Цели и задачи:
наблюдение за природными явлениями, определение примеров положительного и отрицательного воздействия человека на природу; понимание и осознание проблем окружающей среды, их решение и выявление с помощью новых слов, пополнение словарного запаса; развитие чувства причастности к окружающему миру, формирование и улучшение используемой лексики, связанной с задачами решения экологической безопасности;
- улучшение произношения, построенного на письменных и устных заданиях;
- осознание личной ответственности за происходящее, возможность и умение использовать эти слова на практике и во внеурочной деятельности;
- формировать коммуникативную компетентность: умения анализировать, обобщать, делать выводы, доказывать своё мнение, убеждать.
- проверка рефлексией , умение использовать новую лексику в будущем, мнение уч.-ся об изменениях в их речевой деятельности;
- воспитание потребности в добром поступке через разговорную речь на уроке путём тщательно продуманного хода урока.
- словарь по английскому языку;
- раздаточные карточки;
- мультимедийный проектор;
- презентация ;
- песни.
(Показ слайдов на тему “Наш дом”)
Урок-обобщение построен на наблюдениях учащихся, их высказываниях и мнениях по отношению к проблемам экологической безопасности.
Ребята определяют по презентации, по вопросам учителя тематику , отвечая на них и осознавая ,что природа в опасности и просит помощи у людей. Они считают необходимым использовать все правила для охраны природных богатств в повседневной жизни. Наша планета дана всем от Бога и считается раем для людей, животных, растений и всех живых организмов... Каждый из них занимает своё определённое место в мире..Это неоспоримый факт...Всё в природе взаимосвязано. И каждый из нас обязан сохранить ,сберечь и передать будущему поколению все то, что нас окружает...
В течение урока ребята рассуждают , отвечают на вопросы учителя о том, чем отличаются люди от животных, какие виды животных , растений, рыб обитают на нашей планете Земля?
Им предлагается выполнить задания, дописав предложения на экологическую тематику, заранее подготовленные учителем. Исходя из этого, делается вывод, что единственный “вид” -это мы, люди, кто может изменить мир к лучшему, охраняя его или разрушая...
Охрана окружающей среды - это самая главная проблема на сегодняшний день. По вине людей уже исчезли или находятся на грани исчезновения многие виды животных и растений. Уч.-ся отвечают на вопросы таблицы, находящейся на доске.
Вопросно-ответная беседа:
4.кислотные дожди;
5.озоновые слои;
6.Е-numbers(пищевые добавки)
Ведется словарная работа, после чего ученики подробно рассматривают каждый пункт и приводят примеры отрицательного и положительного характера. С помощью наводящих вопросов учителя и ответов детей приходят к тому ,что наша планета в беде. И беды природы – это, прежде всего наши беды. Мы, люди – дети природы. И мы должны охранять её.Задымленное тысячами труб небо, отравленная вода в реках о озерах, сожженные леса и степи. Над промышленной частью города можно увидеть разноцветные клубы дыма. Вокруг химических комбинатов почти нет растительности. Погибли трава и кустарники, стоят хилые деревья. Причина в том, что завод выбрасывает огромное количество загрязняющих веществ при сжигании топлива. А ведь жить на этой земле не только нам, но и тем, кто придет после нас. Так давайте же задумаемся, что оставим мы после себя потомкам. Грязные реки и озера, в которых загублено все живое или реки и озера с чистой, и прозрачной водой, в которой весело плещется рыба. Водоемы – это жизненное пространство рыб, бесчисленного количества различных беспозвоночных микроорганизмов, а также многих птиц и зверей. От чистоты водоемов зависят возможности полноценного отдыха и рыбного промысла. Как часто по вине людей животные вынуждены страдать .Средиземное море осушается от отбросов, химикатов, отходов промышленности. В Аральском море все живое находится на грани исчезновения, и при таком отношении человечества погибнет..
Загрязнение вод ведёт к уничтожению всего живого в морских глубинах.
Выгоревшие леса, где не слышно пения птиц, не видно никаких животных. Или леса, полные зелени, солнца, птичьего щебетания.
Используются выдержки из статьи “Исследования озоновой коры”... Ребята рассказывают об озоновых слоях земной коры и о том вреде, какой приносит образовавшийся там газ здоровью человека. Также ребята обратили внимание на кислотные дожди, глобальное потепление, которое может изменить погоду на всей нашей планете.
Закрепляется произношение слов и уч.-ся определяют, какая часть речи перед ними: существительное или определение? Продолжают работать над глаголом, образуя от них существительные.
