Светлана Юрьевна Шестакова

Темы Открытых уроков автора

Работы учеников

Под руководством автора его учениками на фестиваль исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся «Портфолио ученика» были представлены следующие работы:

  • Ессе "Should Creationism be Taught in Schools?"

    Throught the history of humanity there has always been a question of how the Earth came into existence.One of te beliefs is Creationism.If we think of the word "Creationism" the first thing that comes to our mind is "creating". And thats is correct, because Creationism means "God created the Earth and every living creature on it."

  • Ессе "Does Human Activity Damage or Make the Earth a Better Place to Live? "

    Our planet is beautiful. Its mountains, scas, lakes, plains are an inspiration to many poets, painters, and photographers. But in the last decades human activity has damaged a lot of our planet. Earth is our homeland and we should care about it. If we do not change our attitude, the consequences will be terrible.