Проблема: “What is better to have a talk or keep silence?”.
Тип урока: интегративный (полилог искусств и культур).
Класс: 10.
- воспитательный аспект: формирование представлений о национально-специфических и универсальных ценностях восточного типа культуры средствами хайку, воспитание граждан мира, культуры мира, формирование общекультурной и этнической идентичности, толерантности,
- познавательный аспект: знакомство с поэзией хайку, символами и композицией, образцами живописи, музыки, фольклора, традициями Японии, философией, мировоззрением, особенностями поэтической культуры М.Басё, вечными общечеловеческими ценностями классики,
- развивающий: развитие способности к слуховой и зрительной дифференциации, способности к догадке, ассоциативному мышлению, имитации, сравнительной типологии, интерпретации, рефлексивной культуре, стилизации,
- учебный аспект: совершенствование коммуникативных компетенций в контексте интеграции искусств на мотивационно-прагматическом уровне.
Оснащение урока: ИКТ “Сакура” (фольклор и символ), таблица японских символов, учебный фильм об особенностях стихосложения, стилизация церемонии японского чаепития, афоризмы, живопись японских художников, картины учащихся, танец, музыкальная композиция, презентация – исследование творческого пути Басё, международный анимационный проект Ю.Норштейна по мотивам поэзии Басё, хайку учащихся, учителя:
- A Lesson on Haiku, laura0ann, “YouTube”, English 9 CP
- Sakura, Sakura, Japane2009, “YouTube”
- Matsuo Basho, RaulSantiagoSebazco, “YouTube”
- Зимние истории, Ю.Норштейн, Fuyu no Hi, sessilb, “YouTube”
Сценарий урока
1. Warming up. Антиципация. Введение учащихся в мир японской культуры. Звучит музыка “Сакура”, символ цветущей сакуры. Элементы японской церемонии чаепития. Сладости – символы на столах (киви, вишня, груша), чайник, зеленый чай. Учитель декламирует хайку Басё на японском языке.
Фуру икэ я
Кавадзу тобикому
Мидзу но ото
(Старый пруд, прыгнула лягушка, всплеск воды)
The old pond,
A frog has jumped
The splash of the water (текст на английском, картина пруда)
2. Case study. Проблематизация. Гипотеза. Пресуппозиция. Подведение учащихся к решению проблемы. Национальное и универсальное в контрастировании.What is the language? What associations does Japan arouse in you? – Множество ассоциаций – mapping.
What do you know about the Eastern type of culture? Let’s analyze the poem to answer the question. What associations does it arouse in you?
The main cultural peculiarities are connected with the spiritual inner world of a human being, exploring the world through merging with it, irrationality, collectivism, harmony, balance, common cultural values, meditation (coзерцательность), calmness (спокойствие).
3. Специфика и универсальность. Well, how can you explain the following thought by Benedict:”In the beginning God gave every people a cup of clay, a different cup for each people, and from this cup they drank their life”?
Every nationality had its own national specific culture; nowadays throughout the history of mankind cultures have undergone clashes, borrowings, transfers. That’s why we can say about the national and the universal at present days. In the long run, what is a culture? It’s a combination of the highest human values (Momdjan). What are they? They are beauty, truth, goodness. The aim of a culture is to unite folks in the common humanity on the basis of the values, which are important for the humanity on the principles of non-violence and peace.
What is an art? It’s thinking in images.
4. Анализ.Символика. Well, let’s translate the Japanese verses – famous haiku poetry. Could you name the images (characters), please! They are- a pond, a frog, water. You see, they are rather simple. What is the main idea and what are your first associations? In the simplicity of the images there is beauty. The first associations are silence, solitude, a temple, a sad charm in unity with nature.
Well, in the focus of our lesson there is beauty. Silence is very important for wisdom. Why is it better to keep silence?
5. Интрига. Аудирование с проблемным заданием. Условная медитация. I’d like you to listen to a parable about a prominent Japanese poet Matsuo Basho.
The parable is called “The words are not necessary”. One man says to Basho: “You insist that if the person knows, the one should keep silence. But you don’t keep silence. You have a talk with your students.” Basho answers: “They are having a talk. I’m in blossoms”. Could you explain it, please. Silence is the highest art. Do you want to be wise? You should close your eyes and keep silence. You should listen to calmness. Well! I think you are getting wise. Relationship with nature is the most important principle of the genre which is called haiku. “If the person knows, he doesn’t say; if the person says, the one doesn’t know” (Lao Dzi). “Truth is beyond words”, - Basho’s thought. It’s the principle of minimalism. “Non multa, sed multum.”
