План-конспект учебного занятия по английскому языку. Тема: "А.С. Пушкин и Д.Г. Байрон"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

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“Не все ли, русским языком
владея слабо и с трудом.
Его так мило искажали
И в их устах язык чужой,
Не обратился ли в родной?”
А.С. Пушкин

Тип занятия: обобщающее повторение

Вид занятия: литературная гостиная


Триединые дидактические цели учебного занятия


Учебные умения:

Учить студентов:

- проявление интереса к стране изучаемого языка, ее культуре, обычаям, традициям ;

- привитие интереса к чтению русской и английской литературы;

- осмысление студентами общечеловеческих ценностей, воплощенных в произведениях русских и зарубежных авторов;

- приобщение их к творческой познавательной деятельности ;

- совершенствование техники чтения поэтических произведений на английском языке ;

- участие студентов в коллективной работе по подготовке и проведению занятия.

Коммуникативные умения:

- участие студентов в диалоге культур;

- развитие самобытности, национального самосознания;

- формирование культуры межнационального общения.


- претворение идеи гуманизации и гуманитаризации образования и воспитания;

- формирование у студентов нравственной значимости литературы;

- вовлечение студентов в активную эстетическую деятельность (выразительное чтение, погружение в творческую лабораторию великих писателей А. С. Пушкина и Д. Г. Байрона;

- формирование у студентов надличностных, общенародных идеалов ;

- воспитание студентов на общечеловеческих ценностях в контексте диалога культур.


- развитие мышления,

- развитие целостности, предметности, осмысленности восприятия.

- развитие монологической речи;

- развитие содержательности, понятности, выразительности, действительности речи,

- развитие образной, эмоциональной, символической (словесно-логической), произвольной памяти.

- развитие творческого (продуктивного) воображения;

- развитие познавательных умений:

- стимулирование развития способностей и потребностей в личностно-активной творческой деятельности,

- развитие умений познавательной деятельности.


- устойчивого интереса студентов к внимательному, беглому чтению с хорошим произношением, декламацией стихотворений;

- возможности проявления индивидуальности в понимании секретов мастерства русских и английских поэтов.


- флаг России и Великобритании;

- портреты великих писателей А.С. Пушкина и Д.Г. Байрона;

- выпуск тематической стенгазеты о великих писателях;

- оформление выставки работ, посвященные гениям мировой литературы;

- использование мультимедийных средств обучения;

- творческие работы студентов.

Ход занятия

Teacher: Good - afternoon, our friends! All those who are fond of English are invited to attend our English lesson devoted to "A S. Pushkin and G. G. Byron"

Student 1: If you had been born in Russia you would certainly have met Pushkin's poetry in childhood and grown up with it. Starting with the learned cat who walked round and round the oak-tree, singing songs as he circled right and telling tales as he circled left. You might then have encountered the exiled Prince who was turned into a bumble-bee so that he could fly to his father'court and sting his wicked aunt on the nose. You would have moved on to the little boy who got a frost-bitten finger through playing too long in the snow and ignoring his mother calling him indoors. And then you would be experiencing Onegin's boredom Tatiana's unrequited love, Godunov's uneasy conscience, Hermann's tension at the gaming table, Salieri's jealously of Mozart and hearing the dread steps of the stone Guest and the thundering hooves of the bronze Horseman.

Student 2: A S. Pushkin, the great Russian poet was born in Moscow in 1799. He was proud of his ancestry: Pushkin's parents were members of the old Russian gentry and he had one Ethiopian great grandfather, why had served at Peter the Great court. He was sent to a privileged boarding school at Tsarskoye Selo. He met Gavril Dershavin there. But at his final school examination when he called up to recite one of his poems, he made the leading poet of the day. Gavril Dershavin jumped up from his seat in astonished admiration. Russian's national poet had stepped out before his public. Pushkin liked poetry from his early childhood. Long winter evenings a little boy liked to spend with his nurse Arina Rodionovna and listen to her folk-tales with which he was later to delight generation. She was very kind and clever Russian woman who loved A S. Pushkin very much. Pushkin loved her too and later he devoted to his nurse his poem "Winter Evening".

Звучит музыка. На фоне музыки студентка читает стихотворение А. С. Пушкина “ Зимний вечер. . . ” на английском языке.

Student 3: Не graduated from the lyceum in 1817 and began to work in the foreign office in St. Petersburg. In 1824 for his letter against the tsar he was exiled to Mikhailovskoye. Later tsar

Nickolai I allowed Pushkin to return to Moscow A S. Pushkin was Russian's greatest poet. In his works he was first influenced by 18 the century poet and then by Lord Byron. His romantic poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", a series of verse tales followed - The Prisoner of the Caucasus". The Robber Brothers, "The Fountain of Bakhchisarai" His masterpiece was “Evgene Onegin” a novel in verse. Pushkin created also a number of masterpieces in drama and prose, such as “Little tragedies",” The Stone guest", " Dubrovsky”,"The Captain's Daughter". He described women with curly dark hair in his manuscripts. He was winning ladies hearts. One of the women he loved was Anna Kern.

