Контролируемая (с элементами свободной) ролевая (деловая) игра по общественно политической тематике, проводимая в рамках изучения темы “MAN THE BELIEVER” и “THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL” (“Fighting for life”) в 10 классе в группе с углублённым изучением английского языка (учебник О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой) и в группе базового уровня (учебник О.Л. Гроза и др. “New Millennium”), соответственно, на этапе закрепления лексики и осмысления проблем.
Проблемы: религиозная конфронтация, экстремизм, ксенофобия, национализм, материальное неравенство (пропасть между богатыми и бедными), алкоголизм, наркомания.
Особенностью данной контролируемой ролевой игры является то, что хоть роли и прописаны, но прописывались они совместно с учащимися в ходе обсуждения текстов для информативного чтения. Учащиеся изучили предложенные им дополнительные тексты по общественно-политической тематике из справочной литературы, периодической печати, в том числе аутентичной (журналы “CURRENT” издательства MARY GLASGOW, см. список литературы) и из «новостных» материалов, опубликованных в сети Интернет. Затем им было дано задание выявить поднятые в текстах проблемы, предлагаемые пути решения этих проблем. После этого обсуждалось личное мнение учащихся по данным проблемам. Кроме того, при составлении сценария ролевой игры учитывался личный опыт участников. В конце игры предусмотрена импровизация со стороны учителей, о которой учащиеся не знают заранее. Учителя просят слова и, обращаясь к ведущим, предлагают ненадолго поменяться местами. После чего один учитель сообщает, что в день проведения игры по телевидению запланировано выступление премьер министра России В.В. Путина в прямом эфире, и граждане страны смогут задать ему вопросы по телефону. Обращаясь к участникам игры, она просит их подумать, какие вопросы они задали бы премьер министру. Затем другой учитель напоминает о том, что в марте наступающего года состоятся выборы не только президента, но и Главы города, и нового состава Совета депутатов города. Учитель предлагает учащимся высказать пожелания кандидатам в депутаты Совета депутатов и будущему Главе города.
Звучит неподготовленная речь учащихся. После того, как участники игры зададут свои вопросы и выскажут пожелания, учителя возвращаются на свои места, пригласив ведущих вернуться и продолжить выполнять свои функции по ведению игры.
Цели проведения ролевой игры Talk Show “SPEAK OUT!”: формирование коммуникативной, информационной компетентностей; воспитание обучающихся в духе толерантности; социализация обучающихся; формирование у учащихся активной жизненной позиции; развитие мотивации обучающихся к изучению английского языка.
Задачи: закрепить лексику по темам “MAN THE BELIEVER” и “THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL” (“Fighting for life”), развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи, активизировать изученные формулы речевого этикета, формировать у учащихся отношение терпимости к людям иной веры и национальности.
Сюжет игры (область действительности, которая воспроизводится учащимися в игре): ток шоу по общественно-политической тематике.
Содержание игры: общественно-политические и социальные проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются граждане нашей страны на современном этапе.
Основание: изученная информация из текстов для информативного чтения по общественно-политической тематике, из справочной литературы, периодической печати, в том числе аутентичной (журналы “CURRENT” издательства MARY GLASGOW, см. список литературы) и из «новостных» материалов, опубликованных в сети Интернет (в том числе материалов выступления лидеров страны перед представителями молодёжи на Всероссийском Форуме молодёжи у озера Селигер в 2009, 2010, 2011 г.), а также личный опыт обучающихся. Проведение игры в период между выборами в Государственную думу и выборами президента, а также местными выборами, делает её особенно актуальной и приближает к действительности.
Ведущие (presenters): учащиеся (юноша и девушка)
Участники-учащиеся: пессимисты и оптимисты. Пессимисты ставят (называют) проблему, оптимисты предлагают пути решения.
Учителя: рядовые участники дискуссии.
