Спектакль на английском языке "Репка"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа





Granddaughter Mary




Narrator: Once upon a time there lived Granny, Grandpa, Granddaughter, Zhuchka-the-dog, Murka-the-cat and Minnie-the-mouse.

Прихрамывая, выходит дед в валенках и шапке-ушанке. В одной руке лопата, в другой мешочек с семенами.

Grandpa: I’m an old man, but I’m strong and I love gardening very much. Now I have got some seeds of turnip.

Narrator: One day Grandpa plants some seeds of turnip. And the turnip becomes very big. He begins to pull this turnip…Pulls and pulls, but can’t pull up. Then Grandpa calls for help.

Grandpa: Granny! Granny! Come here, please!

Narrator: Granny comes.

Выходит очень спортивная и моложавая бабушка в спортивном костюме и c обручем на плече.

Granny: I’m a very old woman, but I keep to a diet and do exercises every morning. I think I can pull up this turnip.

Narrator: Granny is behind Grandpa. They pull the turnip…Pull, pull, but can’t pull up. They call their granddaughter Mary.

Granny and Grandpa: Mary! Mary! Come here, please.

Narrator: Mary comes.

Выходит одетая в стиле хип-хоп девочка-подросток. Она слушает музыку, что-то напевает и пританцовывает.

Mary: I’m Mary, their granddaughter. I don’t like working. I like listening to music and dancing. My favourite stile is hip-hop. But I think my grandparents can’t pull up this big turnip without me.

Narrator: Mary is behind Granny, Granny is behind Grandpa. They pull the turnip…Pull, pull, but can’t pull up. They call their dog.

Granny and Grandpa and Mary: Zhuchka! Zhuchka! Come here, please!

Narrator: Zhuchka-the dog comes.

Появляется Собака с папкой под мышкой, по пути читает какие-то документы.

Zhuchka-the-dog: My name is Zhuchka. I’m a dog, but very-very clever dog. I must help my boss.

Narrator: Zhuchka-the-dog is behind Mary, Mary is behind Granny, Granny is behind Grandpa. They pull the turnip…Pull, pull, but can’t pull up. They call their cat.

Granny and Grandpa and Mary and Zhuchka-the-dog: Murka! Murka! Come here, please.

Narrator: Murka-the-cat comes.

Появляется Кошечка, модно одетая, потягиваясь и недовольно ворча.

Murka-the-cat: My name is Murka. I’m a very beautiful cat. I don’t like working. I like playing from morning to evening. But now I haven’t got any choice I must pull this dirty turnip.

Narrator: Murka-the-cat is behind Zhuchka-the dog, Zhuchka-the dog is behind Mary, Mary is behind Granny, Granny is behind Grandpa. They pull the turnip…Pull, pull, but can’t pull up. They call their mouse.

Granny and Grandpa and Mary and Zhuchka-the-dog and Murka-the-cat: Minnie! Minnie! Come here, please!

Narrator: Minnie-the-mouse comes.

Появляется Мышь. Под спортивным костюмом накладные бицепсы. В руках гиря и прыгалки.

Minnie-the-mouse: My name is Minnie. I’m a very small mouse but very-very strong. I run and jump all day long.

Narrator: Minnie-the-mouse is behind Murka-the-cat, Murka-the-cat is behind Zhuchka-the dog, Zhuchka-the dog is behind Mary, Mary is behind Granny, Granny is behind Grandpa. They pull the turnip…Pull and pull and pull…

Все падают от усталости вокруг вырванной репки.

All: Hurray! Pull up the turnip.