Уч.-ся рассказывают о том, что автомобиль стал злейшим врагом природы и человека. Он занимает первое место по объему выбросов вредных веществ в атмосферу. Они обратили внимание на то,что один автомобиль в год выбрасывает чуть больше тонны выхлопных газов, в которых двести видов вредных веществ. Машины являются источником резиновой пыли и поднимают целые клубы пыли. Таким образом, автомобиль является одним из главных источников загрязнения.
Больше всего пострадали от рук человека и животные. Ученые подсчитали: только за последние 200 лет полностью уничтожено больше двухсот видов животных( киты,тигры)
В Армении на грани исчезновения медведи, волки, змеи, ящерицы..
Учитель задает вопрос, что необходимо сделать для улучшения условий жизни животных, рыб, растений птиц и др.?Уч.-ся предлагают свои варианты, при этом используя нововведённую лексику.
Аналогичный вопрос относительно пользы деревьев и предложения учеников.
Очень интересная содержательная беседа следует по вопросу : “Необходимо ли содержать домашнее животное, дорого или дёшево это обходится человеку?” Дети высказывают свою точку зрения. Далее ребята называют редких животных, находящихся на грани исчезновения, образуя цепочку правильно составленных названий диких зверей.
Выполняют упражнения, в которых все задания связаны с экологией и ее проблемами.
Уч-ся обратили внимание на исчезающие виды животных, которые занесены в Красную книгу. Для охраны диких животных и птиц предназначены заповедники – территории, где не допускается влияние человека на течение природных процессов. Здесь разрабатываются научные основы охраны и восстановления почти исчезнувших в природе видов.
Для этих же целей организуют национальные парки, в которых для научных исследований выделяют зоны полного покоя животных и огораживают участки, на которых произрастают редкие растения. Большую помощь оказывает"ГРИНПИС" (английский "Greenpeace""Зеленый мир"), независимая международная общественная организация, ставящая целью предотвращение деградации окружающей среды.
Дети составили главное правило охраны и защиты: не охотиться на животных, не ловить, не пугать их, не кричать в лесу, не трогать птичьих гнезд, не обижать никого, даже самых маленьких жучков и паучков, не рвать цветы!
Мы обязаны своей жизнью нашей планете – прекрасной и единственной Земле – матери, голубой от океанов, зеленой от лесов, желтой от песков, стонущей от боли, взывающей о помощи и, увы, остающейся по-детски беззащитной перед нами. И если мы начнем сейчас, сегодня, то у нас будет надежда на будущее. А если нет, то человечество встанет перед большими природными катастрофами и катаклизмами.
Учащиеся выполнили работу по карточкам(закрепление).Составляли предложения.
В заключительной части урока прозвучало слово учителя:
- Спасибо, ребята! Вы действительно поняли, что нашу Землю надо беречь. Если мы хорошо будем относиться к природе, то и она нас отблагодарит. Отблагодарит свежим воздухом, теплым солнцем, красивыми ландшафтами, своими лесными дарами. Давайте помнить, что наша планета – наш общий дом, это земля и твоя, и моя. Будьте добры друг к другу и не причиняйте зла ни природе, ни людям! Необходимо узнать и полюбить, а главное беречь родную природу!
Ребята зачитали написанное ими письмо , которое они намереваются отправить в организацию “ГРИНПИС” и собираются стать волонтёрами-помощниками безопасной планеты Земля...У них есть и свои подготовленные вопросы в связи с этим, ответы которых они будут ждать с нетерпением.
Проведена рефлексия, выставлены положительные оценки.
Ребятам и всем присутствующим урок очень понравился. Цели и задачи достигнуты.Намечены правила защиты и охраны окружающей среды.
Домашнее задание: небольшое сочинение на тему: “Лучшее место для проживания”.
By the end of the lesson learners will be able to
- understand important causes of environmental problems and some solutions.
- extend their understanding of lexics connected to climate change and environmental issues improve understanding of pronunciation.
- improve understanding of pronunciation information given in a dictionary.
- takes notes and retell information to others .
- use expressions of certainty when discussing events likely to happen in the future.
This lesson introduces learners to some of the main issues related to climate change. Learners focus on dictionary skills and the pronuncation of strong and weak syllables in long words. Focussing on the lexics in detail will help them recognize and use these terms outside the classroom. The reflection task encourages good learning habits and group discussions allow learners to share their opinions on changes in the future.
