Методическая разработка по английскому языку в 5-м классе. Тема: "Faces of London"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Общепедагогические технологии

Класс: 5

Ключевые слова: английский язык, достопримечательности Лондона

УМК: «Enjoy English» (Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А.)

Тип урока: урок закрепления и обобщения универсальных учебных действий.

Формы работы: индивидуальная, парная, фронтальная.

Оборудование для учителя: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, аудио приложение к учебнику.

Цель: развитие и закрепление лексико-грамматических умений учащихся по теме «Достопримечательности Лондона».


  • Образовательная: формирование лексических навыков говорения.
  • Развивающая: развитие способности к догадке, решению речемыслительных задач.
  • Воспитательная: воспитание любознательности, познавательных потребностей.

Планируемые результаты:

  • Предметные: формирование умений высказываться по теме «Faces of London» с использованием ранее изученного лексикограмматического материала.
  • Личностные:
    • Уметь проявлять познавательный интерес к учебной деятельности, к изучению иностранного языка.
    • Проявлять любознательность и творческие способности.
    • Формирование устойчивой учебно-познавательной мотивации и интереса к учению.
  • Метапредметные:
    • регулятивные: определять цель учебной деятельности; обнаруживать и формулировать учебную задачу и составлять план ее выполнения и оценивать результаты;
    • познавательные: построение логических рассуждений; обобщение полученной информации;
    • коммуникативные: организовывать учебное взаимодействие в группе; владеть различными стратегиями чтения; ориентироваться в иноязычном печатном тексте; действовать по аналогии при выполнении заданий.

1. Introduction. Defining the problem of the lesson

Teacher: Good morning, children. How are you? They say, if you start your day with a smile, you’ll be in a good mood the whole day. So, smile to each other, please.

Today we’ll have an exciting trip, practice our skills in reading, listening, speaking on a very interesting topic. But first, let’s watch the video… (the students watch the video -просмотр видеоролика для постановки проблемы.)

What city are we going to visit? What are we going to speak about today?

Student 1: Today we’ll visit Britain.

Student 2: We’ll speak about the famous places of interest in London.

Teacher: Right you are. It’s London. This picturesque city has many beautiful sights. Make up word combinations with the given words.

Westminster Bridge
Big Square
Tower Palace
The Tower Ben
The London Museum
Buckingham Abbey
The British Eye
Trafalgar of Parliament

Teacher: So, check the right answers. And find these places on the map. (the students can see the correct answers on the board and show the sights on the map.)

2. Listening practice

Teacher: So, we go on travelling about the city and now you will listen to the announcement on the tourist boat and define the statements True or False.

1.London is situated on the Thames.

2.The Thames is the longest river in the world.

3.The Thames is dirty and only few fish can live there.

4.Tourists can travel down the river and see the sights of London.

3. Dialogue practice

Teacher: Now let’s imagine ourselves in London streets. Try to complete the conversation and act out the dialogue.

А -… could you tell me how … The National Gallery?

В - Oh, of course. … Can you see that wide street over there?

A - Yes.

B - … that street. It will lead you to The National Gallery.

А - Thank you very much.

С - … Have a nice day.


Use: Excuse me
You are welcome
Go along
… to get to…
It’s very easy

4. Reading practice

Teacher: Look at the board. You will have to read short extracts and say what interesting place is presented here. Find the correct picture to the text.

Tourists in London always visit this place. They want to see the clock in its tower and hear the bells. It is really a bell. It is over two metres tall and chimes every quarter of an hour. Early in the morning you can hear it on the radio: “This is the BBC. The time is six o’clock”. It is the symbol of London and of Britain. (Big Ben)

You can see it from the river Thames. It is very old. It has a long and cruel history. It was a fortress, a royal palace and a prison for important people. Today it is a museum. Special guards look after it and take care of black ravens that live there. There is a legend, that it will fall if the ravens ever leave the fortress. (the Tower of London)

It is situated not far from the Houses of Parliament. The legend says that it was founded by St. Peter. But we know that King Edward built it in 1065. Some famous people are buried here. Today it is a working church and a great monument to the history of England. (Westminster Abbey)

The famous bell Big Ben stands near this place. The country’s leaders speak here. The men and women are the voice of the British people. It is situated beside the river Thames. You can go on a boat from Westminster and see London from the river. (the Houses of Parliament)

Teacher: And now let’s complete the sentences using these texts.

1. Big Ben is … (the symbol of London and of Britain)

2. Long ago the Tower of London was a… (fortress, a royal palace and a prison for important people)

3. Nowadays Westminster Abbey is … (a working church and a great monument to the history of England)

5. Summing up period

Teacher: At the end of our lesson we’ll do a short test work and see what we know about London and its’ sights. You are to choose the correct answer.

1. London stands on the river...
A Thames;
B Clyde;
C Avon.

2. Where does Queen Elizabeth 2 live?
A Buckingham Palace;
B the Tower;
C Westminster Abbey.

3. It is one of the oldest buildings in London.
A Whitehall;
B the Tower;
C Big Ben.

4. It is the most famous clock-bell in the UK.
A Westminster;
B Buckingham;
C Big Ben.

5. It is one of the most famous bridges in London over the river Thames.
A Millennium;
B Tower;
C Buckingham.

6. You can see many wild animals there.
A Hyde Park;
B the City;
C London Zoo.

7. It is one of the most famous museums in the world.
A Whitehall;
B Big Ben;
C the British Museum.

8. There are many banks and offices there.
A Hyde Park;
B the Tower;
C the City.

9. There is a monument to Admiral Nelson there.
A Trafalgar square;
B Hyde Park;
C London Zoo.

10. It was built by architect Christopher Wren.
A Whitehall;
B the Tower;
C St. Paul’s Cathedral.

6. Reflection period

Today we learnt …

We listened to …

We practiced our skills in …

At the lesson we spoke about …

Teacher: Thank you for the lesson. Your marks are… Your home task is to make up a visiting card of London for a tourist.