Урок английского языка по теме "Мой дом – моя крепость". 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 6

Презентация к уроку

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1) формирование лексических навыков чтения и говорения;

2) развитие навыков говорения;

3) развитие представлений о культуре страны изучаемого языка;

4) воспитание любви к собственному дому.

Оборудование: УМК, мультимедиа, доска, карточки.

Структура урока

I. Организационный момент:

Good morning! How are you? What is your mood? Take your suitable smile and show me, please! I’m glad to see my cheerful students. Let’s start our lesson! Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today? What day of week is it today? What is the weather like today? What did you do yesterday?

II. Создание проблемной ситуации:

Did you do your homework at home or at school? Where do you like doing your homework?

At “home”? Or in the “house”? Are the meanings of these words different? Explain, please?

To solve this problem, let’s do an exercise. Here are some words. Some of them are suitable for “home” and some – for “house”. Divide them into 2 groups. Go to the black board. (Приложение 2) Let’s check.

“Home”- это место, где кто-то живет, в особенности со своей семьей; место где живут ваши любимые вещи, животные.

For example: India is a home of elephants and tigers.

“House” - здание для работы, для жизни, для государственной службы. For example: The House of Lords; The House of Commons.

Can you guess about the topic of our lesson? You are right! The topic of our lesson is “My home is my castle”. Open your copybooks, write down the date. Do you know Russian proverbs and sayings about “home”?

I would like you learn other proverbs: “My home, my sweet home”; “East or West, home is best”.

III. Введение лексических единиц:

Now we are going to meet new words. Open your dictionaries and write down these words: semi-detached house, terraced house, flats, detached house, cottage, caravan mansion, teepee, (house)boat, lighthouse (Слайды 2-7. Приложение 1)

Repeat after me, please.

IV. Говорение.

What house would you like to live in?

Отработка ЛЕ в синтаксических структурах. (Слайд 8. Приложение 1):

1) I’d like to live in the … because …

2) It is …

3) It has … 4) It is made of …

V. Let’s relax (стихотворение…)

Аудирование (видеофрагмент, youtube.comwatch?v=Q1V9qegtglw).

Now we are going to watch the film about the houses in Britain. Then be ready to answer the questions: 1) What kinds of houses are there in Britain else? 2) Have British got gardens near their houses? 3) Do they love pets? (Слайд 9. Приложение 1).

VI. Work in pairs. To read the word, put the letters in the right order (анаграммы).

VII. Conclusion.

Our lesson is over. I think it was very interesting. Now open your diaries and write down your homework: ex.p.

Good bye. Have a nice day!