Секретарь: ученица (размещает на доске карточки с обозначенными проблемами и путями их решения – для наглядности, с целью акцентирования внимания учащихся на обсуждаемых проблемах и способах их решения)
Интерактивное мероприятие с использованием элементов информационно-коммуникационной и дискуссионной технологий.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска (в режиме экрана), компьютерная презентация, выставка литературы (источников использованной информации), классная доска, карточки с обозначенными проблемами и путями их решения на цветной бумаге, магниты, полоски цветной бумаги для наглядности голосования, карточки с вопросами и вариантами ответов по оценке проведённой игры (Evaluation cards for students), которые предлагается заполнить в конце урока с целью рефлексии.
Размещение: учащиеся сидят в виде амфитеатра, так чтобы видеть лица друг друга. Ведущие и секретарь находятся перед классной доской.
Ход мероприятия.
Первый кадр компьютерной презентации. Звучит музыкальная заставка.
Ведущая.We are glad to greet everybody!
Ведущий. Today we are having a kind of talk show. Let’s call it “Speak Out!”
Ведущая.It has become a tradition for the leaders of some countries to organize meetings with young people to discuss important problems with them.
Ведущий. You know, in Britain there exists the Youth Parliament and from time to time they occupy the Houses of Parliament, particularly, the House of Commons, to have debates there.
Ведущая. As for our country, have you ever heard anything about the Youth forum at Lake Seliger?
Ведущий. It has become a tradition since 2005. Thousands of young people: mostly students, come there from different parts of our country to meet in the summer tented camp on the bank of picturesque Lake Seliger to discuss the most urgent problems and find the most effective ways of solving them.
Ведущая. Last summer, besides the young people from all Russian regions the forum was attended by delegates from 88 countries. President Medvedev visited the Seliger forum for the second time. The forum was for the first time involved over one thousand foreign students and young scientists from nearly 100 countries. Altogether, Seliger-2010 was visited by 25,000 people.
Ведущий. “Russia is striving for becoming an open, developed and strong country”, President Dmitry Medvedev said at The Seliger-2010 International Educational Youth Forum.
Ведущая.. An international shift was held there for the first time last summer. For a week English turned into the official language of the Seliger-2010 Forum. So we are also going to try speaking English at our talk show today.
Ведущий. And the problems, we are going to discuss are connected first of all with the multinational character of our country. And not only multinational. The national origin is often associated with different religions.
Ведущая. As for religion, there are two opposite opinions about the power of religion nowadays. On the one hand scientists suppose that religion is losing its influence on people’s minds, so they become indifferent to religious customs, ceremonies and institutes.
Ведущий. On the other hand, recent studies show that the influence of religion is increasing in society, despite the fact that politics and arts have become secular (светские) and did not leave enough space for religion.
Ведущая. What do you think about living in such a multinational country like ours?
Уч. 1 Can I have a say? It doesn’t matter for me what nationality are the people living or studying nearby. Neither it’s important for me what religion they follow. If they are friendly, if we are on good terms it’s even interesting, because we can learn something new about the traditions of each other. For example, I’ve read that a lot of people following Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism celebrate Christmas together with Christians, especially when they live in mixed-faith families. They also observe festivals of other religions, which their relatives belong to.
Уч. 2 However there are numerous cases of xenophobia. I get really scared when I read some information in newspapers, in the Internet, on the radio or TV. Do you remember those awful events in Moscow last December?
Ведущая. Do you mean the events on Manege Square in Moscow?
Уч. 2 Yes, I mean them. I’ll remind you of them. On December 6 at Kronstadt Boulevard in Moscow there was a fight between the natives of the North Caucasus and fans of the football club "Spartak". Aslan Cherkesov took a traumatic gun and fired at Sviridov, who died of his wounds in the stomach and head. On Saturday, Dec. 11, at Manege Square there were massive riots that began after the rally dedicated to the memory of the deceased in a fight 28-year-old Spartak fanYegor Sviridov.
Ведущая. It’s a pity we sometimes face such problem as xenophobia. For example we know some cases when skin heads beat or even kill foreign students or people of other nationalities, who come to our country to find some work to earn their families’ living.
Ведущий. K., as I know, you are going to enter the Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Aren’t you afraid of the problems with foreign students?
Pupil 3 I have nothing against any foreign students. I hope they won’t have anything against me either. Masha, were you afraid when you went to England two years ago?
Ведущая. No, I weren’t. Though there were a lot of people of different nationalities in the Hastings school we had no conflicts. We got friends and had fun learning English together.
