Урок английского языка в 6-х 8-х классах по теме «Здоровый образ жизни» с использованием технологии КСО (коллективного способа обучения)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ключевые слова: английский язык, ЗОЖ



  • развивающая: развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных компетенций учащихся;
  • образовательная: расширение эрудиции учащихся, их лингвистического и общего кругозора;
  • практическая направленность: развитие лексико-грамматических навыков, аудирования, а также умений и навыков устной речи в рамках темы.
  • воспитательная: актуализация здорового образа жизни, создание положительной мотивации к дальнейшему изучению языка.

Ход урока

1. Начало урока

Учитель: - Good morning, everybody! I'm very glad to see you at our lesson. But where is (имя)? What is the matter?

Ученик: - Hello! - He does not feel well. He has the flu.

The doctor told him to stay in bed.

Учитель: - Oh, what a pity. I hope he'll recover soon.

Guys, today we are going to talk about your health. We'll discuss what helps us to be fit, healthy and strong. You will know something interesting and new for you. You see that your health is in your own hands.


Слайд 1. But first of all, we should lay out the rules of the lesson (на слайде)

1) People in white robes are your teachers, you are students.

2) Every student has to do tasks on the topic with the help of your own teacher.

3) When you finish one task, you raise the green card. If you need help, you raise the red card.

4) The students who finish first, get the vitamin.

5) After every step of the lesson, you will see the word on the board. By the end of the lesson you need to guess the proverb.

Ход урока


Слайд 3. 1 задание: Now in twos, you are to do the first exercise. Match the proverbs about health to their Russian equivalents

Слайд 4. 1 задание: проверка.


Слайд 5. 2 задание - You get the listening exercise. But before that read the notes on the health of three people and answer the questions:

  1. What health problems do they have now?
  2. What problems might they have in the future?

Слайд 6. 2задание: аудирование и проверка

Listen to a health expert saying how one of the three people improve make their health.

Which person is the expert talking about?

Speakout 6.8 стр 65.


Слайд 7. 3 задание: Read the texts and answer the question: Prove your point of view using the text.

Учащиеся работают с двумя текстами и находят в них ответы на вопросы.

Does he like going to fast-food restaurants? Why?

Does he do any sport? Why and when?

Does she try keeping fit?

What does she think about healthy food?

A (Mike). I think that fatty foods are bad for people. I try to eat less cheese, butter and ice-cream and more fresh fruit, vegetables and fish. I don't visit fast-food restaurants, such as McDonald's, because the food is fatty and unhealthy there.

I feel that after sitting in front of a computer and at a desk, my muscles need some exercise. For me 15 minutes of aerobics and 30 minutes of swimming are great. They are very refreshing, energetic and rhythmic. After that I feel fine and ready to work!

B (Katy). I don't understand why people are crazy about keeping fit. Going jogging is not for me. I get my exercise by walking to the bus stop on my way to school.

And what about the food? I like good food. I think, most healthy food is tasteless. I enjoy having a bar of chocolate or a lot of meat and potatoes.

Now many people do Yoga. But sitting on the floor with your feet behind your ears looks very uncomfortable to me. I'm sure, sitting in an armchair, watching television or reading a book is really healthy. I don't jog or do any sports. I don't eat healthy food; but I'm happy and nothing can be better.


Слайд 8. Физкультпауза (8 класс проводит физ.культ минутку для 6 классников)

Слайд 9. Задание 4. Now you will learn some new vocabulary by doing this exercise.

Match the problems with the advice. Write down new words.

    1. You have got a headache/backache.
    2. You have caught a cold/flu.
    3. You have broken your arm/leg.
    4. You have a sore throat and bad cough. You also have a high temperature.
      1. Take some medicine/antibiotics
      2. Go to the hospital for an X-ray
      3. Get some rest and drink a lot of hot drinks
      4. Take some painkillers/pills

Слайд 10. Задание 4 - проверка


Слайд 11. Задание 5. There are bad and good habits. Put the habits in the right column using should / shouldn't.

For example: You should clean your teeth and you will have healthy teeth.

  1. Cleaning teeth
  2. Washing a face and hands
  3. Doing sports
  4. Eating too much sweets
  5. Skipping breakfast
  6. Not eating at night
  7. Eating low fat food
  8. Getting vitamins
  9. Sleeping too much or too little
  10. Following a diet
  11. Eating more fruits and vegetables


Конец урока

Подведение итогов

Учитель: Guys, our lesson is coming to the end. Now you get a vitamin. Choose and write what one healthy habit you will follow.

При подведении итогов дети вовлекаются в самоанализ. В ходе которого они говорят, чему они научились.

Учитель: Do you agree that "Health is the 'best wealth'? (написано на доске)

- Now each of you comes to the board and write one word how you can characterize our lesson in the empty vitamin.

The lesson is over

Дети получают в качестве подарка памятки о здоровом образе жизни.

"Some rules for being healthy"

  1. Remember we are what we eat. Try to choose healthy food. Fruit and vegetables are ideal.
  2. Never eat at night and avoid fat and sweet food as it causes obesity, which is a reason of heart diseases.
  3. Never skip breakfast and never snack between meals. It will help you to avoid gaining weight.
  4. Remember: bad habits are extremely dangerous for your health.
  5. Smoking causes lung cancer and it is easier to start to smoke than to give it up.
  6. Taking drugs and alcohol destroys your mind and body. You will not notice how you will become an addict.
  7. Do and play sports. It makes you strong and energetic. Keeping fit is very trendy today.
  8. Have a regular lifestyle. Remember a proverb "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise".
  9. Never use transport if it is possible to walk.
  10. If you live in the city, have a rest out of it more often, as it is a brilliant opportunity to breathe fresh air.
  11. Air your room before sleeping and don't forget to do morning exercises.
  12. Remember that losing health is easier than to restore it. Think about it now, till it is not too late!
  13. And I wish you strong health for many years!