New Year and Wonders of the World (the Museum of the Future, Lake Baikal, The Valley of Geysers)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ключевые слова: английский язык, Новый год в разных странах

Цель урока: приобщение к истории празднования нового года в России, изучение новинок технического прогресса и природных чудес России.

Задачи учебного занятия


  • формировать у обучающихся навыки в области чтения, диалогической и монологической речи по теме, умение извлекать основную информацию по тексту, задавать вопросы по теме, строить собственные высказывания, уметь общаться в рамках заданной темы, используя различные виды деятельности.


  • воспитывать личностные качества (трудолюбие, активность, умение работать в сотрудничестве), коммуникабельность, приобретение знаний по специальности.


  • развивать интеллект и лингвистические способности, формировать механизм языковой догадки, осуществлять в процессе изучения темы творческий подход.

Используемые ресурсы:

  • Сайт «История России» [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 16.01.2023г.)
  • Сайт энциклопедии «Википедия» [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 16.01.2023г.)

What is New Year for us - the Russians?

Task 1. Learn the new words, read the text and translate it:

1.Epiphany [ɪˈpɪfənɪ] Крещение 2. faith [feɪθ] вера, доверие 3.future ['fjuːtʃə]4. nature ['neɪʧə]5.decent ['diːsnt] приличный; порядочный 6.above [ə'bʌv] наверху; выше, раньше 7.desire [dɪ'zaɪə] желание; стремление 8.scientific breakthrough [ˌsaɪən'tɪfɪk 'breɪkθruː] научный прорыв 9. diabetes mellitus 10.paganism ['peɪg(ə)nɪz(ə)m] язычество 11.God [gɒ̱d] бог 12.Genus ['ʤiːnəs] род 13.lengthen[le̱ŋθən] длиться 14.сonsequently ['kɒnsɪkwəntlɪ]следовательно; в результате 15.Neighbour ['neɪbə]сосед 16.transition [træn'zɪʃ(ə)n] переход, перемещение 17.Emperor [e̱mpərə(r)] император 18.admirer[əd'maɪərə] поклонник, почитатель, обожатель 19.feast [fi͟ːst] пир,празднование 20.authority [ɔː'θɔrɪtɪ] власть 21.remain [rɪ'meɪn] оставаться 22.Council [kaʊnsl] Совет 23. dedicate ['dedɪkeɪt] посвящать 24. technician [tek'nɪʃn] техник 25.ancient ['eɪnʃənt]древний 26. spouse [spauz] супруг; супруга 27. harvest ['hãːvɪst] урожай 28. approval [əˈpruːvəl] одобрение 29. existence [ɪg'zɪstəns] существование

New Year's Eve and Christmas, the Old New Year and Epiphany frosts are all associated with the new year. What should we wait for this happy new year 2023? We wish love and happiness, good health and prosperity, faith in the bright peaceful future, satisfaction from work or study, excellent career growth, decent salary, development of industry and jobs, affordable housing and up-to-date education. Here is the incomplete list of the above-mentioned common desires. But have you ever thought of the new scientific breakthrough in your field of work? For example, the new successful method of treatment cancer or diabetes mellitus for nurses, solving the problem of urban traffic jams by means of flying autocars and improving road conditions for auto technicians; the innovation of electrical installations for electricians; the new system of physical exercises, balanced diet for everyone, interest in mass sports for our future physical training teachers and so on.

You are the happiest person who can do the best in your field of work! There is so much to see and to learn in our modern World. Do you know that the tradition of celebrating New Year came from Europe and was invented by the Emperor Peter the Great?

Since ancient times, the Slavs paid great attention to the unity of man and nature. This was also expressed in paganism, when people noticed the events of nature and tried to harmonize their lives with the main god - the Genus. The Slavs celebrated the New Year on the 1st of March. And this is an absolutely logical event, because March 1 is the day of the beginning of spring. Nature comes to life, the sun begins to shine warmer, the day lengthens, peasants start field work. Consequently, a new cycle of life begins, and with it starts a New Year.

In 1492, Ivan III issued the Decree according to which the celebration was postponed to September, 1. Thus began a new story of the New Year in Russia. This Decree was due to the fact that Christianity and the Julian Calendar had long been adopted in Russia. This Calendar was also used by other European countries, which had long celebrated the holiday on September, 1.

In 1699, Peter I issued the Decree according to which the new year 1700 would come not on the 1st of September, but on the 1st of January. The Decree was known as "The calendar reform in Russia". This was one of the first steps of the Russian tsar after his return from Europe. As you know, Peter I was a clear admirer and imitator of everything that was done in Holland and England. It was Peter the Great who ordered to use fireworks and mass feasts. The spouse of Nicolas I Alexandra Feodorovna invented the tradition of Christmas Tree in 1817 after returning from the European tour when she saw the decorated fir-tree with apples in Prussia [ˈprʌʃə]. There was poor harvest in Europe in 1850, so they decided to decorate the Christmas Tree with the artificial apples. Since that time was a tradition of Christmas ball toys.