Pupil 4. And what about terrorism? The consequences of terrorist attacks are rather scaring! Do you remember the siege of Beslan school, or the theater center at Dubrovka? Do you remember those terrible blows in Moscow Metro and at the Domodedovo Air Station? Aren’t you afraid of terrorism?
Ведущий. I’d like to ask T. L., one of our teachers. T.L. I know you have a daughter and a son. Both are students. Do you worry when they go to Moscow to attend their lectures? What can you advise your children?
Teacher 1: Certainly, I worry about my children like every loving mother. I think, they are wise enough to realize that we shouldn't be afraid of terrorists, it's better to unite our efforts in the fight against them. That's why I advise them to be careful and observant, to help people in need if necessary (they can do it, because they are future doctors).
Ведущая. Isn’t terrorism also caused by national or religious factors?
Pupil 5.I suppose, to some extent. Much more often it’s caused by some political reasons. And terrorists usually have political demands.
Ведущий. So, we have heard some optimistic words about friendly co-existence in a multicultural country. We have also heard some pessimistic statements. Some of you are afraid, others are not. Can we do anything to solve extremism problems?
Pupil 3. First of all we should start from our families. Parents should teach their children to be more tolerant to other religions, nationalities. Tolerance also should be taught at schools and even universities. Pupil 6. Very often we repeat the word tolerance. In general its meaning is clear. But what do you mean by this term?
Ведущая. Well, the word tolerance brings to mind 'putting up with differences'.
Pupil 6. I see.
Pupil 7.To become more tolerant, I suppose, we should organize more international camps, youth forums, conferences on “Spreading the Ideas of Tolerance among Youths”,Summer Schools of Tolerance,some training sessions for student organizations and young leaders. A kind of such, as I heard, was held in Pyatigorsk in April.
Pupil 8.We should organize more national cultures festivals. The more we learn about the culture, traditions and customs of each other, the better we understand each other, the more tolerant we are.
Pupil 9. I am going in for sport. Particularly, skiing. I am quite sure, sport can contribute to solving extremism problems. At different competitions a lot of young people of different nationalities meet. They not only compete, but also communicate a lot. Now we are looking forward to the Olympic Games. I suppose Olympic Games are a great event. They unite people.
Pupil 10. As for me, I share the opinion that Language schools for learning foreign languages in the countries of these languages can also contribute to solving this problem. I suppose learning foreign languages there we also learn more about the culture of these countries and their people. So, it helps to understand each other better.
Pupil 11. In my opinion, aims should be shifted towards acceptance, understanding and respecting of minorities, the deconstruction of stereotypes, the embracing of differences and the promotion of cooperation and friendship. Intolerance is the problem of not only the government but society as well. Our alternative is solidarity and internationalism.
Pupil 12. I think, one main reason why youths are drawn to extremist groups is the growing disparity between classes. The major part of labour migration to Russia is coming from areas such as Moldova, Ukraine, Transcaucasia and other former Soviet areas. This only increases interethnic tension because most young people involved in extremist groups find themselves underprivileged and are often uneducated and unemployed. Poor standards of living clearly contribute to the hatred of foreigners, but clearly there are other factors influencing society as well.
Ведущий. Do you agree that labour migrants influence our standard of living?
Pupil 13. Frankly speaking, I don’t think so. Paraphrasing an opening sentence of Leo Tolstoy's 'Anna Karenina', that goes as 'Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way', it can be said that every Russian poor is different - poor for different reasons and to a different extent. They come from different backgrounds: ages, religions and different regions of the country. However, there is an important fact – the poor in Russia are numerous. According to the World Bank, 20 percent of the Russian population (roughly 30 million) lives below the poverty line.
Ведущий.Who, in your opinion, are poor people?
Pupil 14.We name poor those people, who haven’t any place to live; disabled people, who have no opportunity to work and their pension is very small. Also there are families, in which parents have a very little salary. Beggars have become a feature of urban life.
Pupil 15. I don’t believe that the people begging are the unluckiest people in town. They are merely the people with the least pride, dignity and self-respect. I hate the way they make a beautiful city ugly.
