Цели урока:
- обобщить лингвострановедческий материал по теме “Времена года”;
- углубить и расширить знания по теме “Природа”.
- Обучающая - обучение навыкам говорения по теме “Времена года”, “Природа”, изучение фраз на иностранных языках, формирование лексических навыков, обучение аудированию (понимание слышанного).
- Практическая - формирование речевой компетенции-совершенствование коммуникативных умений в четырех основных видах речевой деятельности (говорении, аудировании, чтении.
- Воспитательная - воспитывать уважение к культуре, истории, традициям разных стран, знакомство с природными явлениями, развитие интереса к изучению иностранных языков.
- Развивающая - развитие социокультурной компетенции — увеличение объема знаний о специфике природных явлений, а именно традициях и обычаях связанных с разным временем года, развитие памяти и речевых навыков по теме, развитие речемыслительной деятельности и языковой догадки, расширение кругозора обучающихся.
Оснащение урока: цветочные украшения, настенные газеты по заданной тематике, весенние костюмы участников праздника, весенние открытки с изображением разных весенних цветов, конфеты, проектный экран, презентация (Приложение).
Участники: учащиеся 7 классов.
Подготовка мероприятия: обучающиеся разбиваются на команды, выбирают и заучивают стихотворения о весне и весенних цветах, рисуют стенгазеты и открытки по теме, украшают класс.
Ход мероприятия
1. Стихотворение про весну (poem 1)
2. Приветствие
Good day, dear friends! Welcome to our “Spring round dance”! It is devoted to the season that has finally come to us – spring. So, do you like spring? Why?
Thank you! You are right. There are a lot of reasons to like spring! So, our next poem is also about it.
3. Стихотворение про весну (poem 2)
4. Мелодия С.Рахманинова «Весенние воды» (Приложение).
Now we will listen to the beautiful melody written by a Russian composer, Sergey Rachmaninoff. It is called “Spring waters”. So, enjoy it, use your imagination and say: What is this melody about? What does it make you feel?
5. Весенние месяцы
Now we will speak about spring months. As any season, spring has 3 months. So, what do you know about spring months? What are they?
Now read the riddle. Try to guess what spring month it is about. Yes, it is March, the first spring month. The say “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb”. Can you translate it? “Март приходит, как лев, а уходит, как ягненок”. It means «Март приходит с бурей, а уходит с теплом»
So, read please our next riddle. What spring month is it about? You are right, it’s about April. Do you know the proverb “April showers bring May flowers”. Who would like to translate it? «Апрельские дожди приносят майские цветы». It has the Russian equivalent «Нет худа без добра».
So, now it is time for our last riddle. Read it please. What spring month is it? You are absolutely right, it is May. An American naturalist, photographer and writer, Edwin Way Teale once said “The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May.” Can you translate it? «Любимый сезон в мире – весна. Всё кажется возможным в мае.»
So, what is your favourite spring month?
6. Весенние цветы. (Приложение).
What makes spring so wonderful? Our answer is – spring flowers. So, now we would like to tell you about some of them. Listen to us and be very attentive because than there will be a quiz. If you become the winner, you will get 5.
1. Snowdrop. Snowdrops flower very early, from January to March. The lovely snowdrop is one of the first flowers to appear in the spring as it works its way through the snow to bloom. The snowdrop flower has several meanings depending on the context. The most common meanings are: Purity Hope Rebirth Consolation or Sympathy.
There is a German legend about snowdrops that says that when God created snow, he gave it the task of visiting the flowers of the earth to gather colors. All the flowers refused, until the snow visited the gentle snowdrop. Seeing that the snowdrop was a kind and generous soul, the snow decided to make a deal. In exchange for her color, the snow agreed to allow the snowdrop to bloom first every spring. The delicate snowdrop agreed and cheerfully blooms amid the snow each spring. (Listen to me and you can see the translation on the board) (poem 3)
2. Buttercup. Buttercups bloom from late February into May. The buttercup flower is more than a kid’s flower and has symbolism of its own. Under normal circumstances, the buttercup means: Humility Neatness Childishness.
The Miser and the Fairies: According to one legend, fairies are responsible for buttercups. When a group of fairies saw an old miser crossing a field with a sack of gold, they stopped him to ask for alms. Not wanting to share his gold, the old miser refused and continued on his way. However, the clever fairies cut a hole in his sack with a blade of grass before he continued on his way. As the he crossed the field, his coins dropped from the bag and were scattered among the grass. Buttercups sprang forth wherever the coins touched the earth. (poem 4)
3. Daffodil. Daffodils bloom from March.Daffodils are one of the earliest flowers to bloom in the spring and are often associated with springtime and rebirth. While the daffodil’s primary symbolism is that of new beginnings, rebirth and the coming of spring, it has many others. Some of the most common meanings for the daffodil flower are: Creativity Inspiration Renewal and Vitality Memory Forgiveness.
