Мастер-класс «The frog family»

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Мастер-класс

Классы: 1, 2

Ключевые слова: английский язык

Основные цели:


  • совершенствовать умения и навыки в устной речи;
  • формировать умение воспринимать иноязычную информацию на слух;


  • развивать общие аудитивные навыки у учащихся, аудитивную память,
  • внимание, воображение, логическое мышление;

воспитательная: привитие интереса к изучению английского языка.

Дополнительные пособия: карточки со звуками, игрушки, картинки, маски, лист кувшинки.

Ход занятия

I. Dear boys and girls! Today we have an unusual lesson. We are going to speak about a very pleasant and funny animal. What is an animal? Listen to the riddle and guess what animal it is.

It is green.
It is small.
It lives in the pond.
It can jump.
It can croak.
What is it?

- It is a frog.

- Yes, it is. It is a frog. So we are going to speak about frogs and their uneasy life.

Do you like frogs?

Where do they live?

What do they sit on?

Do they like to be hot or cold?

How can they get cold?

II. Now you are going to listen to the story. The title of the story is “The Frog Family”. Translate the title.

What is the story about? How do you think?

Who will be the characters of the story? Guess it.

Now listen to the story and you will know if you were right or wrong.

The frog family.

This is a story about Daddy frog, Mummy frog, Sister frog, Brother frog and Baby frog.

It was hot - very, very hot and Daddy frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf in the pond..

Mummy frog was hot - very, very hot. So Daddy frog said: “Come here!” Mummy frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf in the pond.

Sister frog was hot - very, very hot. So Mummy frog said: “Come here!” Sister frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf in the pond.

Brother frog was hot - very, very hot.

So Sister frog said: “Come here!” Brother frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf in the pond.

Baby frog was hot - very, very hot.

So Brother frog said “Come here!” Baby frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf in the pond.

And then - SPLASH - they all fell into the water!

  • Were you right or wrong?
  • Who are the characters of the story?

III. Now listen to the story once more and five of you are going to be the Frog Family.

IV. Now we are going to do some exercises.

Упражнения на преодоление фонетических трудностей восприятия.

1) Прослушайте следующие слова и поднимите руку, услышав слово со звуком:

[d] - family, sister, pond, went, daddy

[t] - cold, hot, mummy, brother, story

[r] - baby, leaf, brother, jump, frog

2) Прослушайте следующие слова и назовите звук, который повторяется в словах:

  • frog, brother, very, story - [r]
  • brother, mother, father – [ð ]
  • leaf, frog, fell, family – [f]
  • was, went, water – [w]

3) Прослушайте следующие слова и поднимите нужную карточку [t] или [d]:

Daddy, story, about, said, sat, hot, went, pond, water

4) Разделите слово на звуки и назовите их:

water, jump, splash

5) Прослушайте фразу и скажите сколько раз в ней употреблялся звук

  • [d ] – So Daddy frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf in the pond.
  • [ɒ] – Mummy frog was hot - very, very hot.

6) Определите количество слов, услышанных в предложении.

So Daddy frog said: “Come here!”

So Mummy frog said: “Come here!”

So Sister frog said: “Come here!”

So Brother frog said: “Come here!”

Упражнение на преодоление лексических трудностей.

1) Прослушайте предложение и определите значение нового слова по контексту:

Daddy frog said: “Come here!”

Brother frog said: “Come here!”

Mummy frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf in the pond.

Sister frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf in the pond.

2) Прослушайте предложение и постарайтесь понять его смысл, не обращая внимание на незнакомые слова.

And then - splash - they all fell into the water.

3) Прослушайте предложения и обратите внимание на то, что они отличаются друг от друга только одним словом в одной и той же позиции. Установите смысл этих предложений.


Daddy frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf in the pond.

Mummy frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf in the pond.

Sister frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf in the pond.

Brother frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf in the pond.

Baby frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf in the pond.


Daddy frog said: “Come here!”

Mummy frog said: “Come here!”

Sister frog said: “Come here!”

Brother frog said: “Come here!”

4) Прослушайте утверждение и скажите, соответствуют ли они содержанию рассказа.

Daddy frog was cold.

Sister frog was hot.

Mummy frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf in the pond.

Brother frog went jump, jump, jump and sat in a tree in the forest.

Baby frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf in the garden.

Упражнения на развитие аудитивной памяти, внимания, воображения, логического мышления.

1) Назовите героев рассказа. Игра “Снежный ком”.

2) Прослушайте две логически связанные между собой фразы и повторите их.

Mummy frog was hot – very, very hot. So Daddy frog said: “Come here!” и т.д.

3) Прослушайте речевые образцы и выполните действия.

Baby frog went jump, jump, jump and said: “Come here!” и т.д.

4) Прослушайте две фразы и скажите, что пропущено?

Sister frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf …. (in the pond)

Baby frog went ….. and sat on a leaf in the pond. (jump, jump, jump)

5) Выберите из ряда предложенных картинок ту, которая соответствует содержанию текста.

6) Расскажите о своей семье, представив себя одним из героев данного рассказа.

7) Перескажите рассказ.

8) Придумайте свой рассказ по аналогии с данным рассказом.

V. Подведение итогов занятия.

Источники: http://www2.vobs.at/ball-online/topics/family/family_frog_family.htm