Ведущий. But sometimes such people lose their homes because they become victims of swindlers and cruel and greedy relatives.
Pupil 16. One more problem, the problem of abusive drinking in Russia, however, is a real one. Many stories of how alcohol abuse undercuts productivity and dramatically shortens life spans in Russia are sadly true. Speaking at the International Anti-Drugs Forum in Moscow Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that he considers drug addiction to be the most serious threat to the economic development and the health of the people of Russia.
Ведущая. What are the main causes of poverty in our country?
Pupil 17. I suppose, first of all, the disappearance of social security nets resulted from the collapse of the Soviet Union; then come political and social changes over transitional period, low wages of people in some spheres of human activity.
Ведущая. What do you think we can do to fight poverty in our country?
Pupil 18. I believe it’s necessary to elaborate and implement an effective programme of social help and support to lone parents, poor families, disabled and orphans.
Pupil 19. We need an aggressive anti-alcohol and anti-drugs policy. It should be based not only on bans, but the organization of leisure and increase of wages should be taken into consideration as well.
Pupil 20. I think important measures include modernizing the civil service, public administration and judicial systems, and improving public finances. It is crucial to eliminate corruption and provide equal opportunities for individuals and businesses.
Ведущая. Some people think our life is unbearably hard, it’s impossible to make it better. T.M., can I ask your opinion? You are an older participant of our discussion. Your life experience is more than ours. What do you think about solving the problems?
Teacher 2: Of course there are a lot of problems in the world, in our country. Some problems can be solved only with the help of the governmental, political measures. But many of them depend on us. We should do our best to get good education, we shouldn’t be lazy. And if we once chose some job, we should take it seriously, be responsible and enthusiastic. We should help our elderly and sick relatives, our parents. I’m quite sure, love towards our nearest and dearest helps to overcome hardships.
As for terrorism and extremism, I think, there are no good or bad nations or religions. There are friendly and wicked people. So, we must be more tolerant. But at the same time we should be on the alert as long as swindlers and extremists exist.
Ведущий. And coming back to the problems of terrorism, does anybody want to speak about the ways of solving the problems of terrorism? What is your view on the problem of overcoming the terrorist threat?
Pupil5. I think it’s mostly the task of our government and politicians. I’m afraid being tolerant isn’t enough to fight terrorism.
Pupil6. Politicians should remember their target is reconciling differences, but not creating new ones. Pupil 12. If I took part in a youth forum like at Lake Seliger, on the eve of elections of deputies of the Regional or Federal Duma, I would call upon the candidates to acting according to the law, being guided not by narrow party or personal interests but to helping the wellbeing of their home region, to not speculating on available problems of the people during the agitation and not inciting interethnic and inter-religious dissension. It is especially important during the political struggle for electors’ votes not to cross the fragile border when sharp statement of problems can turn into extremism and lead to breach of social-political stability.
Pupil 10. Stereotypes provide the fertile ground in which xenophobic attitudes can be planted. Mass Media are partly responsible for the spreading of xenophobic sentiments through the reporting of news in a way that fosters stereotypes. It is evident that the media in Russia still harbours roots of racism through the consistent emphasis of the ethnicity of a criminal, especially if he or she is of Caucasian origin, less so if they are ethnically white.
Pupil 1. Can I add? I suppose people would probably stop associating sport with war but the yellow press is a real obstacle to that. Sometimes the yellow press is to blame for extremists’ riots.
Pupil 4. I know that in February this year, President Medvedev said that the government needs "to optimise the state grant allocation system, including the state grants allocated by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media. We must do more to encourage the creation of media products aimed at consolidating interethnic and interfaith harmony."
Pupil2. Maybe some political measures could help. I’ve heard on TV some speech of our president. He said that an economic revival of the country, and particularly of the Caucasian region, could help to solve the problem.
