Модульная технология на уроках английского языка по теме: "Great Britain. It’s people and language"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Development (ход урока).

Module I Introduction (введение)

Hello to everybody. I’m glad to see you! Today we are going finish discussing our traveling to Great Britain. It will be a lesson of general conclusion of knowledge, habits and skills. I also suggest that we should discuss the articles from newspapers and magazines. Any objections? No! All right. Then put your ideas forward please.

1) Problem Follow-up (основной этап)

Situation: One of my friends can’t bear traveling because of overcrowded airports and railway stations. Besides when she went with her parents to the seaside last summer she was surprised that the water was not blue but brown with rubbish and different worms floating in it. And that’s why she felt sick of it.

We know that different people have different views on tourism/

Task: Give your arguments on tourism.

P1 From one hand your acquaintance is right. It’s very much the same in other countries. Besides millions of tons of oil are released in to the sea every year. I think people will be able to take measures and solve this problem.

But from the other hand tourism is the most important event in our life. Millions of people all over the world spend their holiday traveling. They travel to see other countries and continents.

P2 I agree with Sasha. Besides it is always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, meet different people.

P3 As for me I am fond of traveling. And during the tour I can see a lot of new things that we can never see at home.

P4 I am sure that it is the best way to improve our English language and I have a dream to travel to England and make friends with the English boys and girls.

Oh, I’m very glad to hear that. Let’s make a trip to Great Britain by plane. But before the departure let’s go to the Customs.


Customer: Where are you from?

Pupils: We are from Russia.

Customer: Are you traveling with the group?

Pupils: Yes, we are.

Customer: What is the purpose of your visit?

One of the pupils: We are eager to meet the English, master our English and to have a look at the sights of London.

Customer: Do you have anything to declare?

Pupils: No, we don’t.

Customer: So, have a good time in Great

Britain, but at first fill in a form, please.

3) Все учащиеся заполняют анкеты


Immigration Act 1971

Please complete clearly

Family name……………………………………………

Forenames…………………………………....Sex M F
Date of birth Day Month Year Place

of birth…………….


Address in United Kingdom…………………………………….


Signature………………………………………. MC 011 659

4) Guide

Ladies and gentlemen!

In a few minutes our plane will take off. Our flight from Sheremetyevo to Heathrow lasts 3 hours. I promise our trip will be very interesting. As you know the official name of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The country consists of 4 parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It is situated on the British isles and is washed by the Irish and the North Sea and the English Channel, which separates the country from the continent. The climate in Great Britain is milder then in our country. There are often fogs there. The heart of Britain is England. The capital of England is London.

The symbols of England are Red Rose and the Lion (символ могущества).

Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state.

T. And what do you imagine when you think of Britain?

P. First of all we’ll think about people and its language, I suppose.

Module II

Teacher: Travelers from all over the world noticed different characteristics about the British character. Some people say: “For centuries the British have been known as snobbish, unfriendly, hypocritical and unsociable.” Do you agree with this statement? Express your point of view.

(связать высказывания с прочитанным дома текстом “The English”).

Task I


Almost every nation has a reputation of some kind. The French are supposed to be amorous, gay, fond of champagne; the German dull, formal, efficient, fond of military uniforms, and parades; the Americans boastful, energetic, gregarious and vulgar. The English are reputed to be cold, reserved, rather haughty people who do not yell in the street, make love in public or change their governments as often as they change their underclothes. They are steady, easy-going, and fond of sports.

The foreigner‘s view of the English is often based on the type of Englishman he has met traveling abroad. Since these are largely members of the upper and middle classes, it is obvious that their behavior cannot be taken as general for the whole people. There are, however, certain kinds of behavior, manners and customs, which are peculiar to England.

The English are a nation of stay-at-homes. There is no place like home, they say. And when the man is not working he withdraws from the world to the company of his wife and children and busies himself with the affairs of the home. “The Englishman’s home is his castle”, is a saying known all over the world; and it is true that English people prefer small houses, built to house one family, perhaps with a small garden. But nowadays the shortage of building land and inflated land values mean that more and more blocks of flats are being build, and semi-detached houses, especially by the local councils.