A Welsh legend claims that the person to find the first daffodil bloom will be blessed with more gold than silver in the upcoming year. (poem 5)
4. Cornflower. Cornflowers bloom from May.Cornflowers mean wealth, prosperity, fortune, friendship.
In folklore, cornflowers were worn by young men in love; if the flower faded too quickly, it was taken as a sign that the man's love was not returned.(poem 6)
5. Bluebell. Bluebells flower between mid-April and late May. Bluebells have long been symbolic of humility and gratitude. They are associated with constancy and everlasting love.
One legend says that a field of bluebells is intricately woven with fairy enchantments. (poem 7)
7. Викторина по весенним цветам. (Приложение).
So, we have introduced to you some spring flowers and now it is time to check what you know about them. We have prepared a quiz for you. Let’s play. Please make three teams. Write down answers to the first two questions. Now if you know the answer to the question, clap your hands. … So, this team has won.
I am first to appear. I come out when the snow is on the ground. I have a white or blue dress. (A snowdrop)
I come next to snowdrop. I don't like snow. I like warm days. My dress is violet. (A violet)
I have small white bells. (A Lily of the Valley)
I come next to Lily of the Valley. I am yellow like the sun. (A daffodil)
8. Тест "What spring flower are you?" (Приложение).
Now we would like to present you a test that will show you what spring flower you are. Choose only one answer (A, B, C, D, E) for every question and write it down. Now count how many A, B, C, D, E points you have and choose the letter that has the biggest number.
* кроссворд
Let’s see how many names of flowers you can find here. (Приложение).
9. Музыка И. Штрауса «Весенние голоса». (Приложение).
So, our “Spring round dance” has come to the end! Thank you for your presence and attention. We hope that you were enjoying your time with us!
(poem 1)
Spring is coming ,spring is coming
Birdies build your nest;
Weave together straw and feather,
Doing each your best.
Spring is coming, spring is coming,
Flowers are coming, too;
Pansies, lilies, daffodils
Now are coming through.
Spring is coming, spring is coming,
All around is fair;
Shimmer, quiver on the river,
Joy is everywhere
(poem 2)The sunshine gleams so bright and warm,
The sky is blue and clear.
I run outdoors without a coat,
And spring is almost here.
Then before I know it,
Small clouds have blown together,
Till the sun just can’t get through them,
And again, it’s mitten weather.(poem 3)
Snowdrop: This is an early bulb that sometimes blooms even through the snow.
As winter fades above you,
Your crown pokes through the ground;
You tentatively peep and take
A regal look around.Good morning little snowdrop, so full of hope and grace.
How wonderful to welcome your gentle smiling face.You stretch to reach the sunlight
With a gracious, sylphlike yawn.
Your confidence is growing;
Hope of spring begins to dawn.Good afternoon young snowdrop, so full of peace and love
How wonderful to welcome you to the world above.The snow has disappeared,
And winter turns and leaves.
You wave farewell revealing
Your long and slender sleeves.Good day my little snowdrop, so delicate and fine
How wonderful to welcome you into this heart of mine.You sway in celebration,
Lightly dancing in the breeze.
The weather has a delicate
And sudden tiny sneeze.Good evening humble snowdrop; I’m so pleased that you’re here.
You bring a breath of life to the beginning of the year.(poem 4)
Buttercups, buttercups,
Oh, the nicest flowers,
Coming in the springtime
To tell of sunny hours.
When the trees are leafless,
When the fields are bare,
Buttercups, buttercups,
Spring up here and there.(poem 5)
Daffodil: The earliest narcissi ареал in early spring.
The Spring is here, as demonstrated by the serenade
Of choirs of smiling faces, ceremonially arrayed.
They stand up tall, with arms outstretched;
A welcoming cascade
Of confidence and blessings…
It’s the daffodil parade!Welcome cheerful daffodils,
Glowing in the sun,
Basking in its glory
Now that Spring-time has begun.
Gathered in their hundreds, popularity displayed,
Each prim and proper, proud and slim, youthful looking maid
Curtseys with respect to Spring, then joins the promenade
To celebrate in style with a daffodil parade….Welcome golden maidens,
Respectful with your bow;
A beautiful announcement
That Spring is here now.A bright, uplifting vision; with victory they invade.
Marching to the tune of life: the Happiness Brigade.
Inviting Spring to wander through their self-made colonnade
And trample out the winter with their daffodil parade.Welcome blithesome army,
With spirits lifted high;
Sharing positivity
As you trumpet by.Thank you for your welcome smile, for showering goodwill.
Thank you for the bright uplifting spirit you instil.
Thank you for the privilege of joining in the thrill
Of the great parade in springtime of the dapper daffodil.(poem 6)
I am a wilderness of flowers,
Called blue cornflower.
I dot the beautiful earth and I look like a blue sky.(poem 7)
The Bluebell Ball is here again,
The dance floor’s overflowing
With regal ladies proudly dressed,
Their rich blue ball gowns flowing.
- http://www.angelaspoems.webeden.co.uk/#/about-me/
- http:// www.enkid.ru/anglijskie-stihi-dlya-detej-o-vesne/
- http://www.mauricerutherford.com/poems/