Ведущий. (слайд презентации) Right you are. It was our president’s interview with Danish television. Dm. Medvedev said that in order to fight terrorism a single strategy is not enough. On the one hand terrorism cannot be defeated simply by destroying the terrorists' havens, because unfortunately terrorism is more than just a person with a bomb, it is a set of beliefs, completely immoral beliefs of course, but nevertheless. On the other hand, terrorism cannot be defeated only by social and economic means. We need at least four things Firstly, we need to continue the fight against the most notorious members of the terrorist criminal underground. Secondly, we need to help revive the rule of law in the broadest sense to convince people that only law can install and create order, overcome corruption and cronyism, and destroy the whole clan system which, unfortunately, has centuries-old roots in the Caucasus. Thirdly, this kind of fight is impossible unless it has a spiritual basis, a moral foundation. This includes general notions of morality as well as those derived from religion, from those religions that exist in the Caucasus, namely Islam and Christianity. So, the need to appeal to moral values, religious values, seems to me extremely important to ensure that those very values are not usurped by terrorists, whose acts are a direct contradiction of Islamic and Christian values. Finally, we need a genuine economic revival. We need to increase the number of jobs and create normal, comfortable living conditions for the large numbers of people who live in the Caucasus. So, those four conditions could radically change the situation.
Ведущая. People should work together to solve all problems which appear. Russia is striving for becoming an open, developed and strong country, President Dmitry Medvedev said at The Seliger-2010 International Educational Youth Forum, addressing young people, "The future of the country depends on you. You have modern heads full of energy and enormous working capacity".
Ведущий. When Dmitry Medvedev visited the Seliger 2010 National Youth Education Forum, he visited an exhibition of young people's innovation projects. So, young people can also do something themselves.
Ведущая. First of all, we should do our best to get good education. Our country needs well educated people.
Ведущий. We can try to investigate the existing problems, to help solving them and avoid new ones. As for me, last year I did a project concerning the problem of the Islam-Christianity religious conflict. I came to the conclusion that the differences between the two religions aren`t so prominent, so Islam and Christianity adherents can live together peacefully despite religious diversity.
Ведущая. I also did a project on the cross cultural problems last year. I examined and compared the creative work of English and Russian painters William Turner and Ivan Ivazovski. I drew the conclusion that they have much in common, though their works also have some different features.
Ведущий. So, we shouldn’t sit and wait for somebody to solve all our problems. We should do everything we can do ourselves.
Ведущая. And we should remember that Man is not only the Believer, but Man is also the Creator!
Ведущий. Then we shall overcome all our problems! And now let us see if we are optimistic or pessimistic concerning our future. Each of you has two sheets of paper, one blue and one green. Those who are pessimist, raise the blue ones. Those who are optimist, raise the green ones, please! So, I am sure we shall manage to overcome most problems.
Ведущая. So am I.
Teacher 2: (обращаясь к ведущим) Can we interrupt you for a moment?
Teacher 1: You know, today our Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is going to answer the questions of the citizens of our great country on-line. If you had a chance, what would you ask him about?..……………..
Teacher 2: I’d like to remind you of the elections of our Town Mayor and of the deputies to our Town Council, which will be held in March. What would you wish our mayor and deputies? ………………..…
Thank you (кведущим) You are welcome. Continue the program, please.
Ведущий. Thank you for your participating in our program.
Ведущая. Good bye and good luck to everybody!
Звучит песня в исполнении Луиса Армстронга: We shall overcome, we shall overcome, we shall overcome some day. Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe, we shall overcome some day!..............
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- Английский язык нового тысячелетия. Учебник для 10 класса / Гроза О.Л. и др., изд. ТИТУЛ. – 2010. – 176 с.
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- Is Christmas just for Christians? // Speak Out. – изд. ГЛОССА – ПРЕСС. – 2006. – №6(58). – С.10 – 11.
- Poverty // CURRENT. Изд. MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. – May/ June 2004. – Vol.11 No. 5. – с. 24
- Understanding Islam // CURRENT. Изд. MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. – January/ February 2004. – Vol.11 No. 3. – с. 6
- Racism in Sport // CURRENT. Изд. MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. – September/ October 2003 Vol. 10 No.1. – с. 10
- Мухортов Д.С. A Discussion Course for Advanced EFL Students // М.: изд. «Либроком». – 2010. – 248 с.
- Розанова Л.Г. Англо-русский тематический словарь для ведения научных дискуссий // М.: «ГЛОССА-ПРЕСС». – 2002. – 176с.