The fire is the focus of the English home.

Task 2 What do the British say about themselves? (Учащиеся зачитывают короткий текст из журнала “Speak out”)

Task 3

Write as many words as you can about British people and Great Britain (pupils should write down the following words in alphabetical order and name all the specific traits).

Sociable Serious
Prudent Emotional
Noble Reticent
Well-mannered Polite
Gay Brave
Efficient Independent
Reserved Industrious
Steady Calm
Easy-going Clever
Energetic Humorists
Friendly Cheerful
Inventive Honest
Conservative Kind


Conclusion about national’s character of the English and class affiliation in Great Britain

Group1 (the leader):

Our group has conducted a research work on this topic and we assure you that class affiliation in England is defined by the following factors:

  1. social dialect
  2. the manner of dressing
  3. The job
  4. The district of living
  5. The type of the house or a flat
  6. The type of the car
  7. The kind of sport
  8. Hobby
  9. Social origin

There are three main classes in England: the upper, the middle and the working class.

Inside of these classes there are some subclasses.

3% of population belong to the upper class (high officer’s, ministers government, the lawyers and judges ). Prestige dialect is RP(received pronunciation ).

15% belong to the lowest class they are pensioners, disabled and unemployed people.

Teacher Sometimes travelers have problems. They do not understand English-speaking people. One of the students of our school Vera Kuteinikova has been to Malta this summer and she has spoken with some Englishmen. Vera noticed that they mispronounced some sounds and she was disappointed that their English was so poor. Is it true to the fact!

Group2 P1 Touching this problem our group has investigated a question about the varieties of the English language in the country. With this purpose we have studied and read a great number of English newspapers, periodical journals and books, listened the BBC News. We established the facts that the English which are spoken in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland has it’s own differences.

P2 If we communicate with the Scottish people, we’ll notice that they usually use rolling sound [r]. They often use such words and phrases as:

Aye instead of yes
wee little
Bairns children
I dinnaken [dInneIkn] I don’t know
ye you
mon man
laddie boy
lassie girl

Teacher: There are a lot of region dialects in Great Britain.

Task 4: What can you say about it?

P1 As for me I can name Burmingham dialect, which is spoken in Burmingham and it is called as Brummie («брамми»).

P2 Then the speech of the inhabitants of the West Country (counties of Cornuel, Divian, Somerset, Dorset) is characterized by pronounced gutturally the sound “r” and they change the sound “s” into the sound “z”. They pronounce instead of


gutturally – раскатисто

P3 The speech of Welsh and Irish people is characterized by melody intonation.

The affirmative sentence:

  • begorra instead of by god
  • would you be after waiting for instead of - do you want
  • at the end of the sentence they use: at all, at all

The Welsh pronounce:

  • boyo instead of man
  • look you - do you see
  • there is cold - it is cold

P4 RP (Received pronunciation) нормативное произношение

This acceptance is called BBC English. It is a prestige [pres’ti:з] form of language. Usually the professors of the universities, the graduators of public schools and announcers, lawyers bank managers speak this language. This dialect is accepted as standard.

P1 On the North-East of England there is a dialect “Georgie” – Джерджи. It differes by its indistinct pronunciation:

instead what a sounds worra

want to wanna
got to gotta
give me gimme
to be going to to be gonna

Ex: I am gonna tell you…

P2 Liverpul dialect “Scows” – “Скауз” became famous all over the world due to music group “The Beatles”. This dialect is known by its nasal sounds and sorrowful intonation.

The song. Now listen to the song “I love her”, please.

Turdaliyev Yefim, the pupil of the 7-th form is our guest.

He performs the song “I love her”.

P3 The Cockney dialect is spread in the East part of London. By other words Cockney is a Londoner, speaking Cockney, English popular speech with peculiar acceptance Cockney do not pronounce the beginning and the end of the word and swallow its middle.

