Урок английского языка по теме «В стране героев английских сказок». 4-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 4

Презентация к уроку

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Цели урока:

  • провести практику аудирования, повторить диалогическую речь "В магазине", монологические высказывания(формирования лексических речевых навыков);
  • отработать и закрепить выражения речевого этикета, формирование произносительных навыков.

Оборудование: проектор, экран, универсальные средства ИКТ, презентация, игрушка Гномик, корзина для подарков, предметные картинки "Доктор Айболит", пейзаж природы, домик 3х поросят, игрушки. Оборудованный магазин и накрытый к чаю стол. Телеграмма от Винни-Пуха. Магнитофон. Таблички с английскими именами у детей.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Приветствие Teacher —> Class

Teacher: I am glad to see you, children. Sit down, everybody.Жил на планете маленький гномик. Он по утрам говорил всем Hello. Доброе солнце смеялось в ответ: "Доброе утро. Hello. Привет!" Good morning, everybody!

Class: Good morning

Сообщение задач урока.

Teacher: Attention! Today on the 7th of May, Tuesday. We are going on a trip to the Kingdom of English tales. We will meet the heroes of English tales. Do you want to go to the Kingdom?

Class: Yes, we do.

(На доске табличка Welcome! <Слайд 3> и закрытая дверь на которой написано: Королевство английских сказок)

Teacher: Let's open this door.What season is it? What is the weather like?

Описание погоды<Слайд 4>

People1 —> People2 —> People3

People1: It is spring.The sky is blue.

People2: The sun is shining brightly.

People3: It is warm and can see green leaves and grass. I can hear birds song.

People4: The weather is nice and pleasant.

Poem: Teacher —> Class

  • Spring is green.
  • Summer is bright.
  • Autumn is yellow.
  • Winter is white.

Teacher: We are going to travel? What should we put on if the weather is nice?

Тема: "Clothes"

People1 —> People2 —> People3

People1: I will put on a blouse(a skirt, a dress, a shirt, a T-shirt)

Teacher: What will we put on put on our head? Will we put on rubber boots?

Class: No, we will not. It is warm. It's not raining

<Слайд 4 >

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: Нам предстоит встречи в пути. Mr.Tongue и Mr.Sound хотят вам помочь в этом путешествии.

(фонетические знаки)

<Слайд 5 >

Teacher —> Class

Teacher: Назовите слова с этим звуком

People1 —> People2 —> People3: cherry, children,teacher, ..etc

People1 —> People2 —> People3: June, July, jump,....etc

паровозик отдыхает выпускает пар.

People1 —> People2 —> People3: Fish,Sheep,Wash,Shoe,...

поезд гудит

People1—> People2 —> People3: Good, book, boot,..

Teacher: Mr.Tongue ходит к врачу и врач сразу узнает здоров ли он. Если он стучит в дверь как [n], то значит здоров, а если как , то болен.

Teacher: Давайте назовем слова с этими звуками:

Teacher: Who wants to recite poems?

People1 —> People2 —> People3:


Good night, good night
my little child!
Get up gay and bright
in the morning light.


I want to be a teacher
And teach my children nice
To read, to write, to listen
And give them good advice.


I have a jolly jumping jack,
See how well he jumps!
Up and down! From right to left.
He jumps, and jumps, and jumps.

III. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи

At the shop

Teacher: We are going to the shop. Let's buy some presents for our friends from English tales.

< приложение №1> Who want to be a shop assistant?

People1: I do


- What can I do for you?(Can I help you?)

- Please give me...(по карточкам)

- Here you are. It's very nice

- Thank you

- You are welcome.

(покупают подарки по 3 м различным карточкам)

IV. Teacher: Let's take a train and sing the song: The little Red Engine

Class: The little red engine is puffing along.

He come to a big great hill.
He says: I must puff and never stop.
I must puff,puff,puff
Till I reach the top.
I think I can.
I think I can.
I think I can.
I think I can.
I think I can.
And he puffs night over the hill.

Teacher: Let's look at the window. What can we see?

(описание композиции на доске, в лесу)<Cлайд 8)>

People1—>People2—>People3: I can see mushrooms, bernes ,trees,path, birches.

Teacher: Please take your binoculars. Who is that? Listen to me.


Teacher: He is an old man. He is thin. His hair is short and grey. He is very kind. He has many friends. He treats animals. Guess? Who is he?

Class: Доктор Айболит

Teacher: Yes, It is Doctor Dolittle. Давайте вспомним кто всегда мешал ему? Let's remember!

Class: Бармалей

Teacher: Давайте расскажем ему стихотворение и споем песню, чтобы он стал добрый.

Инсценировка (костюмы)

"Little mouse, little mouse,
Where is your house?"
"Little cat, little cat,
I have no flat, I am a poor mouse,
I have no house".

"Little mouse, little mouse,
Come into my house".
"Little cat, little cat,
I cannot do that,
You want to eat me"

Teacher: Let's sing a merry song:

Five little tiny puppies

Five little tiny puppies
Peeping at the door;
One ran away? and then there were four.
Little puppy? little puppy? happy and gay?
Little puppy? little puppy ran away.

