Работа с текстом на уроках английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Существует множество современных методик изучения иностранного языка. Для запоминания и использования новых слов и грамматических конструкций, тренировки навыка разговорной речи нужно эффективно использовать работу с текстом. На уроках иностранного языка это может быть: перевод, пересказ, устное монологическое высказывание или письменное сообщение. Все это способствует развитию свободы и раскрепощённости школьников, дает им возможность действовать от “своего собственного лица”, то есть реализовывать свои личные коммуникативные намерения. Правильное, полное восприятие чужого текста предполагает конструирование собственного текста, адекватного данному. Для достижения полного понимания текста существует необходимость не просто обращаться к языку и тексту, а к контексту, включающему в себя самые разнообразные аспекты: вербальный, физический, исторический, социальный, культурный и т.д. Совершенствуя умения тексто-восприятия, мы создаем условия для формирования умений тексто-образования.

Предлагаю разработку урока, направленную на развитие умений восприятия информации и ее воспроизведения.

The Hungry Mouse.

Type of activity: Story.

Organization: Pair work.

Preparation: Copy one worksheet per pair and cut into the picture cards, the word cards and the story.

To use: Past Simple Tense


Explain that students are going to listen to a story. Pre- teach any vocabulary from the story your students may not understand.

(Приложение 1 “The story card”)

Divide students into pairs. Give each group a mixed set of picture cards to spread on their desk. (Приложение 2“The picture cards”)

Give them one minute to study the pictures.

Slowly read out the story from the story card.

Students try to put the pictures in the correct order as they are listening. Read the story again for students to check the order of the pictures. Check the answers with the whole class.

Give each pair a set of word cards (Приложение 3 “The word cards”). Read out the story again and ask students to put the words in the correct order as they appear in the story. Explain that not all words from the story are on the word cards.

Read out the story again and check the answers.

Within their groups, students try to retell the story with the help of the picture cards and the word cards. They do not need to create the original version word by word, but they should use all the word cards.

Students take turns to make a sentence each and their partners provide help. When they have finished, give them the story card to compare.


You could ask students to write the story and then compare with the text on the story card.

Приложение 1. The Hungry Mouse. The story card

A mouse was having a very bad time. She could find no food at all. She looked here and there, but there was no food, and she grew very thin.

At last the mouse found a basket, full of corn. There was a small hole in the basket, and she crept in. She could just get through the hole.

Then she began to eat the corn. Being very hungry, she ate a great deal, and went on eating and eating. She had grown very fat before she felt that she had had enough.

When the mouse tried to climb out of the basket, she could not. She was too fat to pass through the hole.

"How shall I climb out?" said the mouse. "Oh, how shall I climb out?"

Just then a rat came along, and he heard the mouse.

"Mouse," said the rat, "if you want to climb out of the basket, you must wait till you have grown as thin as you were when you went in."

Приложение 2. The Hungry Mouse. The picture cards

Приложение 3. The Hungry Mouse. The word cards

bad time no food very thin a basket corn
a small hole crept in eat very fat climb out
too fat a rat if wait as thin as