Урок английского языка по теме "A Trip to London". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5


  • Формирование мотивации учащихся к изучению иностранного языка.
  • Расширение знаний учащихся о стране изучаемого языка.
  • Развитие связной речи, языковой догадки, слуховой и зрительной памяти, внимания, логического мышления.
  • Развитие познавательной активности, навыков самостоятельной и коллективной работы.
  • Развитие компетентностей учащихся.
  • Формирование уважения к истории и культуре другого народа, воспитание толерантности.


  • Совершенствовать навыки произношения.
  • Развивать коммуникативные навыки.
  • Развивать навыки аудирования.
  • Закрепить знания схемы написания письма, грамматические навыки.
  • Стимулировать воображение и творческую активность.
  • Совершенствовать навыки работы с текстом.
  • Предоставить возможность проявить творческие способности в создании мини-проекта  об историческом памятнике Лондона.
  • Закрепить умения самооценки.

При организации данного занятия использовались:

  • Личностно ориентированный подход к учащимся.
  • Повышение качества  обучения за счет внедрения активных форм и методов, использования технологий деятельностно-коммуникативного подхода.
  • Внедрение требований новых ФГОС (определение темы и целей урока учащимися, проведение самооценки полученных знаний)
  • Использование мультимедийной презентации.
  • Работа в группах по подготовке мини-проектов.


1. Организационный момент (Приложение 1)

а) Беседа с дежурным.
б) Речевая разминка. Беседа о погоде.

Teacher: What is the weather like today?

Pupils: I think the weather is fine today. It is sunny and warm.

– I think the weather is … (высказываются все учащиеся)

Teacher: And what is the weather like in London? (Учитель показывает символы, обозначающие состояние погоды в Лондоне, ребята описывают эту погоду). The weather is not sunny. It is cloudy. It is raining. The weather is windy. It is not snowing. It is 10 degrees above zero.

2. Определение целей урока

Teacher: Comrades, look at the words and repeat them after me: travelling, invitation letter, London, to suggest, to stay, places of interest, social programme, sight, tourist, square, tower, bridge.

Teacher: What shall we speak about, children? (Аbout travelling).

– Of course, children. The theme of our lesson is: We are going to London.

3. A group of students came from London yesterday. Mr Wooding, Head Teacher of East Square London School, sent us a letter with them.  Let’s meet our guests. Den Black and Mary Frost. Ask them questions, please.
(Учащиеся задают вопросы гостям).


1.Where are you from?
2. How old are you?
3. Are you in the fifth form?
4. How many subjects do you study at school?
5. What is your favourite subject?
6. How many boys and how many girls are there in your class?
7. At what time do you finish your homework?
8. Does anybody help you to do your homework?
9. When does your first lesson start?
10. When do you get home after school?
11. Are you tired after lessons?
12. Do you relax at home? How do you relax?
13. What is your hobby?
14. Do your parents visit your school?
15. Do you help your mum about the house?
16. When do you usually go to bed?

Teacher: What must we say to our guests? (Welcome to our school!)
Altogether “Welcome to our School!”
Take your sits.  Comrades, take your self-control cards (Приложение 2). Now you’ll estimate yourselves on the first point.


– If you do everything well, put down red point. If  you had 1 or 2 mistakes, put down blue point.  If you had more than 2 mistakes, put down green point. Your conversation with your guests and about the weather is included.

4. Teacher: Thank you, children. Let’s go on. Mr Wooding send us a letter. Let’s read it. (На экране письмо. Ребята читают.)

East Square London School
Wednesday, the 20th of November

Mr Andrey Golovin
Head Teacher of Local
State School No. 6
Dear Mr Golovin,
As Head Teacher  Of East Square London School I would like to invite group of up to 20 students and two teachers from your school to visit us.
I suggest that you come for 15-20 days in March and that your group stay with the families of the students from our school.
Barbara Grey will be responsible for the social programme.

Sincerely yours,
John Wooding

– Is it clear? (Проверяется понимание)
– Open your copy-books. Write down the date and fulfill the tasks.

5. Complete the sentences: (предложения написаны на экране).

1. Barbara Grey works in East London Square School and …

a) she wrote a letter to Mr Golovin.
b) she will be responsible for the social programme.
c) she will cook for students.