Four little tiny puppies
Peeping up at me;
One ran away, and then there were three.
Little puppy, little puppy, happy and gay.
Little puppy, little puppy, ran away.

Three little tiny puppies
Peeping at my shoe;
One ran away, and then there were two.
Little puppy, little puppy, happy and gay.
Little puppy, little puppy ran away.

Teacher: What must we do to be health?

Class: Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, Wealthy and wise.

V. Doctor Dolittle | The doctor's station

Teacher: Let's have a stop. Давайте поприветствуем его.

Class: Good morning, Doctor Dolittle. How are you? Glad to meet you!

Teacher (за доктора): Fine, thanks! Nice to meet you too.

Class: Take our presents, please.

Teacher(за доктора): Thanks you my friends. What a nice presents!

Teacher: I see doctor has many sick animals. Do you know animals?

Class: Yes, we do.

Рассказ о животных People1—>People2—>People3

People1: I have a cat. My cat is small. My cat is black and white. My cat can jump, run, climb. My cat likes meat, milk, mice. I like my cat. My cat is good.

(учащиеся описывают 2-3 животных)

Teacher: He has much work. Let's help him

Пантомима. People1—>People2—>People3

Teacher:: Let's help the doctor with housework!

<приложение №2>

VI. Teacher: Let's return to our seats and continue our traveling.

Let's sing song:


Brown and green and blue and white
Blue and white
Blue and white
Brown and green and blue and white,
Red and black and yellow.

VII. Teacher: Это песенка поможет нам отгадать к кому мы едем.


Teacher: They are three brothers. They live in the forest. The house is made of bricks. They are thick. They like jump, run, play games. They are afraid of wolf. Who are they?

Class: Niff-Niff, Nuff-Nuff, Noof-Noof

Вручение подарков и приветствий.

  • Class —> Описание дома поросят (снаружи)<Cлайд 13)>
  • Class —> Описание дома внутри <Слайд 13)>

(This is a living-room. There is a sofa, a fireplace, an arm-chair. ... etc.)

VIII. Teacher: Let's have a rest. I want to do morning exercises with our friends.



Варианты разминок:

One two
What must I do?
Three, four,
Shut the door.
Five, six,
Pick up sticks,
Seven, eight,
Take the plate,
Nine, ten,
A red pen.
Look left, right
Look up, look down
Look around
Look at your nose,
Look at that rose.
Close your eyes
Open, wink, and smile
Your eyes are happy again
Arms up! Arms down! Up! Down!
Fly as a bird. Swine as a fish.
Jump as a frog. Climb as a monkey.
Hands on hips. Turn to the right.
Turn to the left. All right. Sit down.

IX. Teacher: Я получила телеграмму. Отгадайте от кого она (Guess: Who is he?)

Аудирование, чтение


People1: (читает телеграмму) Hi, children! You are welcome! I am small. I am thick. I like honey, jam. I have many friends: a donkey, a piglet. I live in the forest. You are welcome. (Winnie-the-Pooh)

Приветствие и подарки Винни-Пуху

Class: We have many presents for you

Winnie-the-Pooh: Thank you my friends. Let's have tea.

Инсценировка. "At the table"

- Would you like a cup of tea?

- Yes, thank you.

- You are welcome.

- Could you pass me the sweets, please?

- Here you are.

- Help yourself to cakes, please.

- Thank you.

- Oh, Sorry (опрокинуть чашку)

- That's OK

Teacher: Давайте вспомним правила поведения за столом


Let us try to be polite.
In everything we do
Remember always say "Please"
And don't forget "Thank you"

Teacher: Let's return to our train. Do you like our travelling?

Class: Yes, we do.

Teacher: Let's sing our song

We are all friends together
We are all friends together
And my friend is your friend
We are all friend together

Teacher: давайте посмотрим как вы знаете героев сказок.<приложение №3>

Teacher: Винни-Пух дал нам на дорогу вкусных булочек. Угощайтесь. Please enjoy.


Teacher: Our traveling is over. давайте вспомним поговорку про дом.

Class: East or West home is best.

Teacher: I think we have nice lesson. Your work was good. I will give you only good and excellent marks. Thank you for the work!

Прощание под музыку: Goodbye, children


Goodbye, children.
Goodbye, children.
Goodbye, children.
It's time to say: Goodbye.


Goodbye, teacher.
Goodbye, teacher.
Goodbye, teacher.
It's time to say: Goodbye.

Учащиеся оценивают урок.<приложение №4>


  1. УМК МЗ Биболетова, О.А Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанева "Английский с удовольствием" (Издательство титул, 2010)
  2. Diano Webster and Anne Worrall "English together" (издательство Longman)
  3. В.Д. Рудерман "Веселые песни для детей" (издательство Москва "Просвещение")
  4. В.А. Верхогляд "Английские стихи для детей" (Москва, Айрис Пресс ,2004)
  5. М.Д.Астафьева "Игры для детей, изучающих английский язык" (Издательство Мозаика-Синтез 2007)
  6. Н.В.Могучая "Пой и танцуй!- сборник песен на английском языке. (Москва. Просвещение)

АФ.Валеева, ВВ.Сидоров "Иллюстрационные приложения к лингафонному курсу "English for Baby"