the children.

merry — веселый North Pole — Северный полюс

11. Waits.

Waits are a group of singers who sing carols. They sing carols, for example, in

front of a Christmas tree. In small towns and villages waits often come and stand in front of the house and sing or play carols. They receive money for their singing or playing. They give the money to poor and old people.

waits — рождественский хор

carols — рождественские гимны

sing or play carols — поют гимны или разыгрывают сценки (на основе этих гимнов)

singing or playing — пение или игра


A carol is a Christmas song. People often sing carols on Christmas Eve in the streets or at home.

12. Christmas Dinner.

This is the big dinner people eat on Christmas Day. You know already that they eat Christmas pudding for Christmas dinner, and that children put holly on the pudding. They also eat a turkey for Christmas dinner. The dinner ends with mince pies.

turkey— индейка

mince pies — сладкие пирожки

13. Christmas Card.

Every English family sends and receives many Christmas cards. Traditionally

there is a robin on almost every card (and you know already that a robbin is a

Christmas bird). Sometimes there is a bunch of holly on the Christmas card. You can read on the card: "Merry Christmas!"

sends and receives — посылает и получает Merry Christmas! — Счастливого Рождества!


Titles Number of the picture
1 Christmas Stockings 8
2 Christmas Pudding 9
3 Holly 10
4 Robin 1
5 Christmas Eve 8
6 Christmas Day 11
7 Boxing Day 2
8 Christmas tree 5
9 Candles and Crackers 5
10 Father Christmas (Santa Claus) 4
11 Waits and Carol 7, 3
12 Christmas dinner 6
13 Christmas Card 12

5. Reading Comprehension

Формат текста – note making. В задании контролируется умение понимать прочитанное (детальное понимание).

a) найди английские эквиваленты в тексте;

b) переведи предложения и заполни пропуски согласно тексту;

c) расположи факты в последовательности, соответствующей тексту и приведенным ниже схемам;

d) расположи вопросы так, чтобы они отражали содержание текста в логической последовательности.

Read the text "Christmas in Great Britain" and do the tasks after it to check your understanding.

Christmas in Great Britain

For most British families, this is the most important festival of the year. This is the day when many people are travelling home to be with their families on Christmas Day. If you try to catch a train on 24th December you may have difficulty in finding a seat. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas but the most important one is the giving of presents. Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree to be bound on Christmas morning. At some time on Christmas Day the family will sit down to a big turkey dinner followed by Christmas pudding.

In the afternoon they may watch the Queen on the television as she delivers her traditional Christmas message to the United Kingdom and Commonwealth. Then they enjoy a piece of Christmas cake or eat a hot mince pie. On the Sunday before Christmas many churches hold a service where special hymns are sung.

Sometimes singers can be heard on the streets as they collect money for charity.

Most families decorate their houses with brightly – coloured paper or holly, and they usually have a Christmas tree in the comer of the  room, glittering with coloured lights and decoration. 26th December is also a public holiday, called Boxing Day. This is the time to visit friends and relatives or be a spectator at one of the many sporting events.

Everyone in Great Britain is waiting and enjoying this holiday very much!

We'll do this work in pairs Sasha your task is number two.


5.1. Find the English equivalents in the text.

– самый важный праздник года;

– связанных с Рождеством;

– дарение подарков;

– найдены рождественским утром;

– с большой индюшкой;

– венками из листьев остролиста;

– рождественская елка;

– стать зрителем.

5.2. Complete the sentences.

1. If you try to catch a train on 24th December.......

2. .... or eat a hot mince pie.

3. On the Sunday before Christmas ...

4. ..., called Boxing Day.

5.3. Put the sentences in the right order choose the right variant of answers according to the text.

1.Sometimes singers can be heard on the streets as they collect money for charity.

2.In the afternoon they may watch the queen on the television as she delivers her traditional Christmas message to the United kingdom and Commonwealth.

3.Everyone in Great Britain is waiting and enjoying this holiday very much.

4.This is the day when many people are travelling home to be with their families on Christmas Day.

a. 2-4-3-1;

b. 1-3-2-4;

с. 4-2-1-3;

d. 3-4-1-2.

5.4. Put the questions in the right order.

1.Are there many traditions connected with Christmas in Great Britain?

2.What is the most important festival in Great Britain?

3.ls it difficult to catch a train on 24th December?

4.What do the family do during this holiday?

Auding the task "Christmas". Make the right choice. Answer these questions, then listen to the tape to check your answers.

When is Christmas celebrated in Europe?

a. On the 24th of December;

b. On the I st of January;

с. On the 25th of December.

2. Do Russians celebrate that holiday?

a. yes;

b. no;

When do they celebrate it?

а. on the 26th of December;

b. on the 7th of January;

c. on the 13th of January.

3. Whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas?

a. Queen Elizabeth;

b. Jesus Christ;

c. William Shakespeare.

4. What country gave us the tradition to decorate the Christmas tree in Russia?

a. France;

b. England;

c. Germany.

5. Who introduced the tradition to decorate the Christmas tree in Russia?

a. Peter the Great.

b. King Henry VIII.

c. William the Conqueror.