They do not pronounce

[h] – at the beginning of the word

(h)usband [L sbend], (h)ouse [aus]

They change one sounds by others

mate pronounce as mife

T. Cockney are witty and always are full of humour.

Task 3 Listen to the dialogue, please, between the customer and the shopassistant.

Pupils Customer (pointing to the bag by the price of 4 cents)

Is it leather? (настоящая ли это кожа?)

The shopassistant (Продавец не воскликнул возмущенно «Где Вы видели сумку из натуральной кожи за такую цену, а невозмутимо ответил: “Next to leather” т.е. рядом с кожей лежала)

Task 4

Teacher: So, people say that Cockney is an embodiment of the national English character.

Be so kind! Define the dialect. (Учащиеся получают короткие тексты из журнала “Speak out”)

Do you speak…?

It’s strange that the differences in Britain itself are greater than those between Britain and other English-speaking countries. For a Londoner, it’s easier to understand an American than a .

has a pronunciation, accent and vocabulary unlike any other dialect. Pronounce “wait”, “late”, “tray”, etc. like “white”, ”light”, “try”, etc. “Wait for me. Dave!” becomes, “Wite for me. Dive!”, and they drop their aitches: ”have” becomes “ave”, etc.

speech is famous for its rhyming slang. A word is replaced by a phrase of a person’s name which rhymes with it. For example, instead of saying “I don’t believe it” a person might say “I don’t Adam and Eve it”.

Key (Cockney).

The students of the group read the text and determine the dialect. (Учащиеся группы читают текст и определяют диалект)

Conclusion (the leader of the group 2).

Taking into consideration all these facts we have come to the conclusion that modern British variant of English is not heterogeneous. Inside of the British variant there are three main types.

  1. “Conservative” English – the language of Queen’s family and the Parlament.
  2. Received pronunciation (RP) the language of Press and BBC English.
  3. “Advanced English” is subjected to the tendency of simplification under the influence of American English.

T. So I see you have clear heads and I’m very satisfied with your scientific conclusion. I suppose now you are ready to visit London.

Our Guide welcomes you.

Module III

Guide Dear friends we welcome you to London.

London is one of the largest cities in the world. More than 8 million people live here. London is more than two thousand years old. You’ll see all the sights of London from our red double-decher bus.

Task 1 Are there any questions about London? (Pupils ask different kinds of questions about London)

Guide It goes without saying that the sights of London are the most famous ones.

Task 2 Let’s have a look at them. (Просмотр фильма о достопримечательностях Лондона)

Task 3 The pupils describe the sights of London

  1. Buckingham Palace
  2. The Houses of Parliament
  3. Westminster Abbey
  4. The Tower of London
  5. Tower Bridge
  6. St. Pauls Cathedral
  7. Trafalgar Square

Task 4 The end of the lesson

T. I hope we had a wonderful trip. Now express your impression, please (Ребята прикрепляют знаки, находящиеся у них в конверте на доску)

red   SUPER!
blue   COOL!
green   FANTASTIC!
orange   WAU!
brown   SO-SO

The students recite a poem about the teachers of English.

The song “Yesterday”

Список литературы:

1 группа: Работа с газетами:

а) «Англо-русский мир»
б) «Первое сентября»
в) Книга «Великобритания» (Н.М. Польская)
г) Словари

2 группа: Работа с научной литературой:

а) «Язык. Культура. Общение» (автор: Ощепкова)
б) «135 самых ценных слов английского языка» (А.В. Петроченков)
в) журналы: “Speak out”(2004), «Мозаика» (2004)

Для обеих групп:

1. ABC’s of effective Communication. (Азы вежливого общения). Автор: Ю.Б. Кузьменкова
2.English: Quick and Easy. Автор: Н.П. Алешкина
3.London in Fiction ( история Лондона в художественной литературе). Составители: В.Г. Петрова, И.И. Гуро, И.Г. Старинина

4.English for children №23 за 1995 г.