Сценарий праздника "День Благодарения"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

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  • Ведущие – 4 чел.
  • Том Сойер
  • Беки Тетчер
  • Джо Гарпер
  • Эмми Лоренс
  • учитель мистер Бэнкс
  • Вождь, индейцы
  • пилигримы
  • Марк
  • Мэтью
  • рассказчики стихотворений – 5 чел.


P1. Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our party, dedicated to one of the most important days in the American year. [СЛАЙД 1] People call this holiday Thanksgiving Day.

P2: First of all we'd like to remind you some facts from the history of this holiday.

P1. So, the beginning of the 20th century. A little American town on the banks of the river. A lesson of American history.

A teacher, Mrs. Banks: Children, who want to answer my questions? Joe Garper, please. Who discovered America?

Joe Garper: In 1492 Christopher Columbus wanted to find a new route to India, but he discovered a new land; which he called a new world. But only the Italian explorer, Amerigo Vespucci, was the first to declare it a new continent. The New World was named America in his honour.

Mrs. Banks: Very well to Joe Garper. An excellent mark for him. [СЛАЙД 2] Children, what do you know about Native Americans, the Indians. Emmy Lorense, please.

Emmy Lorense: The Indians lived in tribes. They were very peaceful, believed in many gods, which brought success in hunting, farming and fishing.

Mrs. Banks: It’s a great pleasure to listen to you, Emmy Lorense. [СЛАЙД 3] And who were the first colonists in our country? Becky Thatcher, please.

Becky Thatcher: Colonists from Spain, France, Holland, England and other countries came to the New World for many different reasons: trade, freedom of religion, political freedom and economic reasons.

Mrs. Banks: You are right, Becky Thatcher. Now Tom Sawyer, do you know when did the first colonists come to New England?

Tom Sawyer: But where is New England, Mrs. Banks?

Mrs. Banks: Shame on you, silly boy. You don't even know that English people, who had come from England in 1607 and established the first colony, called a new country New England. You are the worst pupil at school. You should stay after the lessons and learn the material, Tom Sawyer! If not - I'll punish you.

Becky Thatcher(whispers to Tom) Tom, don’t be upset! I'll help you. I've got a very interesting, magic book about the history of America. If you open it, you'll find yourself in that time.

Tom Sawyer: Thank you very much, Becky. Let's read the book together. One, two, three...

P 2: While Tom and Becky are studying history, tell us, please: Where are they from? (America, Saint-Petersburg) Who told us their story? (Mark Twain)

Под музыку “Over the river” входят ученики, одетые в костюмы индейцев. Вождь приветствует гостей:

The chief: Ladies and gentlemen! I am Chingachguk-the-Sharp-Claw and I`ve got a lot of people. We are glad to welcome you at this place today.

(Приветственные жесты индейцев.)

Звучит музыка. [СЛАЙД 4] Входят ученики в костюмах пилигримов. Приветствуют гостей.

Pilgrim 1: We are the newcomers. We are from England. We sailed to America on the ship. We are glad to welcome you.

(Участники праздника рассаживаются.)

P 3: Dear Indians and pilgrims! Do you know why we are here today? Thanksgiving has become a national American holiday, hasn’t it? Now we are going to tell you about the holiday.

P 4: [СЛАЙД 5] The American Thanksgiving began as a feast of thanksgiving for rich harvest almost four hundred years ago. In 1620, a group of people sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to settle in the New World. Their first winter in America was difficult. They arrived too late to grow a rich harvest. Only the following spring the Indians taught them how to grow corn and other crops and how to hunt and fish. In the autumn of 1621 they got a bountiful harvest of corn, [СЛАЙД 6] barley, beans and pumpkins. The colonists planned a feast. The colonists learned from Indians how to cook cranberries and dishes of corn and pumpkins.

After the United States gained independence, Congress recommended one yearly day of thanksgiving for the whole country.

P 3: [СЛАЙД 7] Later, George Washington suggested the date November 26 as Thanksgiving Day. Then, after the Civil war, Abraham Lincoln suggested the last Thursday in November to be the day of thanksgiving.