Do you know that only we - the Russians - celebrate the Old New Year?

The history of the New Year in Russia was rewritten in 1918, when the Bolsheviks decided to switch from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian one. The young state authority wanted the complete separation of the state from the church. The Orthodox Church remained with the Julian calendar, differed in 13 days and the state remained with the Gregorian calendar. It happened on the 31st of January 1918, when the next day was on the 14th of February due to the Decree of the Council of People 's Commissars. We should thank the Bolsheviks who made the New Year the way it is known to us today with the Father Frost, who was used from Peter the Great times, and Snow Maiden, the play was written by Alexandre Ostrovsky in 1873 and with Stalin's approval this character [kæ̱rəktə] was brought to existence in 1935.

The year 2023 was announced by the Russian President as the Year of Teacher and Tutor, in Yamal this year is dedicated to knowledge. Have you got any ideas of making our life happier by means of your progressive knowledge? Try your best and especially trust yourself and your teachers who help you to encourage, expand and deepen your knowledge and give them practical usage. Don't forget the Megaphone slogan: "Future depends on you!"

Task 2. Answer the questions:

  1. What are the common wishes for New Year?
  2. What do you wish to yourself and your groupmates?
  3. When did the Russian celebrate New Year in the ancient times?
  4. Why did they start celebration in spring?
  5. Who invented the rule of celebration on September,1?
  6. Who changed the old traditions and start the year from January?
  7. What was new since that time?
  8. Who invented the tradition of the Christmas Tree?
  9. Why do we decorate the Christmas Tree with ball toys?
  10. Who created Father Frost and Snow Maiden?
  11. Why do we have such holiday as "the Old New Year"?
  12. 12.How do you celebrate New Year?
  13. What is the official theme of this year - 2023?
  14. To what animal this year is dedicated according to the Chinese Calendar?
  15. What do you foresee in your future profession and personal development? (foresight ['fɔːsaɪt] предвидение)

Task 3. Tell the groupmates about your plans for this year, use the following phrases:

  • This year I'm going to do….(for my personal growth);
  • This year I do my best in …(my professional growth).

Task 4. Read the text and put the verbs in the right form and make up 7 questions:

The Museum of the Future (1.является) an exhibition space for innovative and futuristic ideologies, services and products. This building (2.расположено) in the financial district of Dubai, the United Arabian Emirates (the UAE), the Museum of the Future (3.состоит) of three main elements: a green hill, a building and a void (пустота - syn.emptiness). The museum (4.был основан) by the Dubai Future Foundation. The Government of the United Arab Emirates (5.открыло) museum on 22 February 2022. The choice of the date (6.был официально сделан) because the 22nd of February 2022 (7.является) a palindrome date. (A palindrome (8.является) a word, number, phrase, or other sequence of characters that (9.читаются) the same way both backwards and forwards). The goal of this museum (10.является) to promote technological development and innovation, especially in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). On 7 February 2016, Mohammed bin Rashid (11.торжественно открыл) the Museum of the Future exhibition as part of the World Government Summit 2016. On 24 April 2016, Mohammed bin Rashid (12.учредил/ «запустил») 'Dubai Future Foundation'.

"Climate Change" (13.переосмылил): Dubai 2050. The exhibition, which (14.проводилась) in 2017, adopted a theme set in 2050 to explore how humanity (15.смогут процветать) thrive by welcoming radical innovations and despite the impacts of global warming and climate change. It (16.сосредоточилось) on the three key factors contributing to humanity's ecological footprint, and these are urbanism, agriculture and global industry.

"The Hi, I am AI" exhibition (17.проводилось) in 2018 to demonstrate how buildings with artificial intelligence (18.будут служить) humanity. It (19.рассматривало) several ideas, including whether AI can be creative and what the future of humanity will be in the era of AI.

The museum (20.будет размещать) innovation labs (21.посвященные) to several sectors, (22.включая) health, education, smart cities, energy and transport. One of the world's most complex structures, the Museum of the Future (23.был спроектирован) by Killa Design architecture studio and engineered by Buro Happold (the UK).

The words (24.написанные) on the Dubai Museum of the Future are 3 quotes from Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates are:

  1. We (25.не будем жить) for hundreds of years, but we (26.можем создать) something that (27.будет длится,) for hundreds of years.
  2. The future (28.будет) for those who (29.сможет) to imagine, design and build it, the future (30.не ждёт), the future (31.можно спроектировать и построить) today.
  3. The secret of the renewal of life, the development of civilization and the progress of humanity (32.является) in one word: innovation (33.означает the new introduction of something that provides increase in the efficiency of process and (or) an improvement in the quality of products demanded by the market).

