Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Средства массовой информации". 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Ключевые слова: английский язык, СМИ

Учебник: «Enjoy English» (Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А.)

Тип урока: урок-закрепление пройденного материала.

Формы работы: в парах, самостоятельная, групповая.


  • Образовательная: формирование лексических навыков говорения.
  • Развивающая: развитие способности к догадке, решению речемыслительных задач.
  • Воспитательная: воспитание любознательности, познавательных потребностей.

1. Introduction

Teacher: Good morning, children, dear guests. How are you? They say, if you start your day with a smile, you’ll be in a good mood the whole day. So smile to each other, please.

Today we’ll sum up our lexics, practice our skills in reading, listening, speaking on a very interesting topic. But first, read the words given to you aloud. Find the odd word and the 1st letters will make the topic of our lesson.

1. reading, magazine, speaking, watching

2. comedy, encyclopedia, action, thriller

3. disaster, documentary, flood, drought

4. universe, information, space, flight

5. pollution, article, litter, environment

Pupi1: magazine

Pupil2: encyclopedia

Pupil3: documentary … (slide1)

Teacher: What is the topic of our lesson?

Pupil2: Mass Media. (слайд2)

Teacher: Yes, we’ll speak about Mass Media in our country and in Great Britain. But what Mass Media can you name?

Pupil4: daily, weekly, Broadsheets, Tabloids

2. Speaking practice

Teacher: What means of getting information do you prefer?

Pupil3: I prefer browsing the Internet and getting different information.

Pupil4: I’m fond of reading books. I don’t like searching the net.

Pupil5: I like television best of all. I enjoy watching films.

3. Reading

Teacher: Look at the board. First mind the reading of the following words and then define the meanings of the words below (слайд 3).










 Talk show









Television - papers usually printed daily or weekly with news

The Internet – a broadcasting program for people to listen to

Books – a broadcasting program for people to watch on TV

Radio - the most ancient mass media

Newspapers - a way of communication with people using a computer

4. Listening

Teacher: You will watch a short video. Be ready to answer the questions after watching it.

1. What is the difference between TABLOIDS and BROADSHEETS?

2. What papers are popular in GB?

3. What radio station do British people prefer listening to?

Teacher: P4., make up a story of what you’ve seen and heard. (a pupil is talking of what they have seen)

5. Projects of radio stations (group work)

Teacher: Now, let’s try to present your project of a radio station.

let’s divide the class into 3 groups - 3 radio stations. Each group (“radio station) will be given a card with the expressions.

The task is

  1. to think of a name for your radio station
  2. to make a presentation of your radio station using the given phrases.
  3. to make up a list of programs that can be heard on the radio station

Card 1: - live sport news

  1. to broadcast non-stop
  2. the most exciting sports events
  3. to listen to the interviews with the popular sportsmen

Pupil1: Our radio station is …

  1. It presents…
  2. You can…
  3. It broadcasts…

Card 2: - commercial-free station

  1.  A collection of the best songs for kids
  2.  to listen to the game shows
  3.  to enjoy performances

Pupil2: Our radio station is …

  1. It presents…
  2. You can…
  3. It broadcasts…

Card 3: - to play music from the past 60s

  1. to enjoy rock concerts
  2. to listen to music of all ages
  3. to win music competitions

Pupil3: Our radio station is …

  1. It presents…
  2. You can…
  3. It broadcasts…

6. Grammar practice (doing exercises)

Teacher: Speaking about mass media, we should remember about people who help us to be informed. What are they?

Pupils: journalists, reporters, correspondents who often interview people.

Teacher: Now we’ll do one more exercise on the board. Make up questions and mind the word order. (слайд 4)

  1. often, Did, you, listen to, programs, radio?
  2. don’t, you, TV, any, programs, there, Are, like?
  3. local, What, you, do, newspapers, to read, prefer?
  4. you, fairy – tales, Did, like, in your childhood, to read?

7. Reflexion (summing up period)

Teacher: To sum up our work let’s finish the sentences from the board and say what was done at our lesson. (слайд 5)

Today we learnt…
We listened to…
We practiced our skills in…
At the lesson we revised…

Teacher: Thank you for the lesson. Your home task is to look through a newspaper and inform us about the latest news from the world. It is up to you to decide what paper to observe. (newspapers review)