Лингвострановедческие тесты

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Язык и культура находятся в тесном взаимодействии со времен начала нашей цивилизации и на протяжении тысячелетий привлекали к себе исследовательскую мысль. Ведь культура находит отражение в языке, а тот в свою очередь, является опосредованным результатом ее развития. Все мы сталкиваемся с элементами лингвострановедения, не только на школьной скамье, но и в обыденной жизни. Однако современные школьники зачастую из-за невообразимой легкости в основном предпочитают культуру электронных технологий, ведь одного нажатия клавиши достаточно, чтобы оказаться в иллюзии того, что все необходимое может поместиться в маленьком гаджете. Реальный мир бесконечно более многообразен и сложен, наполнен плюрализмом мнений и идей. Именно поэтому задача современного педагога в том, чтобы развивать внутреннюю мотивацию и непредвзятость мышления, сосредоточенность внимания и возможность проникнуться красотой сложных идей. Данные цели могут быть достижимы в рамках изучения элементов лингвострановедения, как в рамках специального курсах, так и на отдельных уроках по иностранному языку.

Language and culture. Quiz 1. Variant 1

Student's name:__________________________

Part I. Read and choose the correct answer

1. Iced tea is more popular in ___
A. the UK
B. the USA
C. Canada
D. Scotland

2.What ingredient is unnecessary for a proper cup of tea?

  1. freshly boiled water
  2. milk
  3. tea bag
  4. sour cream

3.What is "builder's brew"?

  1. strong tea with milk and sugar
  2. strong herbal tea
  3. white tea with sour cream
  4. green tea

4.What is the name of the tradition to dip your biscuit in a tea cup?

  1. dipping
  2. dumping
  3. jumping
  4. soaking

5.What is English breakfast traditionally called?

  1. Quick English
  2. Full English
  3. Fast English breakfast
  4. Breakfast tea

6. What is not included in a typical English breakfast?

  1. fried eggs
  2. bacon
  3. carrots
  4. sausages
  5. black pudding

7. Which tea is called "low tea"?

  1. afternoon tea
  2. morning tea
  3. evening tea

8. In what country were tea bags invented?

  1. In Great Britain
  2. In the USA
  3. In the UK
  4. In India

Part II. Proverbs. Complete with one word

9. An _____ a day keeps the doctor away.

10. A _____ man is an angry man!

11. Eat to ____ but do not live to eat.

12. Bitter pills may have blessed ____ .

Part III. Holidays. Write the names of these popular holidays

13.___________Like many nations around the world, British people celebrate it by hosting parties with their friends and families to await the countdown to the eve. In Scotland they call it Hogmanay and celebrate it by having a party with friends and setting fireworks off. In many cities there are free celebrations that anyone can join.

14. ______________It is celebrated in many countries around the world, although it is not a public holiday in most of them. This day has a Catholic origin and has been associated with romantic love.

15.______________It is also known as All Saint's Eve. On this day children will dress up in costumes and go 'trick or treating' around the neighborhood. It involves knocking on someone's door and saying 'Trick or Treat'. That person gives them a treat (usually sweets). Children enjoy the holiday because they go home with a bag of sweets!

Part IV. Music. Complete with the names of these music styles

Choose from: Indie music, rock'n'roll, pop music.

16.__________This music style was originally created by low budget bands and individual musicians. It was not created for mainstream audiences. The musicians experiment with sounds and styles more freely.

17. __________It refers to songs that appeal to large audiences. Such songs feature danceable rhythms, simple melodies and they have a traditional chorus structure.

18. _________It is a popular music style which came from America during the late 1940s and early 1950s. A famous musician from this era was Elvis Presley who was known by many as the King of this style. He had many hits, such as 'Heartbreak Hotel' and 'Blue Suede Shoes'.

Language and culture. Quiz 1, variant 2

Student's name:_________________________

Part I. Read and choose the correct answer

1. Warm and strong tea is more popular in ___

  1. the UK
  2. B. the USA
  3. C. Canada
  4. Australian

2. What sentence about making tea is incorrect?

  1. If you make tea in the cup, add milk after water so that it does not interfere with the brewing process.
  2. If you make tea in a pot, then you should add milk first.
  3. If you make tea in a cup, you should add milk first.
  4. If you make tea in a cup, you should add water first.

3. Who is treated to "builder's brew"?

  1. People who work at school.
  2. Very young children.
  3. Doctors and nurses.
  4. People who work in the house.

4. What kinds of biscuits are used for dumping?

  1. Rich tea biscuits
  2. Sweet biscuits
  3. Wholegrain biscuits
  4. American cookies

5. What was the best way to start their working day for the working class?

  1. To have full breakfast
  2. To have a cup of tea
  3. To have a cup of coffee
  4. To eat some soup

6. What is not included in a traditional British breakfast?

  1. baked beans
  2. toast
  3. mushrooms
  4. tomatoes
  5. oranges

7. Which tea is called "high tea"?

  1. afternoon tea
  2. morning tea
  3. evening tea

8. Are tea bags more popular than tea leaves in the UK?

  1. Yes, they are.
  2. No they are not.
  3. Tea bags are as popular as tea leaves.

Part II. Proverbs. Complete with one word

9. Don't put all your _____ in one basket!

10. It is no use crying over spilt ____.

11. You can't have your ____ and eat it too.

12. Life is just a bowl of ____.

Part III. Holidays. Write the names of these popular holidays

13.______________ is the most important holiday for British families. This is the day that people spend with their families. There are many traditions, but the most important one is about presents. Family members prepare their gifts and put them under a special tree. In the evening they sit down around the table and enjoy the meal.

14. ______________(the 4th Thursday of November) is a big family holiday, American families follow their tradition, and have dinner with a roasted turkey.

15. ______________ (the date is determined each year) is a day commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Traditional gifts are eggs of different colors which symbolize new life.

Part IV. Music. Complete with the names of these music styles

Choose from: classical, rock, r'n'b

16. ___________ This music features guitar, bass, drums and keyboard sounds. Such bands have a lead vocalist, with other musicians providing backing vocals.

17. ___________This music can be described as orchestral works, chamber music, solo instrumental works, electronic music, choral music, songs, operas, ballets, concertos and symphonies.

18. __________It began in America during the late 1980s with artists such as Whitney Houston and Janet Jackson. This kind of music mixes elements of hip-hop and soul music.

Language and Culture. Test 1. Keys

Variant 1

Variant 2

  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. apple
  10. hungry
  11. live
  12. effects
  13. New Year's Day
  14. Saint Valentine's Day
  15. Halloween
  16. Indie music
  17. pop music
  18. rock'n'roll
  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. E
  7. C
  8. A
  9. eggs
  10. milk
  11. cake
  12. cherries
  13. Christmas
  14. Thanksgiving
  15. Easter
  16. rock
  17. classical
  18. r'n'b

Language and culture. Quiz 2