Task 5. Work in pairs, concerning the technical wonders (Conditional Sentences):

Tell your groupmate about the technical wonders, you have learnt, using the phrases (you should use two sentences in Real Condition and two ones in Unreal Condition):

  • If I have an opportunity to take part in the IT-conference, I will advise to create and use …. for my future profession (Real Condition).
  • If I had a chance to be on the Space Ship, I would ….. (Unreal Condition)

Task 6. Read the text about the biggest lake in the world and answer the questions:

Lake Baikal is the rift lake, located in Russia, and means from Buryat language "the rich lake". It is situated in the southern part of Siberia. With more than 23 km3 of water, Lake Baikal is the world's largest freshwater lake volume, containing 23% of the world's fresh surface water, more than all of the North American Great Lakes combined. It is the world's deepest lake, with the maximum depth of 1.6 m, and the world's oldest lake, at 25-30 million years. It is among the world's clearest lakes.

Baikal is home to thousands of species of plants and animals. It is also home to Buryat tribe, who raises goats, camels, cattle, sheep, and horses on the eastern side of the lake, where the mean temperature varies from a winter minimum of −19°C to a summer maximum of 14°C.

The Baikal seal or nerpa is found throughout Lake Baikal. It is one of only three entirely freshwater seal populations in the world.

A wide range of land mammals can be found in the habitats around the lake, such as Eurasian brown bear, Eurasian wolf, red fox, elk, Siberian red deer, wild boar, red squirrel and Alpine hare.

The Trans-Siberian Railway changed the environment situation in and around the lake. The Railway was built between 1896 and 1902. Construction of this railway required 200 bridges and 33 tunnels. As the railway was built, a large hydro geographical expedition produced the first detailed contour map of the lake bed.

Baikal has a number of different tourist activities, depending on the season. Generally, Baikal has two top tourist seasons. The first season is "ice season", which starts usually in mid-January and lasts till mid-April. And the favourite one is in summer.

Chinese-owned AquaSib had been purchasing land alongside the lake and in 2019 started building a bottling plant and pipeline in the town of Kultuk. The goal was to export 190 million liters of water to China city Lanzhou even though the lake had been experiencing historically low water levels. This spurred protests by the local population that the lake would be drained of its water, at this point the local government and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation prohibited the construction. The Chinese side said that they had 20% of the world's population and only 7% of fresh water resources. We should save our unique lake!

  1. What does the word "rift" mean?
  2. How can we translate the lake's name?
  3. What is the percentage of fresh water it contains?
  4. What tribe lives there?
  5. What is their livestock?
  6. What is an average temperature in summer and in winter?
  7. What are the famous animals of Baikal areas do you know?
  8. When was the Trans-Siberian Railway constructed?
  9. How does it influence to Baikal Lake?
  10. What was done due to the construction of this railway?
  11. How many tourist seasons have Baikal?
  12. What happened in 2019?
  13. Why have the Chinese argued about Baikal Lake?

Task 7. Use the proper form of Past Simple Tense and try to guess three ancient wonders:

  1. The construction of this wonder 1_ (to last) for 10 years. For over three hundred years the Olympic Games 2__(to be held) in Greece in honour of this God. But there 3_(to be) no monument 4_ (to devote) to him. The Greeks 5_ (to ask) the noble sculptor, painter and architect - Phidias- to build the monument. It was ______
  2. It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the World, and the only one to remain largely intact. This wonder 6_ (to be built) for over 20 years and thirty-six thousand workers 7__(to build) this wonderful masterpiece. They are __________
  3. This wonder 8__(to be built) to protect the ships from reefs, and it 9__ (to be) for many centuries one of the tallest-man-made structures in the world. Badly 10__ (to damage) by three earthquakes between AD 956 and 1323, it then 11_ (to become) an abandoned ruin. It 12__ (to be) the third longest surviving ancient wonder until 1480. It was ________

Task 8. Read the text about the Russian natural wonder and answer the questions:

The Valley of Geysers is the geyser field on the Kamchtka Peninsula, situated in the north-eastern part of Russia, and has the second largest concentration of geysers in the world. The first largest geyser is in New Zealand. The Valley of Geysers comprises six-kilometre-long basin with approximately ninety geysers and many hot springs, predominantly on the left bank of the ever-deepening Geysernaya River, into which geothermal waters flow from a relatively young stratovolcano Kikhpinych. The Giant (Velikan) geyser is the largest geyser in the Kamchatka Valley. During eruptions, it throws out more than 30 tons of water every minute, to a height equal to a nine-story house. This famous Valley is a part of the Kronotsky Natura Reserve and also is under the protection of the World Heritage Site.