[СЛАЙД 8] On Thanksgiving Day, family members gather at the house of an older relative, even if they live far away. All give thanks for everything good they have. Charitable organizations offer traditional meal to the homeless.

The traditional thanksgiving meal consists of roast turkey stuffed with herb-flavoured bread, cranberry jelly, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie as well as ham, sweet potatoes, creamed corn.

P 4: [СЛАЙД 9] Every Thanksgiving Macy's department store organizes a parade in New York City and other cities of the USA. In the parade there are balloons of popular cartoon characters, famous television stars, and bands from all over the United States. [СЛАЙД 10] Watching college football games on television is also a typical Thanksgiving Day activity

Tom Sawyer: Thanks a lot Becky!

Becky Thatcher: You`re welcome! But now I`d like to check how well you remember the story. Try to answer my questions.

Tom Sawyer: No! Let ME check how well THEY (piointing to the audience) remember the story!

Becky Thatcher: O.K. And I`ll see if YOU remember the correct answers yourself

Tom Sawyer: Well, here`re our questions. [СЛАЙД 11]

1. Who were the people that started the celebrating of American Thanksgiving?

2. Could they grow harvest immediately in the New World?

3. What were they taught by the American Indians?

4. Who participated in the first feast of Thanksgiving?

5. What was the first date of Thanksgiving?

[СЛАЙД 12]

1. When is Thanksgiving celebrated?

2. What is the meaning of Thanksgiving Day?

3. What are the traditional dishes on Thanksgiving?

4. Who were the Pilgrims?

5. What are traditional Thanksgiving activities?

P 1: Well, and now let`s listen to an interview with an American boy, who’ll tell us how Thanksgiving is celebrated today in the USA.

Mark: Hello, Mathew!

Mathew: Hello!

Mark: Mathew, what are the biggest holidays in the USA?

Mathew: [СЛАЙД 13] Thanksgiving is one of our biggest holidays to give thanks to God for everything that we have. It occurs on the last Thursday of the month of November. And usually for schoolchildren it's the first vacation. So, they wait to get to Thanksgiving, and when Thanksgiving comes, everyone, both the children and their teachers, are very happy. Oftentimes families then will meet on that Thursday, and they will have a big dinner, turkey dinner, and a very, very special course of food and they remember the first meal they had with the Indians after a very difficult winter, when many people starved. My larger family gathers together too.

Mark: I can't but ask about Christmas shopping fever.

Mathew: [СЛАЙД 14] The day after Thanksgiving -Friday - is also a day off for most people, and they begin Christmas shopping on that Friday. And it's become a ritual. My mother and sisters wake up at four o'clock in the morning, and stores open at six o'clock a.m., and everyone crowds in for Christmas sales, and they begin to buy Christmas gifts.

Mark: How long does Thanksgiving weekend last?

Mathew [СЛАЙД 15] So, Thanksgiving weekend - is Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday - all those days people are off. That becomes a big holiday period.

Mark:: How does your family celebrate Thanksgiving?

Mathew: [СЛАЙД 16] There is a church service normally in the morning. My mother will, actually, prepare the turkey and my sisters will help her. And so people begin to arrive at about ... eleven o'clock or twelve o'clock noon to my parents' home. And everyone gathers together and normally, for us in Detroit, [СЛАЙД 17] there's a big football game that day. 'The Detroit Lions', the football team, plays every Thanksgiving. And it's always on television. So, we will watch the game on television.

Mark: Are there any other big events on Thanksgiving except for the football game?

Mathew: [СЛАЙД 18] Oh! There're also Thanksgiving Day Parades. So, some of the younger members of the family will go to a Big Parade.

P 2: So, let`s see how careful you were. Who can tell us how Thanksgiving is celebrated in Mathew`s family? [СЛАЙД 19]

1. Who cooks the holiday dinner?

2. At what time to people come to their house to celebrate?

3. What time do Mathew`s mother and sisters get up at the last Friday in November? Why?

4. What holiday occasions do the members of Mathew`s family take part in?

5. Why do pupils wait for the holiday impatiently?

P 2: Mathew, was s/he right?

Mathew: ...