6. When was the custom of decorating Christmas trees with candles and presents introduced in Britain?

a. After Queen Victoria married Prince Philip.

b. After Queen Victoria married Prince Albert.

c. After Lady Diana Spencer married Prince Charles.

7. Where does the most famous Christmas tree stand in London?

а. In Buckingham palace.

b. In the Tower of London.

c. In Trafalgar Square.

Whose present is it?

a. from the people of Norway.

b. from the people of Russia.

c. from the people of Scotland.

8. What do they call Father Frost in the west?

a. Frosty the Snowman.

b. Jingle Bells.

c. Santa Claus.

8.1 Where does he live?

a. in the Far North, at the North Pole.



a) the most important festival

– connected with Christmas;

– the giving of presents;

– to be bound on Christmas morning;

– a big turkey;

– holly;

– a Christmas tree be a spectator.


1) .... you may have difficulty in finding a seat.

2) Then they enjoy a piece of Christmas cake...

3) .... Many churches hold a service where special hymns are sung.

4) 26th December is also a public holiday, ...

5.3. С (4-2-1-3)


1) What is the most important festival in Great Britain?

2) Is it difficult to catch a train on 24th December?

3) What do the family do during this holiday?

4) Are there many traditions connected with Christmas in Great Britain?

6. Writing. Формат задания – fill in

Проверяется уровень сформированности лексических навыков.

Write this text and make it complete with the help of the words from the box.

Activity book, Lesson 12, exercise 2, page 54.

(Presents, books, stockings(2), toys(2), dessert, exciting, fireplace, give, Day, sweets, Merry Christmas)


Christmas Day, December 25th, is the most... day of the year for English children. On that day they get ... and ... presents to their brothers, sisters, parents and friends.

You probably know that English children hang ... at the ... or near their beds on Christmas Eve. In the morning they usually find their... filled with small toys and ... They may also find larger... lying nearby.

The morning will be spent playing with new ... and reading new ... . Then comes lunch, traditionally with the turkey as the main dish and Christmas pudding for... . The whole family tries to come together on Christmas ... to say "..." to each other.

Keys: exciting, presents, give, stockings, fireplace, stockings, sweets, toys, toys, book, dessert, Day, "Merry Christmas".

7. Listening comprehension

Формат задания – multiple choice. Упражнение проверяет уровень развития умения понимать на слух с извлечением конкретной информации. Работа с аудиозаписью текста.

а. In Siberia.

b. In the South.

9. What does Santa Claus look like?

a. He is usually thin and thick, he hasn't a beard and is dressed in black.

b. He is usually fat and merry, he has a long white beard and is dressed in red.

c. He is usually fat and merry, he has a long black beard and is dressed in blue.

10. How does Santa Claus travel?

a. on a Sleigh.

b. On a Ski.

c. On a Skate.

11. How does Santa Claus enter houses to give children.

a. Christmas presents and where does he put them?

b. Climbing down the chimney. He puts presents in long socks called "Christmas Stockings" at the end of the children's bed or by the chimney.

c. Knocking at the door. He puts presents in short socks and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree.

12. What are the traditional Christmas colours?

a. Red and white.

b. Blue and green.

c. Red and green.

13. Why do little Children sometimes write letters to Santa Claus?

a. To wish him what presents they would like to have for Christmas.

b. To wish him Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

c. To present him their presents.

14. When did the custom of Sending Christmas cards to friends, colleagues and relatives appear?

a. In the 20th century.

b. In the 18th century.

c. In the 19th century

15. What is the traditional Christmas food?

a. A 20th century dinner is roast turkey with vegetables, Christmas pudding, Christmas cake or mince pies.

b. A 20th century dinner is goose, Christmas cake, fruits, and tea.

c. A 20th century dinner is Christmas pudding, Christmas cake, a big turkey. 4. Read the text "Christmas in Great Britain" and do the tasks after it to check your understanding.

Keys: 1 – 6, 2 – a, b, 3 – b, 4 – с, 5 – а, 6 – а, 7 – с, а, 8 – с, 8.1 – а, 9 -b, 10-а, 11 -а, 12-с, 13-а, 14-с, 15-а.

8. Проверка домашнего задания

Нарисовать рождественскую поздравительную открытку и написать поздравление своим одноклассникам.

Проверяется уровень развития умения учащихся написать краткое поздравление (Special occasion cards). Оценивается умение нарисовать свою собственную открытку и написать рождественское поздравление.

Работа с учебником. Выполнение упражнения 12, страница 174, урок 12.

Look at these Christmas cards and design your own Christmas cards. Choose the greetings you like most, write them in your cards.

9. Разучиваем песенку “Звените, бубенчики!”

Работа с аудиокассетой, listen to the traditional Christmas song "Jingle, Bells!", then sing it,

Jingle, bells! Jingle bells!
Jingle all the way!
Oh what fun it is to ride
In a one – horse open sleigh,
Dashing through the snow
In a one – horse open sleigh,
O'er the fields we go,
Laughing all the way.
Bells, on bob – tail ring,
Making spirits bright.
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight.

10. Подведение итогов урока с комментированием оценок учащихся

11. Задание на дом, выучить песенку "Jingle, Bells!'