This lesson should be around 90 minutes long.
- You will need a class set of dictionaries or access to computers with internet connectivity for one stage of this lesson.
- Leaflets of Environmental Compaigns and Manifestos around the world
- video concerning pollution
- song “What a wonderful world”, “Earth song” Michael Jackson
- cards
Skills development
Pupils will practice
- talking about environmental issues
- asking and answering questions about local environmental problems
- writing contracts
- Vocabulary on topic “Environment. Environmental problems”.
- Vocabulary on the natural world, energy, pollution, global warming
- Tenses, modal verbs: can, must, should: gerund, infinitive, articles, prepositions
- Warm-up
- Discussion point
- Work on words
- Speaking
- Asking and answering questions
- Writing
Now we’ll watch some pictures called “Environmental protection” concerns everyone: Look at the pictures and try to guess what ecological problems they illustrate.
Teacher: My dear children! Today we have our conclusion lesson on topic “Ecological problems”. We shall discuss many important problems, connected with our topic. You will exchange your opinions about this global problem: we’ll speak how to protect our Earth how to prevent further pollution of the atmosphere and what urgent and necessary measures to undertake.
Everybody knows that the Earth is the planet given to us by God to live on. It is the only planet in our solar system that humanity can comfortably inhabit. The earth is a paradise fot the creatures that live on it. Every species on earth has its place in the circle of life. Human beings need food clothing shelter to survive. All of these are provided in ample supply or God’s green earth. It is an unfortunate fact that we haven’t taken good care of the land that has been placed in our guardianship. Hopefully, it is not too late.
Discussion point
Before you read
- How are people and animals different?
- How many people are there on the planet?
- What can people choose to do?
- What is the biggest difference between people and animals?
Now, I would like you to pay attention to some questions and try to answer them.Which question best describes each paragraph?
Pupil 1.
There are 7 billion people on the planet. They live on the snow and ice of the poles in the jungles and deserts. They have climbed the highest mountains and walked on the sea bed. The man has visited space and even walked on the moon.
Pupil 2.
There is one thing above all that makes people and animals different. We can talk. Many of us love to talk and even more than that, we can put down what we say and think in writing thus communicating through time. Man has a sense of past and future time, not just present.
Pupil 3.
Of all animals man is the most powerful. In many ways animals can do things better than man. Dogs can smell and hear better, cats can see in the dark, birds can fly thousands of miles away and find their way back. But we are different. No other animal plays football, tells jokes, builds cathedrals, writes music .....
Pupil 4.
We are the only species that can change the world. We are the only species that can choose either to look after the world or distroy it.
The protection of nature has become one of the most burning problems. The development of industry has had a bad influence on the whole world. People pollute land water and air. You see our health depends on our environment and you know that the range of environmental problems is wide. Today we have some problems to discuss. (on the blackboard).
- Land pollution
- Air pollution
- Water pollution
- Acid Rains
- The Greenhouse Effect
- The Ozone Hole
- E-numbers
- Disappearing Animals
While discussing these questions you need some words, expressions and phrases (on the blackboard).
Environment Vocabulary
The natural world
Word /phrase | notes/explonations |
The natural world | include both animal and plant life |
The Earth | note the capital letter and ‘the’ |
The Planet | a synonym for the Earth |
A habit | the natural habitat of an animal is where it lives |
(endangered) species | examples include the Giant Panda |
An ecosystem | the system where plants and animals support one another |
Rainforests | a useful example when discussing environmental problems |
Deforestation | cutting down forests |
Word /phrase | notes/explonations |
Converse energy | another way of saying ‘to serve energy’ |
Sources of energy | a good collocation |
Renewable sources | sources of energy such as wind power and solar energy |
Natural resources | for example water, coal and gas |
Fossil fuels | a collective term for coal ,petrol and gas |
Solar energy | energy from the sun |
Solar panels | the implement used to create solar energy |
Wind turbines | modern windmills used to create power from the wind |
Clean energy | energy that does not create pollution |
Word /phrase | notes/explonations |
Pollution | remember ’air and water pollution’: other forms of the word include ‘pollute’ and ‘pollutants’ |
Smog | an extreme form of air pollution almost like fog |
Air/water quality | this can be affected by pollution |
(industrial) waste | we also talk about waste products |
Chemicals and fertilizers | useful examples of products that cause water pollution |
Fumes/emissions | these are gases that are produced by cars and factories that cause pollution |
Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide | names of two gases useful for discussing acid rain and green house effect |
Factories and power stations | two examples of sources of pollution |
Acid rain | rain that is ‘poisonous’ because of the poor air quality |
Dump waste | if factories dump waste they illegally deposite (normally dangerous) waste |
Word/phrase | notes / explanation |
Green (issues) | a very common synonym for ‘environmental’ |
Global warming | an example of man’s effect on the environment |
The green house effect | connected to global warming |
Useful verbs
Word / phrase | notes / explanation |
Harm | cause or do harm to /harmful |
Endanger | the verb of ‘danger’/endangered species |
Impact | ‘have an impact on’ |
Contaminate | almost the same meaning as poison: another form of the word is ‘contaminated’ |
W/W work on words
1. Choose the nouns which go with the following verbs.
to distroy one’s friend to pollute the environment to improve one’s health to protect money to waste the bridge to communicate with time the building the oceans electricity energy the air the jungles other plants
Pupil 1. Land Pollution
The main reason of pollution is rubbish.
Most of our rubbish goes to big holes in the ground called ‘dumps’ or land fill where the garbage truck empties it to into the ground. But dumps are very dangerous for our life because they are full of rats which can carry infections away from dumps. Another way to get rid of rubbish is to burn it. But the fires make poisons which go into the air and pollute it.
Now we are making so much garbage that in many places there is not enough room to bury it all. We have to act fast and cut down the amount of garbage we make. We can recycle and reject. If we recycle and reject we will produce a lot less garbage and help to keep our planet green.
Pupil 2. Air pollution
As the population of large cities continues to grow, pollution problems become worse. The air around us becomes polluted as a result of our own activities. For instance, when coal is burnt gases and smoke are produced that make the air dirty and unpleasant. The air in big cities is being polluted by traffic and industry.The most dangerous pollutant from cars is lead. Even small amounts can affect the brain and nervous system of people. The number of cars and lorries is growing all the time.On the one hand, they bring mobility to millions of people,but on the other hand,they need bigger, better and more expensive roads, which often ruin the countryside.
Air pollution can cause lung disrases like pneumonia or bronchitis.
1. What must we do?
2. What can people do to stop pollution of our environment?
3. How can we help to prevent pollution of the environment?
- Increase tax on petrol
- Close the city centre to traffic
- Create special roads for bicycles
- Build new metro stations
- Use electric cars
- We must plant trees
1. Why do people like trees?
2. Why are trees one of the most valuable parts of the environment?
Trees are amongst the biggest and longest-living things on the Earth, some dating back longer than the longest buildings. Trees are one of the most valuable parts of the environment. People like trees for a lot of reasons. As well as being nice to look at, trees play important role in improving the quality of our life.
. They offer shade and shelter which in turn reduces the amount of energy needed to heat and cool nearby buildings.
. They give us a lot of fruit to eat and the place for children to play.
. They remove impurities from the air we breath.
. Urban trees provide a home for birds, small animals and butterflies.
Pupil 3. Water pollution
The planet Earth is mostly water. All our life depends on the water. But we are not doing a very good job of keeping water clean. Rivers and lakes are polluted by garbage or by poisonous chemicals which are dump right into them. Underground water can be polluted by gasoline or by harmful liquids that seep into the ground. Some pesticides used in farming leak down the dirt, too. The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The Mediterranean is already near dead: the North Sea is following. The Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction. If nothing is done about it one day nothing will be able to live in the seas.
Pupil 4. Acid Rains / Rainforests
Another source of global danger is acid rain. It is relatively new kind of pollution. When power plants burn coal to make electricity and when cars burn gasoline, invisible gases are released into the air. Some of these gases mix water and make it acidic. Sometimes the gases get into rain clouds where they get mixed with rain or snow. Acid rains appeared as a reaction of the atmosphere to the air contamination. Acid rains damage water, forest and soil resources. Acid rains cause the disappearance of fish from many lakes, bring death to the forests and woods in Europe and America. It is very important for us to stop making acid rains. We must drive our cars less, to save energy. The less energy we use, the less coal those power plants will have to burn.
Pupil 5. The greenhouse Effect
What caused the ‘Greenhouse effect’
The ‘Greenhouse effect’ is caused by carbon dioxide which prevents heat from escaping. Global warming or the ‘greenhouse effect’ can cause melting of the polar ice caps, raising of the sea level and flooding of the coastal areas of the world. There is every reason to fear that such a climate change may take place. If the earth`s temperature gets hotter by just a few degrees, it could change the weather all over the planet in many ways.
Pupil 6. The Ozone Hole
Up to the sky above the air we breath there is a layer of gas called ozone. It helps us by blocking out the sun rays that can harm our skin and by letting the rays that are good for us come through. Now the ozone layer is being damaged by gases that people have made. The gases are called CFCs. They are used in refrigerators, air conditioners, plastic foam and some other things. The CFCs float up to the top of the atmosphere where the ozone layer is and ‘eat up’ the ozone. It increases the risk of skin cancer, weakens the immune system of people. Scientists are very concerned about the ozone layer because a lot of it has gone away in just a few years.
Ozone Depletion More Serious than Thought | |
British Scientists Find Hole in Ozone Layer |
StudyReveals CFC Cause Ozone Damage |
1985 Dr. Joe Farman and his colleagues on the Brithish Antarctic survey team report the discovery of a gigantic hole in the ozone layer, the protective shield of ozone gas that keeps the sun’s harmful rays from penetrating the earth’s atmosphere. The hole is estimated to be larger than the continental United States and higher than Mount Everest. | 1987 A study of the ozone hole over Antarctica reveals that chloroflourocarbons (CFCs) chemicals commonly used in refrigerators, insulations, fast food packaging and aerosol sprays are the main cause of ozone destruction |
Pupil 7. E-Numbers
E-Numbers is a general name for a group of food chemicals which sometimes added to food .The chemicals of E-Number group give the food better colour, longer time of preservation and better look. They may be dangerous for our health because diseases may start if there is a certain quantity of E-Numbers in your body.
Pupil 8. Disappearing Animals
Keeping our environment clean is only one part of saving it. Wild animals are also a part of our environment and many of them are in danger of extinction. Some of them are killed for food or medicine, but most die because we are careless and indifferent. More than two million whales have been killed in the last fifty years although the United Nation has called for the end of whale killing for several times. There are only 5,000 wild tigers left in the world but they are still hunted in many countries. Today there are large reserves for tigers where hunting is not allowed. Many types of wild animals disappear in Armenia too because pollution destroys their environment. Among them are some types of snakes, bears, wolves, lizards and so on.
Some people think that protecting animals is a waste of money, whereas others think it is not sufficient.
Teacher: What is your opinion?
Animals have the right to live too
We need wild animals because they are beautiful.
If we destroy any part of our environment we will be in danger.
It costs too much money.
People are more important than animals.
Wild animals are dangerous.
It makes no difference if tigers disappears.
F/W Focus on words.Endangered Species
1. Collecting words.
a. Which are endangered species in the world?
crocodile elephant lion wolf ...
b. Which are endangred species in our country?
2.Words in use.
a.In which part of the world can you find the following animals?
Elephant, zebra, wolf, lion, giraffe, whale, eagle, panda, leopard, gorilla, pigeon, jaguar, rhinoceros.
b. Complete the sentence.
The wolf is disappears because ____.
The elephant is hunted ___.
The crocodiles are killed ___.
The whales are found dead ___.
The tigers are in danger ___.
The snakes are caught ___.
The rivers become dead ___.
Read the headlines from newspapers and say which of them are about ecological problems.
Animal Rights group frees Zoo animals.
Southern Africa desperately needs rain.
LADY SPEED STICK. Safe for you.Safe for the ozone layer.
Adrop of water is worth more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man.
When it is bright, Switch off the light.
Save the trees,save the Earth.We are the guardians of nature’s birth.
Some years ago Armenian ornithologists began working at a project The birds of Armenia. Scientists in ornithology from Russia, the US and Great Britain with Armenian scientists thoroughly studied types of landscapes (from 400 meters up to 3,000 meters above the sea level).After exploring the whole territory of Armenia they recorded more than three hundred and fifty one species of birds the majority of which are rare and endangered species. Thirty seven species were found in Armenia for the first time. There are about 8,000 species of birds all over the world. The appearance of some birds on the territory of Armenia and the disappearance of others is the result of the changes in the ecological conditions both in Armenia and outside its territory. Many of them like Caucasian blackbirds and black griffins are included in the Red Book of Armenia. Some of them are mentioned in the International Red Book.
If you don`t want to live in the world of black crows, if you want to see a flock of cranes flying in the sky you ought to stop the hand with the gun.
- What must we do to improve the situation?
- How can we save our planet?
