Урок иностранного языка с ИКТ "Animals in our life"

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Презентация к уроку

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  1. Учить учащихся обсуждать проблемы защиты животных с использованием пройденной лексики и высказываться на английском языке.
  2. Развивать умения и навыки диалогической и монологической речи.
  3. Прививать детям чувства доброты и любви к животным и окружающему миру.


  1. Практиковать учащихся в аудировании и устной речи.
  2. Активизировать и закрепить речевые образцы, грамматические структуры и лексические единицы.
  3. Закрепить пройденные грамматические и лексические структуры.


  1. Стол, цветы для пресс - конференции.
  2. 3 - таблички “Green peace”, “Animal Liberation Front”, “Zoological Society of  London”.
  3. Визитные карточки у учащихся.
  4. Рисунки с животными.
  5. Таблички - знаки “правила зоопарка”.
  6. Проект - решение конференции.
  7. Магнитофон.
  8. Презентация Power Point.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент:

Good morning, dear boys and girls! How are you today? I’m glad to see you. Sit down please. So let’s begin our lesson.

Today we have the unusual lesson. As you know we have just finished the theme “Animals in our life” and that's why we try to arrange a press — conference at the second part of our lesson. I hope the lesson will be interesting for you and you will enjoy it.

But the beginning of the lesson we shall start as usual. First of all let's revise sounds: open your textbooks at page 103. Ex 2. So, listen to the tape recorder and repeat:

II. Фонетическая зарядка:

[æ] — natural, catch, habit, hamster.

[e1] — cage, save, nature, endangered.

[ə:] — world, burn, world, work

[d] — watch, project, watch dog.

[a1] — fight, kind, wild, life,right.

[ŋ] — wing, swinging, jumping, joining.

[a1ə] — Society, scientist, giant.

Excellent work. Close your textbooks.

III. Активизация лексических навыков.

That'll do. Now let’s remember some English words. OK’ listen to me and give the Russian equivalents: all over the world, every living thing, endangered animals, feeding time, stretch their wings, to join the Society, to fight against cruelty to animals, to save the day, enough very good.

And now translate these words and word combinations into English: домашние животные, дикие животные, бездомные, на воле, насекомые, акула, кит, носорог, защищать, вымирающие животные.

That is very good. Let's work with pictures. Let's read: “Wild Animal's park”(слайд1) - who can translate: - Masha, please - “заповедник” that's right. And let's say who can live in wild Animal's park? - P1 tiger, P2 — lion, P3 — wolf, P4 — bear, P5 — fox, P6 — rhino, P7 — zebra, P8 — giraffe. (Cлайды 2–9)

Well. And who can read the rules of the zoos and parks. Read and translate, please Dima: “No dogs”, - вход с собаками воспрещен; “No flash”, - нельзя фотографировать; “No ices”, “No swimming”, “Please keep off the grass”, “Please do not feed the pigeons”. O.K. Enough.

IV. Активизация лексических и грамматических навыков. Работа с текстом.

You have texts about London Zoo on your desks. Let’s read, translate these texts and then will do some exercises.

The London Zoo.

London has a very fine old Zoo, which many children with their parents and friends visit every day. The Zoo is in large park which is not far from the centre of London. Many old trees grow in the park, and in spring, summer and autumn there are a lot of beautiful flowers too. The Zoo is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning to 7 o’clock in the evening. Many kinds of animals live there: elephants, giraffes, sea-lions and polar bears, brown bears and foxes, big and little monkeys. There are many kinds of birds there too. Some of them have very beautiful bright colours. There are more than 5,000 insects in the Zoo. A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food. Then you can see how the sea-lions catch their fish. The man who looks after the animals sometimes throws a fish into the water, then the sea-lions jump into the water and get the fish there. It is also interesting to watch how the big birds eat their meat, and how monkeys eat fruit. In the large monkey house you can see different kinds of monkeys. They jump, run and play with each other. In the park there are camels. Children like to sit on camel’s back. They also like to watch the elephant when he washes himself in the morning. He puts water on his back and men with long brushes make him clean,

In the children’s Zoo children can watch and talk and touch young animals. Of course, the people who look after the young animals watch the children too. If people want to see the fishes they must go to another house. The fishes are in a great glass box. There are many kinds of beautiful fishes there. It’s very interesting there.

V. Agree or disagree.

- The Zoo which you have read about is in London.

- Trees and flowers grow in that Zoo.

- The Zoo is open every day.

- Not many animals live there.

VI. Read the sentences which describe.

- Feeding animals.

- Monkey’s behavior in the Zoo.

- Elephant’s washing.

VII. Decide if the following statements are true(T) or false(F).

A) Many children visit the London Zoo every day.

B) There are no flowers there in summer.

C) A good time to visit animals when they take their food.

D) It is not interesting to watch how birds eat meat.

E) There are many kinds of monkeys in the Zoo. (Cлайд 10)

Good stuff. Keep it up dear friends.

VIII. Активизация грамматических навыков.

Now answer my question : What English tense we have lately learnt? Present perfect. You are right. Let’s do grammar exercise. Look at the blackboard, please. Read and translate the task.

Circle the correct verb.