Student 4: Intersting facts about the Park at Mikhailovskoye and Pushkin's Meeting with Anna Kern

The Park at Mikhailovskoye occupies about 9 hektars and is almost inseparable from the forest. Pushkin called it " The abode pensive dreads". It has a fruit orchard. A shady linden walk called " Kern walk" runs along the boundary between the park and the orchard : these old trees keep the memory of a moonlit night when Pushkin showed the park to Anna Kern to whom he was strongly attracted. Anna Kern later recalled : my aunt ( Praskovya Osipova) suggested us all take a stroll at Mikhailovskoye after dinner neither before no after I had seen Pushkin so kind - hearted, merry and attentive. The next day I was getting and brought me as a parting “: Onegin” between the pages, I found a piece of writing paper folded in four with the verses" A magic moment I remember. . . ".

Звучит музыка. На фоне музыки студентка читает стихотворение А С Пушкина “ Я помню чудное мгновенье. . . ”

Это одно из прекраснейших стихотворений, соединившись в нашем сознании с чарующей музыкой Михаила Ивановича Глинки, обессмертили имя “лирического адресата”.

Student 5: Eventually was allowed to return to St . Petersburg. Soon marriage to one of the leading beauties of society brought him problems and he had to write hard to support his growing family, sometimes escaping back to the country for quiet concentration.

When he was thirty-seven he was killed in a duel, defending his wife's honour. The great poet's death shaked the country. He called by many "The Sun of Russian Literature".

‘Чтобы разгадать загадку мрачной поэзии такого необъятного, колоссального поэта, как Байрон писал Белинский, - должно сначала разгадать тайну эпохи, им выраженной. . ”

Student 6: 1. On the 27th of February, 1812, The House of Lords of the British Parliament was shocked. A young aristocrat in his first speech in the House of Lords accused the government of exploiting the workers. The orator was George Gordon Byron.

Student 7: The great English revolutionary poet. George Gordon Byron was born in London, on January 22, 1788 into an old aristocratic family. His mother came of a rich Scottish family. His father was a poor army officer who very soon died when the boy was three years old. The boy was lame from birth, yet, thanks to his strong will and regular training, he became an excellent rider, a champion's swimmer, a boxer and took part in athletic exercises. Byron spent first ten years of his life in Scotland. His love of natural scenery was reflected many of his poems. The boy went to a Grammar school. He liked history and read a great deal about Rome, Greece, Turkey

In 1798 his grand-uncle died and the boy inherited the title of Lord and the family estate Newstead Abbey in Nottinghamshire. The family went to live there and George was sent to Harrow School where boys of aristocratic families received their education. The boys liked George because he read a great deal and knew many interesting facts from history. He wrote poems and read them to his friends.

Student 8: At 17 Byron entered Cambridge University and there his literary career began. It was the time after the first bourgeois revolution in France when the reactionary governments in Europe were trying to kill freedom. The European nations were struggling again Napoleon for their independence. In 1808 Byron graduated from the University and the next year took his hereditary seat in the House of Lords. In 1809 he left England on a long journey which took two years.

Student 9: Не visited Portugal, Spain, Albania, Greece and Turkey. In his travel over Europe the poet saw an exploitaition similar to that in his country. Byron described his travels in his poem " Childe Harold's Pilgrimage". The first two parts were published in 1812. They were received with enthusiasm and Byron became one the most popular men in London. " I woke one morning and found myself famous", wrote the poet about his success

Student 10: When the Carbonari movement ended Byron went to Greece and joined the people in their struggle for national independence. It became the aim of Byron's life. In that struggle he showed himself as a good military leader. In the Greek town of Missolonghi Byron fall ill and died in April 1824. His friends bought Byron's body to England. They wanted to bury him in Wenstminster Abbey, where many of great English writers are buried in Newstead, his native place. Byron's death was mourned by progressive people all over Europe.

Teacher: Now listen to your reports. Your reports were very interesting.

Teacher:In conclusion I must say what combines two great names: Pushkin and Byron. I think it's the idea of freedom for peoples, humanism, the idea of patriotism the masses, as a political force. Their works do not grow old with time. Their names are well-known all over the world.

Your marks:

English teacher: Our English lesson is over. Thank you very much. It was a great pleasure to listen to you.

Good-bye. Good luck

Материал учебного занятия позволяет студентам познакомиться с творчеством великих русских и зарубежных писателей, привить интерес к чтению русской и зарубежной литературы на английском языке, формировать нравственные позиции студентов, осмыслить общечеловеческие ценности, воплощенные в произведениях авторов.

Предлагаемая презентация учебного материала по английскому языку позволяет расширить кругозор студентов, страноведческие знания, способствует развитию коммуникативной компетентности и иноязычному общению в диалоге культур.


 1. Где родился великий русский писатель А.С. Пушкин?

2. Какое влияние оказала няня Арина Родионовна на будущего поэта и какое стихотворение Александр посвятил ей?

3. Где учился Александр, и когда началась его литературная деятельность?

4. Какие выдающиеся произведения написал А.С. Пушкин?

5. Когда родился английский революционный поэт Джордж Гордон Байрон?

6. Что вы знаете о его детских и юношеских годах?

7. Где провел молодой Байрон первые 10 лет своей жизни? И как любовь к природе отразилась в будущем во многих его стихотворениях?

8. В какую эпоху жил Джордж Байрон? И в чем молодой аристократ в своей речи в Палате Лордов обвинял правительство?

9. “Я проснулся однажды утром и нашел себя знаменитым” - писал Джордж Гордон Байрон. Скажите, какая поэма Байрона была встречена с восторгом, и он стал самым популярным человеком в Лондоне?

10. Какие страны Европы посетил Д. Байрон? И в какой поэме он описал свои путешествия?

11. Какую поэму посвятил А.С. Пушкин Д.Г. Байрону после его смерти, как поэту свободы?