2. Mr Wooding invited a group of up to 20 students

a) for 15 days in June.
b) for 30 days in March.
c) for 15 – 20 days in March.

6. Your next task is: Complete the questions and answer them

1. Barbara Grey works in East square  London School, …?
2. Mr Wooding invited a group of Russian students to London, …?
3. Mr Wooding didn’t write about the time of the visit, …?
4. A group of up to 20 students can go to London, …?
5. The Russian students will stay with English families, …?
6. The Russian students won’t be responsible for the social programme, …?

(Выполняют каждый в тетради. Потом по очереди выходят к доске. записывают вопрос и отвечают на него.)

Teacher: Take your self-control card and mark how have you understood the letter. Second point


– Put down red, blue or green point.

7. Зарядка

– Comrades, stand up, please. (Презентация “Head and shoulders, knees and toes”)

8. Планирование деятельности в Лондоне

Каждый отвечает на вопрос «What are you going to do in London?»
Отвечают, используя предложенные фразы. Предложения переводят на русский язык.

Teacher: Children, use the phrases and answer my question: What are you going to do in London?

I am going (to live in the English family).
to attend lessons.
to speak English.
to make new friends.
to play games with English students.
to read English books.
to sing English songs.
to watch English films.
to take photos.
to visit East London Square School.
to eat English food.
to see places of interest.

Teacher: Take the cards of self – control. Mark how have you understood Tag Questions and “I am going to…”. The third point


– Put down red, blue or green point.

9. Написание ответного письма

Teacher: We have already introduced with the order of writing a letter. So we shall write a letter to Mr Wooding. Your task is:  put the parts of the letter in the right order.

A.  Thank you for your invitation letter. Our students are very happy. They want to meet new friends in London and to practise their English. They also want to go sightseeing.

B. London
Mr John Wooding

Head Teacher of East Square
London School
Wednesday, the 20th of November

C. Write back.
Best wishes.
Andrey Golovin.

D. What is the weather like in London? What are you going to do during your winter holidays?

E. Dear Mr Wooding,

Установи правильный порядок в письме:


 Read the letter and translate it into Russian.  (Cамостоятельнаяработа, 3 минуты. Проверка).

Teacher: Comrades, look here. Check up, please. The fourth point


– Read the letter, please. Thank you. Take your self – control cards. Put down red, blue or green points.

10. Путешествие по Лондону

Teacher: Some of you said, “I am going to visit places of interest in London”.  We shall do it today. You are divided into three groups. Every group will be given a task. You must tell us about one sight. Use given phrases. Other groups must listen and after that you will do the task.

The Trafalgar Square

one of the most famous places of interest in London;
Nelson’s Column;
in the middle of the square;
the famous British  admiral;
to attract many tourists from other countries.

The Tower of London

to be a very old sight;
to be famous for the Ceremony of the Key;
to be a royal palace, a fortress, a prison (in the past);
all British kings lived (in the past);
to be a museum now.

The Tower Bridge

to stretch across the Thames;
a historical place of interest;
to have two towers;
to attract a lot of tourists;
to make the view of London more attractive.

(Выступление групп. Выполнение задания)

Задание: Complete the sentences

1. There is Nelson’s column on the …

a) Tower of London
b) Tower Bridge
c) Trafalgar Square

2. All British Kings lived in the …

a) Trafalgar Square
b) Tower of London
c) London Bridge

3. The … has two Towers.

a) Tower Bridge
b) Trafalgar Square
c) Tower of London

Teacher: How have you understood pupils’ reports?  Take the cards of self – control. The fifth point

5. COMPREHENSION (понимание речи)

11. Reflexion

What have we done?
– What have you done best?
– What have your knowledge replenished with?

Use phrases:

1. To replenish vocabulary (пополнять словарный запас)
2. To consolidate communication skills (закреплятькоммуникативныенавыки)
3. To develop skills in reading (развиватьнавыкичтения)
4. To consolidate grammar skills (закреплять грамматические навыки)
5. To learn how to establish order in writing letter (научиться устанавливать порядок в написании письма)
6. To develop skills in comprehension (развиватьнавыкиаудирования).

Teacher: Now you must estimate yourselves.

– Thank you, children. The lesson is over.