The valley is difficult to reach, only helicopters can provide the only feasible means of transport.

The "pulsating" geysers of Kamchatka were discovered by the local scientist, Tatyana Ustinova in April,1941. She published her findings fourteen years later, but there was not enough exploration of the area until 1972. The systematic survey was undertaken in the mid-1970s, and the automatic monitoring system was introduced in 1990. Over thirty geysers were given names.

From the 1980s, the area was promoted across the Soviet Union as one of the tourist magnets of Kamchatka and the Russian Far East. Foreign tourists were allowed into the valley in 1991. About 3,000 tourists visit the site annually.

In 1981, typhoon Elsa caused rains, which led the water level in the Geyser River to rise by several meters. Mud flows dragged three-meter boulders along the riverbed, destroying everything in their path. Many springs were damaged, including the famous Malachite Grotto. The Big Stove geyser has disappeared.

On the 3d of June, 2007, a massive mudflow inundated two thirds of the valley. The World Heritage Site also expressed its deep concern over the issue. "This is tragic for humankind, in that we have lost one of the great natural wonders of the world", the World Wildlife Fund spokesman commented. On the 5th of June, it was reported that a thermal lake was forming above the valley. The landslide occurred during filming of the documentary "Wild Russia"; it features footage of before and after the disaster.

The extent of permanent change was not yet clear. As on the 9th of June, 2007, waters receded, exposing some of the submerged features. Giant (Velikan) Geyser was not buried in the slide and was observed to be active.

In September 2013, a new mudflow restored geysers and increased their number.

It interesting to know that in 1972, the filming of the movie "Sannikov Land" took place in the Valley of Geysers.

  1. Where is the Valley of Geysers situated?
  2. What is the name of the largest geyser in the Valley and how many tons of water it erupted?
  3. Where is the largest geyser in the world?
  4. What is the name and where the largest stratovolcano situated?
  5. Under what protection is the Valley of Geysers?
  6. How can you reach the Valley?
  7. Who was the first in discovering the geysers and when was the first expedition taken place?
  8. When was the monitoring system of geysers invented?
  9. How many geysers got their names?
  10. What was in 1981 and what happened with the Valley?
  11. What was in 2007 and what happened with the Valley?
  12. What was remarkable in the Valley of Geysers (two positions)?
  13. When was the movie "Sanikov land" shot?

Task 9. Use the proper form of Past Simple Tense and write three ancient wonders:

  1. This 1_(to be) a statue of the Greek titan-god of the sun Helios, which 2_ (to build) on the Greek island by Chares of Lindos in 280 BC. According to most contemporary descriptions, this sight 3_ (to stand) approximately 33 metres high. It 4_ (to be) the tallest statue of the ancient world. It 5_ (to be destroyed) during the earthquake of 226 BC, and never 6_ (to rebuild). It was ______
  2. One of the Seven Wonders of the World 7_ (to be) completely rebuilt three times before its final destruction in 401 AD. This sight 8_ (to be dedicated) to the Greek goddess of hunting, wild nature and fertility. She 9_ (to be) the twin sister of Apollo. It was ______
  3. According to one legend, the king 10__ (to order) to build this masterpiece for his loving wife, because she 11_ (to miss) the green hills and valleys of her homeland. He also 12__(to build) a grand palace that 13_(to come) to be known as "The Marvel of the Mankind". This masterpiece was ______

Task 10. Speaking

Try to speak about the natural wonders in your region. Don't forget about the interesting facts. What would you like to advise the visitors? And how should they travel around this the specific area without damaging the nature?


Task 4. located 3.consisits 4.was founded 5.opened 6.was officially made 8. is 9. are read 11. inaugurated 12.launched 13. Reimagined 14.was held 15.could thrive 16.focused 17. was held 18.would serve 19.discussed 20.could be 21.would be 22.including 23.was designed 24.written 25.won't live 26.can create 27.will last 28.will be 29.can 30.doesn't wait 31.can be designed and built 33.means

Task 7.
I.1.lasted 2. were held 3.was 4.devoted 5.asked - It was the Statue of Zeus
II. 6.was built 7.built - These are the Pyramids of Giza
III. 8. was built 9. was 10.damaged 11.became 12.was - It was the Pharos of Alexandria

Task 9.
I. 1.was 2.was built 3.stood 4.was 5.was destroyed 6.was never rebuilt - It was the Colossus of Rhodes
II. 7.was 8.was dedicated 9.was - It was the Temple of Artemis
III. 10.ordered 11.missed 12.built 13.came - These were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon