Keep Environment Clean. Conditionals

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Презентация к уроку

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  • Формирование мотивации учащихся к изучению иностранного языка.
  • Расширение знаний учащихся по теме.
  • Развитие связной речи, языковой догадки, слуховой и зрительной памяти, внимания, логического мышления.
  • Развитие познавательной активности, навыков самостоятельной и коллективной работы.
  • Развитие компетентностей учащихся.
  • Формирование бережного отношения к окружающей среде.


  • Совершенствовать навыки произношения.
  • Развивать коммуникативные навыки.
  • Развивать навыки аудирования.
  • Закрепить грамматические навыки по теме Условные придаточные предложения.
  • Стимулировать воображение и творческую активность.
  • Совершенствовать навыки работы с текстом.
  • Предоставить возможность проявить творческие способности в коллективной работе.
  • Закрепить умения самооценки.


I. Организационный момент.

1) Беседа с дежурным (What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent today? Why are they absent? What was your home task for today?)

2) Разминка (Описание картинки “Город с дымящими трубами завода” по цепочке) Teacher: Comrades, look at the picture. Let’s describe it together.

Pupil1: This is a picture of a town.

P2: This town is big and industrial.

P3: I think it’s a big centre of steel industry.

P4: We can see the smoking pipes of the plant.

P5: The sky is dark and the air is polluted.

P6: The river is poisoned.

P7: I think people have different deseases in this town.

P8: .........

P9: This town and its people must be saved. The smoking pipes must be prohibited

II. Основная часть.

1) Определение темы и целей урока.

Teacher: Let’s do a sinquan. Look at the screen.

1 ...................... (Environment)

2.Clean, polluted

3.To protect, to prohibit, to reduce

4.Keep in order


Teacher: Read the sinquan and say the theme of our lesson.

Pupil: Environment.

(Определение целей урока).

2) Работа с лексикой. Find the unnecessary word. Найди лишнее слово.

Variant I

Protect pollute
Waste throw
Invite clean
Pack recycle

Variant II

Responsible environmental
Protective throwaway
Recycling polluting
Dangerous poisonous

Find the synonyms. Найди синонимы

Variant I

1.Damage a.rubbish
2.To get rid of b.the wrapping
3.The packaging c.hurt
4.Litter d.throw away

Variant II

1.Make a).terrible
2.Material b).do
3.Save c).stuff
4.Horrible d).protect

(Проверка по слайду. Самоконтроль.)

3).Translate the sentences. Переведи предложения.

1. Если бы люди больше думали о своем будущем, они бы не загрязняли реки.

2. Если бы люди не выбрасывали так много мусора, город был бы сейчас чище.

3. Если бы люди не использовали ядовитые вещества, воздух был бы чище.

(Несколько человек озвучивают перевод, потом проверяют по слайду. Самоконтроль.)

3) Фронтальная беседа по изучаемой теме.

Teacher: What are the most serious and crucial problems of our day?

Pupils: I think that the most serious and crucial problems of our day are dangerous diseases and dangerous technologies (I think ...........endangered animals and pollution; I think............lack of recycling and drugs ..... )

Teacher: Why have many species of birds and animals disappeared?

What is the air polluted by?

Are rivers polluted?

Why are forests disappearing all over the world?

Can you see pollution at the seaside?

People are in danger, aren’t they? (Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя).

4) Работа в группах. Просмотр мультфильма “Our Planet is in Danger” с последующим выполнением групповых заданий.

Teacher: Thank you for your answers. Now we shall work in groups. (Класс делится на три группы). You will watch a film. After that you will do some tasks.

(Просмотр фильма).


Группа №1: Watch the film, do the schemes and tell what is the film about. Propose three ways to save the Earth.

Группа №2: Watch the film, make up questions and ask them to other groups. Propose three ways to save the Earth.

Группа №3: Watch the film and make up six sentences about environmental problems. 3 sentences for each group. Propose three ways to save the Earth.

(Сначала каждая группа выполняет свое первое задание, затем предлагает пути спасения планеты).

The Ways of Saving our Land

1.Help to clean up your local environment.

2.Take rubbish to local recycling centres.

3.Don’t cut down the forests.

4.Try to reduce noise pollution.

5.Walk or cycle whenever possible.

6.Never drop litter.

7.Don’t pollute rivers.

8.Recycle plastics, glass and paper.

9.Try not to waste energy.

5) Работа с текстом “Dead Sea in Danger”

Teacher: Comrades, now we shall work with the text.

а) чтение текста

The Dead Sea in Danger

The Dead Sea, the saltiest body of water of the earth and a wonderful natural treasure, is becoming smaller and smaller because of decisions by people to use part of its waters.

The Dead Sea is located at the lowest point of the earth, almost 400 metres below sea level. It is 50 kilometres long. Just 40 years ago it stretched 80 kilometres in length.

One of the main reasons for the sea’s shrinking is lack of water. 90% of the waters that flow from the Jordan River, which traditionally goes into the Dead Sea, is taken for drinking and agriculture in Israel and Jordan.

Besides, local industry adds to the Dead Sea’s problems. They use the water for getting necessary minerals. It’s a real disaster for the Sea.

Now hundreds of thousands of tourists come to the Dead Sea every year. Its water is so salty that a man can read a newspaper comfortably while lying on his back on the water. The water contain a lot of sulphur, and the thick black mud that is found at the sea’s beach is very useful for people with skin diseases. Tourists treat their bodies with the black mud, but they don’t think about the Dead Sea’s troubles.

It can be saved – but time is running out.

b) choose the right answer according to the text:

1.Where is the Dead Sea located?

a) At the highest point of the Earth.

b) At the hottest place of the Earth.

c) At the lowest point of the Earth.

d) At the coolest place of the Earth.

2.How long is the Dead Sea now (according to the text)?

a) 400 metres

b) 50 kilometres

c) 80 kilometres

d) 40 kilometres

3.Find in the text and underline the sentence that says why the Dead Sea is in danger.

4.Why does the text finish with the words: It can be saved but time is running out?

(This question is your hometask).

III. Заключение.

1). Самооценка за урок: (учащимся выданы в начале урока карты самооценки; на слайде тоже написаны виды работы, по которым учащиеся должны себя оценить).

2). Рефлексия.

3). Домашнее задание: Ответиь на последний вопрос к тексту “The Dead Sea in Danger”, монолог “Let’s keep environment Clean”.