Today environmental issues are much spoken about on TV, radio and in newspapers. If people want to survive, they must do their best to solve these problems. Fortunately, it`s not too late to save our planet. We understand that our environment is not just our home town but the whole Earth. The protection of the environment requires the cooperation of all nations. Governments should take measures that will help improve the environment. There are a lot of environmental groups and international organizations whose main goal is to strengthen cooperation among environmentalists from different countries. The most famous of them is ‘Greenpeace’ ,which combines the people`s efforts for peace with the huge movement for nature conservation.’ The World Wildlife Fund (WWF)’is the name of another international organization that appeared in 1961.It has created or given support to National Parks in five continents. You may also join ‘Friends of the Earth Trust’, which is an educational charity set up to help people of all ages become aware of the threats to our environment.
However, there are a lot of simple things we should all do to stop the destruction of the environment. First of all, we must keep our cities and town clean. That means, we mustn`t drop litter in public places. If see litter on the ground, we put it into a litter bin. Besides, we shouldn`t dump our rubbish without thinking which things, such as bottles and paper, can be recycled. And of course, we mustn`t draw or paint on pavements, walls or trees.
We must stop using aerosol sprays because the stuff they contain destroys the ozone layer. We should take care of birds and animals. We can help to plant trees and create parks for endangered species. We can clean rivers and canals and create footpaths.
If we take actions now, there might be some hope for the future. If we do nothing, we are heading for disaster.
Resources and energy are also ecological problems. Europeans and North Americans are all big energy users and most of them are big energy wasters too. For Armenia energy is one of the greatest problems and it is especially important to learn how to conserve energy. One form of energy use important for teenagers is electricity.
Now children read the following dialogues and see whether you do the same.
-You left the light on in the kitchen.
-Who cares?
-I care, and you should, too. You`re wasting energy.
-Do you know that you have the radio, the TV and your hairdryer on at the same time?
-Do I? I didn`t notice.
-You`ll notice some day when there is no more energy.
-Would you drive me to school, Dad?
-I think you can walk. It`s only two blocks from here.
Energy resources are the greatest problem because petrol and gas will not last long.New kinds of energy will be used in the future. The scientists predict the use
-of solar energy (energy from the sun)
-of energy from the wind
-of energy from the water
-of energy from the earth
-of energy from litter
Now, please, answer the questions
1.Which of these kinds of energy are used in our country now?
2.What other kinds of energy are used?
3.Are nuclear power stations the only way out for Armenia?
4.Which kind of energy do you think is the best for our country, worst, most practical, least practical?
Now children let’s do some exercise.
Test your knowlege of pollution. Find examples of pollution for each of the five senses.
Sight Hearing Touch Smell Taste ........ ............ ......... ........ .......
Find the following answers and finish the sentences
water air forests are damaged The ozone layer is polluted by earth man’s health
In conclusion I would like to add that in recent years people have understood the necessity of protecting natural resources and wild life. It becomes clear that to keep air and water clean, strict pollution control is necessary. Numerous anti-pollution acts passed in different countries led to considerable improvement. In many countries purifying systems for treatment of industrial waters have been installed, measures have been taken to protect rivers and seas from oil contamination. Reservations and national parks for wild animals and undisturbed nature are being developed in some parts of the world.
We want to join ‘Greenpeace’ organization and do our best to protect it, and we decided to write a letter.
School N84
n/a Abovyan
14 street
Yerevan, Armenia
15 October 2016
Canonbury Villas, London
N1 2BN
Dear friends
We are writing to ask for more information in connection with your ‘Call for Volunteers’ to help Greenpeace. We are not a member of Greenpeace but we would like to know more about how we can help.
We would be grateful if you could tell us what kind of work is involved and whether we would need any qualifications. Also, how old do volunteers need to be? Most of us sixteen years old and we live in Yerevan. We do not have much experience of environmental work but we like going for walks.
We would also like to know where the work will take place. We would like to work in our own area if possible. We know there are a lot of ecological problems in our town.
Finally, could you tell us when the work would be as we would prefer summer work? We go to school but we have a lot of free time in the holidays.
If there is anything else we need to know, please let us know.
We look forward to hearing from you
Yours faithfully,
Pupils of school N84 n/a Kh.Abovian
Teacher.Today we have discussed a lot of ecological problems.Thank you for your ideas thoughts and active work.Your marks are good and exeellent.I want you to remember if we want to live in a lovely place we should do some things or protect what is given us by nature.But first of all we must change people’s attitude towards the environment.
Make up a short story “A Better Place to Live in”