Надежда Евгеньевна Матвеева

Место работы:
ГБОУ Школа № 1270
учитель английского языка

Темы Открытых уроков автора

Работы учеников

Под руководством автора его учениками на фестиваль исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся «Портфолио ученика» были представлены следующие работы:

  • The Use of Work Experience; Working Teenagers in Russia and the USA

    The hypothesis: Doing a part-time job while still studying is beneficial to teenagers as it prepares them for the world of work. The aims of the project: to analyse pros and cons of working as a teen; to find out what typical jobs for teenagers are; to compare the situation in Russia and the USA; to conduct an opinion poll in order to examine a desire and ability of teenagers to work; to prove that working as a teen prepares teenagers for the future.

  • Inclusive education as a way to integrate children with disabilities into modern society

    The aims of the project: 1. To highlight the need for the integration of children with disabilities into modern society. 2. To examine how this policy is implemented in Russia and in the USA. 3. To analyse the drawbacks of the Russian system of education of the disabled. 4. To propose some measures which should be taken to improve the way of integrating children with disabilities into our society.