Людмила Анатольевна Стопакевич

Место работы:
МОУ "Гимназия №2", г.Пермь, Пермский край
учитель английского языка

Темы Открытых уроков автора

Работы учеников

Под руководством автора его учениками на фестиваль исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся «Портфолио ученика» были представлены следующие работы:

  • Реферат "Is Learning Foreign Languages of Great Importance Nowadays?"

    In our research work we have studied the types of communication, the most spoken languages in the world, reasons and ways of learning foreign languages. We have done a small research among the students of our gymnasia aged 10-17 to find out their position about multilingualism of our society. We have also worked out some tips for people who want to learn a language.It can be useful for teachers at their lessons teaching the theme «Learning foreign languages».

  • Languages of The World

    There are thousands of languages in the world, but the best languages to learn depend upon where you live, where you might go on vacation, and what your interests are. Our small research will help children not to be afraid of learning foreign languages. Here are a few ideas with some useful words to start you off. Our aim is to find some useful words to start learning Arabic, Spanish, German, French, Japanese and Chinese with the help of English pronunciation.