Урок английского языка по теме "Моя школа – моя семья"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Ключевые слова: синквейн, School family, Friendship, My school is my home, friendly

Цель урока: создание условий для закрепления знаний по темам «Школа», «Семья».


  • формировать навыки использования тематической лексики в речи;
  • развивать навыки и умения в видах речевой деятельности: чтении, аудировании и устной речи;
  • воспитывать чувство любви и уважения к школьной семье (к школе, персоналу школы, ученикам, родителям).

Планируемые результаты:

личностные УУД:

- формирование познавательных мотивов обучающихся;

регулятивные УУД:

- планирование алгоритма построения диалога с партнером,

- владение навыками самоанализа и самооценки своей деятельности;

коммуникативные УУД:

- продуктивное взаимодействие обучающихся в решении поставленной задачи,

- участие в небольших устных высказываниях, «удерживая» логику повествования и предоставление убедительных доказательств;

познавательные УУД:

- выполнение логических операции сравнения, анализа, обобщения, классификации, установления аналогий,

- формирование умения ознакомительного, и изучающего чтения.

Формы учебной деятельности: фронтальная работа, индивидуальная работа, парная работа.

Технологии: технология РКМЧП, коммуникативно-диалоговый метод, приемы игровых технологий.

Ход урока

1. Организационный этап

Warming-up activities.

T: Hello, children! Glad to see you! Sit down! Let’s begin our lesson.

2. Мотивирование к учебной деятельности и целеполагание (6 min)

a) Answer my questions:

How old are you?

What class are you in?

Are you a student or a teacher?

What is your favourite subject?

Do you like our school?

b) Do you like to do crosswords? Well, I want you to complete the words and we will find out the subject of today’s lesson.

Слайд 1, 2 (Презентация)

- Take Card 1 and complete the words. (Do it in pairs. You have got 4 min)

- Let’s check together!

Слайд 2

- Can you see one more word number 13? What is it? School family. What is the Russian for school family? We are going to speak about our large school family.

Слайд 3

3. Этап актуализации и пробного учебного действия. (4 min)

1) To speak about it we should revise the words. Take Card 2.

Nouns – существительные Adjectives – прилагательные Verbs – глаголы
Teacher Clever – умный Play
Students Cool Teach
Parents – родители Friendly Help
Medical worker Funny Protect – охранять
Dining room worker Kind Feed – кормить
Security guard – охранник Naughty – непослушный Treat – лечить
Head teacher – классный руководитель Noisy – шумный Clean – убирать
Technical staff – тех. персонал Strict – строгий Love
Friendship – дружба Deferent – разные Study – учиться
  Caring Care – заботиться

2) Match the persons with qualities and make sentences:

- A teacher can be … He can … (На доске)

3) Let’s complete a spidergram: They are all school family members. What are they?

Слайд 4, 5

4. Этап выявление места и причины затруднения

- Take Card 3, read the task:

- Make a dialogue; put the sentences in the right order. Guess who is speaking. (Work in pairs)


- Good afternoon, children! I want to clean your classroom. Can you help me?

- Yes, we can.

- Please put the chairs on the desks.

- OK

- Thank you. Good bye.

- Goodbye.

Students and technical staff are speaking.


- Good morning, children!

- Good morning!

- What class are you in?

- We are in class 5B.

- Please come to the medical room after the lesson.

- OK.

Students and medical worker are speaking.


- Hello! What do you want to eat?

- Hi! Give me please a piece of cake and a glass of tea.

- Twenty rubles, please.

- Here you are. Thank you.

- Welcome. Good bye.

- Goodbye.

A student and a dining room worker are speaking.


- Hello, my dear!

- Hi!

- How are you?

- I am fine, thank you.

- Were you good at school?

- Yes, I got “a five”.

- Good of you. You are clever.

A student and a parent are speaking.


- Good morning, children!

- Good morning!

- I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. Are you ready to start our lesson?

- Yes, we are.

- Let’s start then.

- OK.

Students and a teacher are speaking.


- Good morning, children!

- Good morning!

- Glad to meet you. Are you fine?

- Yes, we are. Thank you.

- We are going to the cinema after classes today.

- OK.

Students and a head teacher are speaking.


- Hello!

- Good morning!

- What is your name?

- My name is Oleg Petrov.

- What class are you in?

- I’m in the 5B class.

- OK. You may go to your class room.

- Thank you.

A student and a security guard are speaking.



- Children, let’s have a little rest. Stand up, please. Let’s sing a song and do some exercises. Who will be a Physical Education teacher? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7exGJQcRhk. (1 мин. 40 с)

5. Этап открытия нового знания

- Oh, a new e-mail letter has just come to me. What is it?

- Hello, kids! I’m an English teacher from London. My students want to know about your school family. Please write us a letter. We’ll be glad to read it. Bye!

- What should we do? We should write a letter. Take Card 4. I want you to complete the letter with the words:

Are, old, class, clever, play, teachers, they, love, workers, guard, family.

Hello, our English pen friends!

We 1) are Russian students from Yugorsk. We are eleven years 2) old and we are in 3) class 5B. We are funny, cool, 4) clever and sometimes noisy and naughty. We study well and get good marks. We like to 5) play. Our 6) teachers teach us to write, to count, to think and speak. Our parents help us 7) They are very kind and they 8) love us very much. There is a medical worker in our school. She treats us. Our dining room 9) workers feed us. Technical staff cleans our classrooms. And our security 10) guard protects us. He is strict.

Our school 11) family is very large. We all are different but friendly. We help each other, because we are a family.

Best wishes,

Your Russian friends.

Our letter is ready. Let’s send it.

Слайд 6

6. Диагностика

- Do you know how to make a cinquain? Look at the screen. There is a plan of cinquain. (Take Card 5 and put the word and phrases into the right place.

Слайд 7, 8


  1. Существительное – главная тема – School family
  2. Два прилагательных – Different , friendly
  3. Три глагола – Protect, study, help
  4. Фраза, предложение (отношение к теме) – My school is my home
  5. Одно слово – синоним темы – Friendship

Card 5

Different, friendly.


My school is my home.

School family.

Protect, study, help.

7. Информация о домашнем задании

- Take Card 6. Here you can see your home task. Read the letter and tell the class about your school family.

Слайд 9

8. Рефлексия

- Good of you! Thank you for your work. You were very active today.

- Raise your hand if you can:

  1. Name school family members.
  2. Complete the crossword.
  3. Complete the spidergram.
  4. Make dialogues.
  5. Read and speak about your school family.
  6. Make a cinquain.

- You have smiley faces on your desk.

Слайд 10

- Choose a happy one if you like your work at the lesson. And a sad one if you don’t like your work. Stick them here on the blackboard and we’ll see what school family we are – happy or sad.

- We are a happy family! Thank you! The lesson is over! Good bye!