Tom Sawyer: Huston, we have a problem...[СЛАЙД 20]

Becky Thatcher: What`s wrong, Tom?

Tom Sawyer: Mr Banks told I had to learn a Thanksgiving poem. But I don`t remember any Thanksgiving poems!

Becky Thatcher: I think our guests will help us. I am sure they know a lot of these poems. They will recite them for you so that you can choose the poem you like to learn. (to guests) Will you help us?

G 1: Yes, of course. This is the first poem, Tom: [СЛАЙД 21]

The year has turned its circle,
The seasons come and go.
The harvest all is gathered in
And chilly north winds blow.
Orchards have shared their treasures,
The fields, their yellow grain,
So open wide the doorway —
Thanksgiving comes again!

G 2: And this is another poem. I think it`s better! [СЛАЙД 22]

Giving Thanks

For the hay and the corn and the wheat that is reaped,
For the labor well done, and the barns that are heaped,
For the sun and the dew and the sweet honeycomb,
For the rose and the song and the harvest brought home –

Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!

For the trade and the skill and the wealth in our land,
For the cunning and strength of the workingman’s hand,
For the good that our artists and poets have taught,
For the friendship that hope and affection have brought –

Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!

For the homes that with purest affection are blest,
For the season of plenty and well-deserved rest,
For our country extending from sea unto sea;
The land that is known as the “Land of the Free” –

Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!

G 3: How would you like this poem, Tom? [СЛАЙД 23]

Happy Thanksgiving,
Happy Thanksgiving,
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
It's time to show what we're thanksful for,
Our mothers, our fathers, our friends and much more.
The toys that we have
The things we hold dear to our hearts,
They're part of this wonderful world,
The wonderful world that we share.
Let's show that we care.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Happy Thanksgiving,
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
The table is set as we gather' round,
With family and friends we all sit down
To the feast that we've made
Let's all lift our voices and say,
" We're part of this wonderful world,
The wonderful world that we share.
Let's show that we care".

G 4: And do you know what “Thanksgiving” really means? [СЛАЙД 24]

T...Turkeys, tablespreads, being together,

H...Happiness and homes to protect us from all weather,

A...Aunts and uncles, a reunion in Fall,

N...Nieces and nephews, family members all!

K...Kind-hearted kin coming over for dinner,

S...Surely you’ll have fun, but you won’t get thinner!

G...Gourds and pumpkins, mouths open wide.

I...Indians and Pilgrims we remember with pride.

V...Very special times-there could even be snow.

I...Imagine what it was like at Plymouth long ago.

N...Never forget how the settlers led the way,

G...Giving thanks and blessing this special day.

G 5: No, you`re wrong! Here`s what Thanksgiving really means: [СЛАЙД 25]

T is for turkey on Thanksgiving Day,
H is for “Hurry, I’m hungry!” we say.
A is for Auntie, she works and she mends,
N is for Native American friends.
K is for kitchen, the oven’s on low,
S is for silverware, set in a row.
G is for Grandma, the one we love most,
I is for inside, where we’re warm as toast.
V is for vegetables, eat them we try,
I is for icecream on top of the pie.
N is for never do we have enough dressing,
G is for Grandpa, who gives thanks for our blessings.

Tom Sawyer: Thanks a lot! I liked all the poems very much. I even can`t decide which one to learn.

Becky Thatcher: And now let`s see if you will be able to help me in the kitchen. Look at the pictures and write down what thanksgiving food you see. [СЛАЙД 26] So, what have you written down? What other Thanksgiving food can you name?

P 1: Let`s finish our celebration with the most important question of the Thanksgiving day. Can you guess this question?

Students try to answer

P 2: Yes, of course the question is “What are you thankful for?” Let`s try to answer this question. [СЛАЙД 26]

Tom Sawyer: I know! I know! I am thankful Mr Banks hasn`t punished me!

Becky Thatcher: And I`m thankful there are so great books.

P 1: And you, children? (ответы зрителей)

All the pupils: Thanks a lot. Happy Thanksgiving for everyone! Be joyful! Be thankful! Give thanks! [СЛАЙД 27]