6. Исследование (ИКТ презентация жизни Басё). Haiku is a poetic genre, which reflects the national spirit of Japan. It was created in the 17-th century, and then it was named haiku by Masaoka Shiki. Say a few words about Basho. His name was Dzinsitiro, he came from the poor samurai family. One day his hut, which had been a present of his student, was destroyed in a fire. That’s why he was obliged to wandering. Imagine the clothes of Basho: a plaited hat, a cotton overcoat, a bag, a stick, beads (108 beads), some books, a flute, a gong. What can you say about the peculiarities of haiku? “Simplicity of words, concentration of thought, depth of imagination, a soul are the items of haiku” (H.R.Himenes)
The fact is the haiku poetry as the evocative montage depicts Basho’s epic walking journey through the interior of Japan depicted in his haunting haikus that live on till today. Let’s watch the video about haiku. I’d like you to write down the main moments of the topic.
7. Переосмысление. Теоретическая рефлексия. A film “A Lesson of Haiku”
Could you tell me the main principles of haiku (the natural image which is connected with the human life; kaketoba – a literary device, minimalism, syasay – a study from nature: a kugo – a season; the Present Tense; an immediate impression of what he’s heard or seen. There is neither name, nor rhyme. It consists of 17 moras, three phrases of lines of 5, 7, 5 or 3, 5, 3 and a season word). It’s characteristic of “insight”. The genre of haiku has spread around the world since 1960. It’s international and popular nowadays.
8. Творческая мастерская. Визуализация. Интерпретация. I’d like you to watch a film about Basho’s poems “Basho’s Trail”. The task is to explain the images of his poems. The symbols of the Japanese poetry: a frog is a symbol of life; water is renewal of nature; a plum, a pine, a bamboo are symbols of youth, virtue, happiness, courage, nobility; a chrysanthemum is a symbol of longevity, happiness; a fish is a symbol of wealth, love, harmony in love; a sunrise is a symbol of starting; a maple is a symbol of beauty, charm.
1. Wrapping rice dumplings in
Bamboo leaves
With one hand she fingers
The hair over her forehead (It captures the feeling of beauty of a hard working woman)
2. With the air
Of a century past
The fallen leaves
On the garden. (The nature is dying with the century. All is past.)
3. That soon they will die
Is unknown
To the chirping cicadas (Life is short)
4. In the fish shop
The gums of the sea bream
Are cold. (Everything has its beginning and its end. Keep silence and enjoy life)
5. Watching the cormorant fishing
In time
I was full of sorrow. (We eat to live, but we do not live to eat)
6. On a darkening sea
The voices of wild ducks
Are faint and white. (Life is not eternal. Our days can be gloomy and joyful. We must appreciate our life))
7. The sweet spring night
Of cherry blossom viewing
Has ended. (Youth will end)
8. On a withered branch
A crow has settled-
Autumn night fall (It’s an old age)
9. This autumn
Old age I feel
In the birds, the clouds. (There is no joy in the old age)
10. I’ll on a journey
My dream wanders
Over a withered moor. (There is no joy for an old and ill man even in traveling).
9. Применение. Коллективная учебная деятельность в группах.
a. I’d like you to create haiku yourselves. For that I’d like you to divide into 3 groups. One group is for music, the second one is for dancing, and the third one is for painting.
You should match the poems to the pieces of arts and prove your point of view. (Work with the cards in groups).
b. Now you’ll see a dance, a picture, listen to a peace of music. I’d like you to make up your own haiku (or renku), as in the school of Basho (one by one you should create lines: the last line is the beginning of a new poem). Who is the best?
The children get acquaintance with a dance of a student, a picture of a student, a peace of classical music, playing a student. (О.З.: Give your versions)
c. Well, you should create haiku about arts with the help of the Japanese symbols.
The first group is “Spring in our forest”, the second one is “Autumn is full of leaves”, the third one is “Summer sun shines” Work in groups. Discussion.
Conclusion: your haiku poetry is perfect. There is a lot of goodness in silence. I’m in blossoms. I’d like to give you books with haiku poetry as presents.
10. Интеграция. Your home task is to write an essay on the haiku “Crazy verses”, (an autumn wind). It’s a popular animated film by Kikhotino Kavamoto (2003).
Oh, how I’m now
in my rags
like Tukusai
a beggar.
You’ll watch a peace of the international cartoon by J.Nortshtain “Winter Seasons”. Could you interpret the episode with the help of the plan? You should find out what talented persons have in common all over the world.
11. Общий вывод. Настрой на позитив. What is the universal idea of haiku?
We should admire nature, arts, love people, keep silence, and create goodness and beauty. Life is too short. We should love, appreciate, enjoy and use every minute of life. Звучит “Сакура”. Чаепитие.