  • We have been/were at London Zoo lately.
  • Ann has feed/fed homeless dogs yesterday.
  • Monkey ate/ has just eaten banana.
  • Tiger’s cage is dirty. The keeper cleans/hasn’t cleaned it yet.
  • Kate and Sam have found/found kitten two days ago.
  • The giraffes arrived/have arrived at this wild animals’ park recently. (слайд 11)

IX. Физкультминутка.

Are you tired? Let’s have a rest. I have funny task for you.

Children, I know you like animals and like to watch them. Now you should show some of them. But you can’t use your tongue to do it. You will show us the animal using your body.

I need 5 volunteers. Come to me, please. Give the papers.

And you children should guess what is it.

Start please.









Excellent work! Thank you very much.

X. Проверка домашнего задания. Пресс-конференция.

 And now listen to me attentively. Check your home task. Your project - press – conference. Imagine yourselves that you are not pupils and I'm not your teacher. You are ladies and gentlemen. And we begin our press-conference with representatives of different societies from the world. We invited the members of Green Peace from America (Ученик встает, идет к доске, представляется и занимает место за отдельным столом). Introduce yourself, please.

  1. - Hello. My name is Amily Brown. I am a manager. I work in this organization. I am from New York...
  2. - The member of Animal Liberation Front from Australia.
  3. - Hi, my name is Nicky Hilton. I am a scientist. I am from Sidney.
  4. - The member of Zoological Society from Great Britain.
  5. - Hello. My name is Peter Grey. I am a director of the zoo. I am from London.

T: Thank you very much. Take place, please. Dear participience and dear guests , attention, please.

So let's begin our conference and discuss the Animal's problems. Ladies and gentlemen get ready you questions.

T: So, who will be the first? You, please.

  1. What is the difference between a zoo and a wild animal's park?
    Ответ: Animals live in the wild.
  2. Why do people keep animals in zoos and parks?
    Ответ: People want to study their lives.
  3. Where do animals have more space for living?
    Ответ: Animals have more space for living in a wild animal's park.
  4. Where do animals have a better place to live and why?
    Ответ: Animals have a better place in a wild animal's park, because they live in the wild.
  5. Do different animals meet each other in zoos and in parks?
    Ответ: Animals meet each other in the park.
  6. Do you think you can learn more about animals at zoos or at wild animal parks?
    Ответ: You can learn more about animals at wild animal parks.
  7. Why do the rules of the park say that you can't take you pets with you?
    Ответ: Because it's dangerous for your pets
  8. What do you think is better for animals:
    to live in zoos?
    to live in wild animal's parks?
    to live in the wild?
    Ответ: I think to live in the wild is better for animals.

T: There are many animals all over the world that need our help to survive. Homeless dogs and cats. They need in food and care. I think that they must live in special places. We must protect endangered animals. As the result, Our guests are going to offer their projects of resolution animals’ problems.

P1: 1. To create more National Parks where animals could live in a wild and be safe and sound.

P2: 2. To fight against cruelty to animals.

P3: 3. To teach out children how to take care about our pets.

P4: 4. To join our friends to the zoological societies.

P5: 5. People from all over the world should help animals in any situations.

P6: 6. Everyone must help to save endangered animals from all over the world.

T: Thank you very much, dear guests. Pupils, are you agree with the projects?

T: Our press — conference is over.

XI. Закрепление лексики по пройденной теме.

We still have a couple of minutes left. And I want you to do a crossword. Look at the blackboard please.

1. This animal lives in the forest. It’s neither big no small. It likes to eat carrots and it is afraid of fox and wolf. This animal runs very fast. (A hare).

2. This animal is very big. It is grey and sometimes white. It has a very long nose. It lives in India and Africa. It likes to eat leaves and grass. (An elephant).

3. This animal lives at home or in the street. It’s man’s friend. It can run, but can’t fly and climb. It is very clever and friendly. (A dog).

4. This animal lives in the river or near the water. It is green. It can jump and swim, but it can’t neither run nor climb. (A frog).

5. This animal is red and sly. It likes hens, cocks, hares and ducks. It lives in the forest. (A fox).

6. Gena isn’t a boy. He is big, long and green. He is very clever. It can swim. He has a friend Cheburashka. (A crocodile).

7. It is very grey. It can run, jump and walk. It is very small. It likes bread and cheese. It lives in the house. (A mouse).

8. This animal can be black, grey, white or red. It lives in the house. It can catch a grey mouse. It likes meat, fish and milk. It can run, climb and walk. (A Cat). (Cлайд12)

XII. Страноведческий материал.

And now one more task for you . English proverbs/ Read, translate and give Russian equivalents.

1. A bird may be known by its song.

Видна птица по полету.

2. A cat in gloves (перчатки) catches no mice.

Без труда не выловишь и рыбку из пруда.

3. Catch the bear before you sell (продавать) his skin.

Не дели шкуру неубитого медведя.

4. It is raining cats and dogs.

Дождь льет как из ведра.

5. When the cat is away the mice will play.

Кот из дома – мыши в пляс. (Cлайд 13)


There’s the buzzer (bell). / We’ll have to stop here. We have done enough. I want you to write down your homework. Ex 15, p 120. You made a very good job of that. I think I’ll give you excellent marks today. You are very active intelligent and smart today/ thank you very much. You may be free.